Page 171 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 171
News from Abroad
In large bodies of water, like swimming well as other chemicals, were left on- tive chemicals. These steps will help
pools, TCCA-based formulations dis- site ahead of the storm. Extreme wind ensure that similar incidents never
solve and break down slowly, releas- from Hurricane Laura severely dam- occur.” When announcing the video, CSB
ing available chlorine into the water aged buildings at the facility, allowing Chairperson Mr. Steve Owens stated,
to sanitise contaminants, such as algae rainwater to seep into the damaged “The substance involved in the 2020
and bacteria. However, when a TCCA- buildings and come in contact with fi re and toxic gas release at the Bio-
based formulation instead comes the products stored inside. The stored Lab facility in Louisiana is the same
in contact with a small amount of chemicals reacted and decomposed, substance involved in the catastrophic
water and does not dissolve, a chemical and a fi re ignited. A large plume of chemical fi re last fall at Bio-Lab’s
reaction can occur, generating heat and hazardous gases, including toxic chlo- facility in Conyers, Georgia, that
causing the material to decompose and rine, travelled from the facility over the began on September 29, 2024, as well as
produce toxic chlorine gas. neighbouring community. another fi re and toxic gas release that
had occurred at the Bio-Lab Conyers
The CSB’s investigation found that In the safety video Ms. Sandoval facility in September 2020 shortly
as the ‘Category 4’ Hurricane Laura ap- states, “The incident at Bio-Lab could after the Louisiana event. These dan-
proached, Bio-Lab took steps to remove have been prevented. Companies must gerous events underscore the need for
chemical products from the facility be prepared for the hazards that Bio-Lab and other chemical facilities
via trucks. Because some trucks never extreme weather can present at their to have more effective safeguards in
arrived, however, over 1 million pounds facilities. And regulatory bodies should place to prevent hazards from reactive
of the TCCA-based formulation, as do more to address hazards from reac- chemicals.”
Gaelic Labs sets up UAE subsidiary to access Middle
East pharma market
Gaelic Laboratories, an Ireland-based “Our vision has always been to be a
Contract Manufacturing Organisation signifi cant player in the generic pharma
(CMO), has established a subsidiary in industry through the production of our
the UAE, enabling access to the Middle own Beta-Lactam products, as well
East market. as contract manufacturing and testing
services. Now, we are pleased to add a
The Middle East pharma market, new service offering, as MAH partners
valued at $24-bn in 2023 and is predic- for other high-quality pharma com-
ted to reach a value of $32-bn by 2027, panies wanting to register and market
driven by growing populations, techno- their products in the Middle East.”
logical advancements, and government
investments in healthcare infrastructure company to import, register, market Adding to the company’s EU regu-
and access. However, recent amend- and distribute medicines in the Middle latory expertise at its headquarters in
ments to regulations in the Middle East East. The company said its newly Ireland, Gaelic Laboratories’ Scientifi c
have thrown up new requirements for opened, Gaelic Drug Store LLC in Offi ce brings a full team of experts
the Marketing Authorisation Holder Dubai, will help to market its own generic to manage access to the Middle East
(MAH) to have at least two local esta- products in the region, and partner with market, including regulatory consul-
blishments for importing, distributing other companies wanting to access the tants with a deep understanding of the
and marketing medical products. This Middle East market. requirements of local authorities. Gaelic
presents a barrier to companies that Drug Store LLC then provides the
don’t have a local presence in the “Gaelic Laboratories is a European company with a temperature – controlled
region. manufacturer that has recognised the warehouse with suffi cient capacity
potential value of the Middle East to manage imported products – all of
In this context, Gaelic Laboratories’ market,” explained Mr. Brian Morrisey, which are verifi ed by an in-house
UAE commercial arm will enable the General Manager of Gaelic Laboratories. pharmacist – for regional distribution.
Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025 171
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