Page 162 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 162
News from Abroad
Perstorp to make synthetic esters at newly acquired
Amsterdam site
Swedish speciality chemicals fi rm Perstorp plans to focus on applica-
and a Petronas group member, Perstorp, tion areas that have been underexplored
is planning to begin manufacturing a and underserved, where signifi cant op-
new range of synthetic esters at a newly portunities or unmet needs have been
acquired ester plant, located outside identifi ed. As such, Perstorp will focus
Amsterdam in the Netherlands. its efforts on serving the speciality
fl uids markets, specifi cally dielectric
This marks Perstorp’s fi rst step to- fl uids for data centre cooling, where
ward the growth of the synthetic ester double digit growth is expected over
business, targeting the speciality fl uids the coming years.
markets and becoming a recognised
leader and supplier of synthetic fl uids “We strive for both a continued col-
that enable sustainability benefi ts such storp’s position of becoming both a laboration with our current customers
as enhanced operational safety, cool- producer of building blocks and a sup- and active relationship-building with
ing effi ciency, and reduced fl uid main- plier of synthetic esters. We can thereby end users and other partners in the value
tenance. Perstorp is also planning to advance our position in the value chain chain to drive adoption of synthetic
achieve ISCC PLUS certifi cation for and serve new markets with innovative ester in the emerging applications.
the site. and more sustainable products,” said Backward integration of our production
Dr. Valentina Serra-Holm, Vice Presi- process will secure reliable supply to
“The acquisition will improve Per- dent Engineered Fluids. our customers,” added Dr. Serra-Holm.
Azerbaijan’s SOCAR commits $7-bn to set up new
polyolefi n facilities in Türkiye
Azerbaijan’s state-owned energy
firm, SOCAR, has announced plans
for an additional $7-bn investment
aimed at reducing Türkiye’s reliance on
imported petrochemical products.
SOCAR is already the largest
foreign investor in Türkiye, having
invested about $18.5-bn over 17 years,
informed Mr. Elçin Ibadov, CEO of the
company’s Turkish subsidiary.
The investment under a project
dubbed the “Master Plan” will centre
on establishing several new polyolefi n
production facilities to expand capa-
city at SOCAR Türkiye’s petrochemicals A detailed front-end engineering around $50-mn in initial investments,
unit, Petkim in Aliağa in the country’s design (FEED) for the facilities will said Mr. Kanan Mirzayev, head of
western Izmir province. be prepared in 2025-2026, requiring SOCAR Türkiye’s refi ning and petro-
162 Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025
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