Page 164 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 164

News from Abroad

       Plastic recycling firm, Blue Cycle, files for bankruptcy

          Blue  Cycle,  the  Netherlands’  first                             Mr. Witvoet said that he considers a
       plastic-to-oil  recycling  company,  has                           company restart a ‘realistic scenario’,
       filed for bankruptcy.                                              adding  that  the  company’s  pyrolysis
                                                                          technology  was  ‘not  the  problem’.
          According to Dutch media reports,                               “We have proven that it works, and
       the  company’s  Director  Mr.  Erik                                we  have  been  able  to  make  very
       Witvoet  said  that  Blue  Cycle  had  faced                       good  oil.  That  was  also  already
       a “series of setbacks like higher costs,                           applied in the market and bought in the
       high  investments,  and  a  delay  in  the                         market, so I think that the technique
       start-up”.  “In  short,  more  money  was                          and  the  technology  have  proven
       needed  than  originally  thought,”  he   Despite funding of over Euro 7-mn  themselves,”  he  said,  and  looked  at
       said.                             from  Friesland’s  sustainability  fund,  the setback as an opportunity for new
                                         the company could not meet invest-  ownership.
          The  company  started  operating  a   ment demands, driving potential buyers
       pilot  plant  in  Heerenveen  in  early  2023.   away.  The  ambitious  project,  led  by    Blue Cycle is the latest Dutch plastic
       Its  capacity  was  to  recycle  around  Mr. Nico Vos, faced community back-  recycler to file for bankruptcy. In 2024,
       25,000  tonnes  of  plastic  waste  into   lash over health complaints linked to  six  other  plastic  recyclers  shut  down
       pyrolysis oil per year.           chemical odours.                 operations.

       BASF divesting Styrodur insulation material business

          BASF  has  signed  an  agreement  a  long-standing  Styrodur  distribution  with  our  well-known  brands  Neopor
       with  Karl  Bachl  Kunststoffverarbei-  partner of BASF.  The sale also includes  and  Styropor,”  said  Dr.  Klaus  Ries,
       tung  GmbH  &  Co.  KG  (BACHL)  the brand Styrodur. However, approxi-  Head  of  Business  Management  Sty-
       for  the  sale  of  its  business  with   mately  50  employees  associated  with  renics  Europe  at  BASF.  In  October
       Styrodur,  an  insulation  material  made  the  business  will  remain  with  BASF.  2024, BASF underscored its ambition
       from  extruded  polystyrene  (XPS).   The completion of the sale is expected  to  continue  growing  in  the  European
       Financial  details  of  the  deal  were  not   by mid-2025.        expandable  polystyrene  (EPS)  market
       disclosed.                                                         with  the  announcement  of  an  expan-
                                           “With the sale of the Styrodur busi-  sion of Neopor production capacity in
          BACHL  is  German  XPS  and   ness,  BASF  is  consistently  focusing  Ludwigshafen by 50,000 tons to 250,000
       insulation  materials  manufacturer  and  its strategy on expandable polystyrene  tons per year starting in early 2027.
       China’s Shandong Yulong shuts newly started PP

       production line

          Shandong  Yulong  Petrochemical  providing specific reasons. The No. 2  No. 3 PP lines, with a combined name-
       has  unexpectedly  taken  offline  one  of  production line was producing on-spec  plate  capacity  of  700,000-tpa,  remain
       its newly started-up polypropylene (PP)  cargoes at the time of the incident.  operational.
       lines in Shandong, China, on 8 January
       2025 without providing specific reasons.    The  PP  line,  which  has  an  annual   The  producer  also  started  up  two
       Shandong  Yulong  Petrochemical  has  production  capacity  of  400,000  tons,  HDPE/LLDPE swing units in December,
       reportedly taken offline one of its newly   commenced operations in late December  bringing 1-million tons in annual output
       started-up  PP  lines  in  Shandong,   2024  and  swiftly  stabilised  its  opera-  to the market together with a 300,000-
       China,  on  8  January  2025  without   ting  rates.  The  company’s  No.  1  and  tpa standalone HDPE line.

       164                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025

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