Page 170 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 170
News from Abroad
Neste and Bayer to deploy regenerative farming
concepts for vegetable oils production
Finland’s renewable fuels and important role in the decarbonisation of
chemicals supplier, Neste, and Germany’s transportation and energy while global
Bayer have signed a memorandum of targets continue to shape biofuel mar-
understanding aimed at developing a kets and accelerate demand for bio-
winter canola ecosystem in the US, mass-based feedstocks going forward.
including identifying partners and deve- We are committed to supporting far-
loping the value chain together, and mers’ ability to deliver low-carbon feed-
scaling winter canola production as a stocks on demand, through investments
raw material for renewable products. tices. Regenerative farming practices in new crops like winter canola and ad-
aim to trap carbon in healthier soils, vancement in sustainable cropping sys-
“Used as a new alternative rotational promote biodiversity and reduce emis- tems,” said Mr. Frank Terhorst, Head of
crop, winter canola fits well to our sions from agriculture, while increasing Strategy & Sustainability for Bayer’s
novel vegetable oil concepts. Winter farm productivity. Crop Science Division.
canola not only has the potential to
result in lower carbon intensity raw Neste is working together with value Bayer and Neste expect to finalize
material, but can also bring additional hain partners in several regions globally, a definitive agreement in 2025. Winter
environmental benefits to cropping collaborations varying from smaller canola, used as a rotational crop in
systems and provide farmers with new field trials studying sustainability combination with regenerative agricul-
income opportunities,” said Mr. Artturi benefits of selected concepts to more ture practices, can improve soil health
Mikkola, Senior Vice President, Feedstock mature projects using different regene- and sequester carbon, contributing to
Sourcing & Trading at Neste. rative agriculture practices. The aim more sustainable farming. The result-
is to identify the most promising con- ing lower carbon intensity raw material
Neste, which primarily focuses on cepts that can be scaled up and can play can then be used to produce renewa-
conversion of waste and residue raw an important role in diversifying and ble fuels like sustainable aviation fuel
materials, is also actively looking to growing Neste’s raw materials pool for and renewable diesel, that can signi-
develop other types of renewable raw renewable products. ficantly reduce greenhouse gas emis-
materials, such as novel vegetable oils sions over the life cycle compared to
produced by regenerative farming prac- “Renewable fuels are playing an fossil fuels.
US CSB releases new safety video on 2020 fire and
toxic gas release at Bio-Lab facility
The US Chemical Safety and includes an animation of the events
Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) has leading to the incident, and commen-
released a new safety video on its in- tary from CSB Board Member
vestigation into the August 2020 fire Ms. Catherine Sandoval and Investi-
and toxic gas release at Bio-Lab’s Lake gator-In-Charge Ms. Vonzella Vincent.
Charles chemical facility in Westlake,
Louisiana (USA), that occurred when The Bio-Lab facility manufactures
the facility was severely damaged by and supplies water treatment products
Hurricane Laura. for pools and spas, including a formu
lation comprised primarily of the chemi-
The CSB’s new safety video cal trichloroisocyanuric acid (TCCA).
170 Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025
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