Page 165 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 165

News from Abroad

       Exporters need to notify EU authorities regarding

       trade of 40 more hazardous chemicals

          Finland-based  European  Chemicals   export notification and explicit consent    Annex I. The status of two substances,
       Agency  (ECHA)  has  informed  that   from  the  importing  country.  It  now    cyanamide and warfarin, already listed
       effective from 1 March 2025, EU ex-  includes 321 entries.         in  Annex  I,  is  updated.  Once  the
       porters are required to notify their inten-                        amendment  enters  into  force,  their
       tion to export 40 additional hazardous   The latest 40 chemicals added to the   exports will need an explicit consent in
       chemicals.  This  requirement  follows  PIC Annex I include 35 pesticides and   addition to export notification.
       the  recent  decision  of  the  European  five used as industrial chemicals. These
       Commission to add new chemicals  to  include, for example, abamectin, dife-   A  subgroup  of  PFAS,  perfluoro-
       the EU’s Prior Informed Consent (PIC)  nacoum,  fenpropimorph,  dimetho-   hexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts
       Regulation.                       morph, triadimenol and penflufen.  and PFHxS-related compounds, is added
                                                                          to Annex V  of  PIC  which  contains
          The  PIC  Regulation  governs  the   A  chemical’s  inclusion  in  Annex   chemicals  with an export ban.  This
       trade  of  certain  hazardous  chemicals  I means that companies need to make   update follows the listing of the group
       that are banned or severely restricted in  an export notification to ECHA before   as  persistent  organic  pollutant  in  the
       the EU. It places obligations on com-  starting their exports (chemicals in part   Stockholm convention.
       panies that wish to export these chemi-  1 of Annex I). Most of the newly added
       cals  to  non-EU  countries  or  import  substances  (38)  also  need  an  explicit    ECHA’s  IT  tool  ePIC  has  been
       them into the EU. The European Com-  consent  from  importing  countries    updated  to  reflect  these  changes  and
       mission  annually  updates  PIC  Annex  before  the  export  can  take  place,  as   companies can now notify their exports
       I, which lists the chemicals subject to  they are included both in part 1 and 2 of    of these chemicals.
       Barentz appoints Derk Jan Terhorst as new CEO

          Barentz, the Dutch speciality ingre-  us well for an exciting future.   ingredients  sector,”  commented
       dients  distributor,  has  appointed   I look forward to building on    Mr. Terhorst.
       Mr. Derk Jan Terhorst as Group CEO,  our  strong  foundations  and
       effective 1 January 2025. He will take  leading  Barentz  through  the     A new CFO has been select-
       over from Mr. Terry Hill who served as  next  chapter  of  growth,  as   ed and will start on 1 May, 2025.
       interim CEO since May 2024.       we strive to become a global          Until then, Mr. Terhorst will continue
                                         leader  in  the  speciality           to assume CFO responsibilities.
          Mr. Terhorst has been with Barentz
       for  more  than  three  years  as  Group   Syngenta divests US FarMore vegetable seed
       CFO. Prior to joining Barentz, he held  treatment platform to Gowan SeedTech
       senior management positions in Ahold   Syngenta  Crop  Protection  and  use  on  vegetable  crops.  The  transac-
       Delhaize and Tony’s Chocolonely, gain-  Gowan SeedTech, a US-based family-  tion includes the divestment of certain
       ing significant expertise in international   owned  agriculture  solutions  business,  specific Syngenta trademarks, recipes,
       financial management, with experience   have entered into a sale agreement  registrations,  and  other  assets  used  in
       spanning Europe and the USA.      with  Gowan  acquiring  Syngenta’s  the  FarMore  technology  platform  in
                                         FarMore  technology  vegetable  seed  the  US.  Syngenta  also  has  agreed  to
          “Barentz  has  built  an  impressive  treatment  platform  in  the  US.  The  supply  its  proprietary  vegetable  seed
       legacy, and I believe our winning stra-  FarMore technology platform is a pre-  treatment products to Gowan for its use
       tegy – focusing on best-in-class princi-  cise  on-seed  application  of  separately  in FarMore technology offerings. The
       pal management, sales acceleration,  registered  seed  protection  products  financial terms of the transaction were
       and operational excellence – positions  combined  into  proprietary  recipes  for  not disclosed.

       Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025                                                               165

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