Page 167 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 167

News from Abroad

       SK Energy becomes first Korean refiner to export

       SAF to Europe

          SK  Energy,  a  part  of  the  South
       Korean  diversified  conglomerate,
       SK  Group,  has  successfully  exported
       Sustainable  Aviation  Fuel  (SAF)  to
       Europe,  marking  a  first  for  a  Korean
       refiner. This milestone comes just four
       months after the company commenced
       commercial production of SAF.

          The co-processing method-based
       SAF  production  line  integrates
       bio-feedstocks  with  traditional  oil
       production  processes,  allowing  simul-
       taneous  production  of  petroleum  and
       low-carbon products. A dedicated 5-km
       pipeline  supplies  bio-feedstocks  con-  establishing  a  production  capacity  of  SK Energy has successfully closed the
       tinuously  into  the  oil  product  manu-  approximately 100,000 tons per year for  loop on a global value chain – from raw
       facturing process, enabling continuous  SAF and other low-carbon products.  material acquisition to production and
       SAF production.                                                    sales.
                                           “Our extensive production system,
          Since  January  2025,  European   bolstered by the R&D expertise of SK   Looking ahead, SK Energy plans to
       Union (EU) countries have mandated that   Innovation  Institute  of  Environmental   expand its domestic supply and continue
       at least 2% of aviation fuel must consist  Science  and  Technology,  and  the  en-  its  growth  in  the  global  SAF  market.
       of  SAF.  Currently,  Europe  is  the  only  gineering  proficiency  at  SK  Innova-  Since  the  International  Air  Transport
       global market with such a requirement.   tion’s  Ulsan  Complex,  was  pivotal  in  Association (IATA) pledged to achieve
       SK Energy has swiftly entered the mar-  achieving  this  export  milestone,”  an  net zero by 2050 plan in 2021, global
       ket, and on January 5, it announced the  SK  Energy  spokesperson  stated.  In  SAF  demand  has  grown  steadily. The
       export of first batch of SAF shipment to  collaboration with its affiliate, SK On  IATA aims to reduce the aviation indus-
       Europe. The company said it has secured  Trading  International,  which  invested  try’s  CO emissions  by  50%  compared
       a  competitive  advantage  in  exports  by  in a waste-based raw material company,   to 2005 levels by 2050.
       Exxon Mobil sues California attorney general

       for defamation over plastic recycling claims

          Exxon  Mobil  has  filed  a  federal  Baykeeper, Heal the Bay and the Surf-  “another  attempt  from  ExxonMobil
       defamation  lawsuit  against  California  rider  Foundation  conspired  to  defame  to  deflect  attention  from  its  own
       Attorney  General  Rob  Bonta  and  seve-  it with statements regarding the efficacy   unlawful deception” and said Mr. Bonta
       ral environmental groups, months after  of its plastic recycling technology.  looks  forward  to  “vigorously  litigating”
       Mr.  Bonta  sued  the  oil  and  gas  giant                        the  case.  In  its  lawsuit  filed  in
       alleging that it deceived the public for   It  has  sought  unspecified  damages  September,  Mr.  Bonta’s  office  said
       half  a  century  by  promising  the  plas-  and  retractions  of  “defamatory  state-  that less than 5% of plastic is recycled
       tics  it  produced  would  be  recycled.  ments” from Bonta and the groups.   into another plastic product in the US
       The  company  said  in  its  lawsuit  that   A  spokesperson  for  the  California   even  though  the  items  are  labelled  as
       Mr. Bonta, the Sierra Club, San Francisco   Department  of  Justice  called  the  lawsuit   “recyclable.”

       Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025                                                               167

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