Page 168 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 168

News from Abroad

       Brimstone to co-produce alumina with cement in US

          Brimstone,  a  US  firm  focused  on  nearly $8.7-mn of the total federal cost  bauxite  reserves.  Brimstone  replaces
       decarbonising  cement  manufacturing   share of up to $189-mn to advance site  bauxite  with  carbon-free  calcium  sili-
       process,  will  also  produce  smelter   selection  for  its  $378-mn  commercial  cate rocks, reducing the dependence of
       grade  alumina  –  marking  a  major   demonstration plant, which will co-pro-  the  US  alumina  industry  on  imported
       industrial milestone in the United States  duce  smelter  grade  alumina  alongside  bauxite.
       with  direct  implications  for  national   previously  announced  co-products,
       security,  domestic  supply  chains,  and  portland  cement  and  supplementary   Although the U.S. was once a lead-
       the economy.                      cementitious materials (SCM), another  ing  aluminium  producer,  its  supply
                                         key concrete ingredient.         chain  now  relies  heavily  on  imports.
          The  Brimstone  plant  could  represent                         China currently accounts for about 60%
       the first new, domestic source of smelter   This plant will serve as  the initial  of  global  production  of  both  alumina
       grade alumina in a generation, entering  realisation  of  the  ‘Brimstone  Rock  and aluminium, while the US directly
       a market currently led by China.  Refinery’, the company’s larger vision  produces  less  than  one-sixth  of  the
                                         to  refine  carbon-free  calcium  silicate  aluminium it consumes. Import reliance
          “Brimstone is working to create the  rocks  into  multiple  cost-competitive,  puts  the  US  market  at  significant  risk
       industrial processes of the 21st century,  decarbonised co-products.  of supply disruptions and price volati-
       leveraging co-production to unlock the                             lity – evident in the record-high prices
       economic value  of  common, domesti-  Alumina  is  the  core  material  used  seen globally throughout 2024. Experts
       cally  sourced  rocks,”  said  Brimstone  to  produce  aluminium,  the  world’s  predict the US market will grow from
       co-founder and CEO, Mr. Cody Finke.  second-most consumed metal. The US   70,000 tons in 2023 to 90,000 tons by
       “This milestone is a huge win for US  currently  has  only  one  operational   2050, further increasing these vulnera-
       manufacturing, as we now can secure  alumina  refinery,  which  relies  on   bilities.
       the  entire  alumina  supply  chain  right  imported sources of unrefined alumina.
       here in the US – fortifying the domestic                              Brimstone’s patented process lever-
       supply of this critical mineral, reducing   The  Brimstone  process  entirely  ages  co-production  to  extract  multi-
       reliance on imports, and bringing jobs  avoids the need to import bauxite – a  ple  minerals  from  this  single  rock  –
       back home.”                       rock found in certain tropical and sub-  cutting  costs,  simplifying  logistics,
                                         tropical regions in the world, leading to  and  reducing  waste.  Brimstone  will
          Brimstone,  which  recently  com-  supply chain challenges – by producing  begin  pilot  operations  in  2025  and
       pleted negotiations  with the U.S.   alumina  from  rocks  abundant  in  the   seeks to have its commercial  demon-
       Department of Energy Office of Clean  U.S. Given its importance, there is currently   stration  plant  operating  by  the  end  of
       Energy  Demonstrations,  was  awarded  a  global  scramble  to  secure  proven   the decade.

       Taiwan’s Qualipoly Chemical expanding capacities
       for UV curing materials

          Qualipoly  Chemical  Corp.  (QPC),                              value  by  NT$5-bn,  injecting  fresh
       Taiwan-based  resin  manufacturer,  is                             momentum  into  Taiwan’s  high-value
       investing over New Taiwan (NT) $2-bn                               electronic  synthetic  resin  technology.
       (around $60-mn) to build a new plant                               Initially, QPC focused on manufactur-
       for  UV  curable  materials  in  Tainan                            ing  unsaturated  polyester  resins  and
       Industrial Park, Taiwan.                                           solvent-based  coating  resins  primarily
                                                                          for  the  Asia-Pacific  market.  In  2004,
          The plant is expected to commence                               the  company  launched  a  new  line  of
       operations in the first quarter of 2025,                           UV curable products, using its proprie-
       creating  more  than  100  job  opportu-                           tary technology, under the brand name
       nities  and  increasing  annual  output                            QualiCure.

       168                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025

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