Page 169 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 169

News from Abroad

       PCHi 2025 to feature special zones for fragrances

       and AI-led innovations

          The  Personal  Care  and  Homecare
       Ingredients (PCHi) trade show, sched-
       uled  to  be  held  from  19-21  February
       2025,  in  Guangzhou,  China,  is  set  to
       feature special zones on the show floor
       to  highlight  innovations  in  fragrances
       besides  focus  on  the  use  of  artificial
       intelligence  (AI)  in  the  cosmetics

          Among the many highlights of the  sium & Testing Zone’, will explore how  for personalised skincare and haircare,
       leading  Chinese  event  for  cosmetics  AI is revolutionising the cosmetics in-  and blockchain – enabled solutions for
       ingredients  sector  is  the  debut  of  the  dustry. This dedicated area will feature  sustainable and scalable beauty.
       ‘Fragrance  Experience  Zone’,  which  innovative  applications  of  AI  across
       will  showcase  three  transformative  research and  development, raw  mate-  As in the previous edition, the 2025
       trends shaping the future of fragrance:  rial innovation, personalised consumer  show is  expected  to  witness  leading
       AI-driven   innovations,   functional  experiences, and smart beauty techno-  ingredient  suppliers  launching  new
       wellness applications,  and pioneering  logies. The accompanying ‘AI Sympo-  products. Global companies like Lucas
       explorations  into  sensory  perception.  sium’ will dive deep into a range of topics,   Meyer Cosmetics by Clariant, Ashland,
       Visitors  will  have  the  opportunity  to   including  AI-driven  formulation,  effi-  Gattefossé,  Givaudan  Active  Beauty,
       witness advanced scent digitisation  cacy testing, and the application of 3D  and Croda, are set to unveil new offer-
       and  personalised  fragrance  solutions   bioprinting in cosmetics. Presentations  ings,  while  prominent  Chinese  firms
       powered by AI.                    will also explore advanced techno-  like Jaka Biotech, and Freda Biotech-
                                         logies  such  as  EmotionGPT-powered  nology have firmed up plans to debut
          Another attraction – the ‘AI Sympo-  cosmetic innovations, big data insights  new ingredients.
       MVP Lithium produces 99% pure battery-grade lithium hydroxide

          Canadian  lithium  extraction  firm,   “These  results  demonstrate  that  demand for lithium.” Driven by the
       Midas  Vantage  Projects  (MVP)  Lithium  the  pilot  is  operating  optimally  and  surging demand for electric vehicles
       Ltd. has announced the successful pro-  as  expected,”  said  MVP  Lithium’s  (EVs)  and  their  essential  compo-
       duction  of  99.9%  pure  battery-grade  CEO Mr. Max Iyer. “This milestone  nents,  the  global  lithium  market
       lithium  hydroxide  from  brine  in  the  not only validates our technological  valued at $27-bn in 2024, is expect-
       DLE (Direct Lithium Extraction) pilot  capabilities  but  also  positions  MVP  ed to soar to $134-bn by 2032, mark-
       plant from its resource in the Montney  Lithium  to  play  a  pivotal  role  in  ing a compound annual growth rate
       Formation in Canada.              meeting  the  rapidly  growing  global  (CAGR) of 22%.
       Malaysia imposes anti-dumping duties on PET imports from China

          The  Malaysian  government  has   a  petition  filed  by  domestic  maker   Malaysian  government),  discovered
       imposed  provisional  anti-dumping  tariffs   Recron (M) Sdn Bhd, which claimed  enough  evidence  to  support  the  most
       ranging  from  6.33%  to  37.44%  on  that  PET  imports  from  China  and   recent  steps.  The  provisional  duties
       imports of polyethylene terephthalate  Indonesia  were  being  sold  at  rates  took effect on January 7, and will last
       (PET),  a  synthetic  fibre  originating  lower than their domestic market   for up to 120 days, awaiting the final
       in  China  and  Indonesia.  The  action  value, causing severe harm to Malaysia’s  determination, which is expected to be
       is  part  of  a  preliminary  finding  after  local  sector.  Investigations  by  the  published by May 6, 2025.

       Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025                                                               169

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