Page 161 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 161

For your requirement of                                                       News from Abroad

 Sulphate  Covestro expanding polycarbonate compounding
       capacity in US

 98% Purity Min.  German  polymer  fi rm,  Covestro,                       said Ms. Lily Wang, head of the Engi-

 Contact  has invested a “low triple-digit million                        neering Plastics Business Entity.
 PAnDiAn ChEMiCAlS lTD  Euro  amount”  to  expand  its  site  in             Covestro already has an established
       Hebron,  Ohio,  USA.  It  will  construct
 17-A, Vallabhai Road  multiple new production lines and infra-           R&D  centre  in  Pittsburgh  and  is  now
 Madurai - 625 002.  structure to manufacture customised                  doubling  down  on  its  US-based  com-
 Email:  polycarbonate  compounds  and  blends       pounding capability. In the future, both
 Mobile: 94423 30696  and signifi cantly expand its capacity in            facilities will work even more closely
       the Solutions & Specialties business for                           together to drive the technology trans-
       the American market.                Construction of the new production  fer from lab to industrial production to
 For your requirements of:               lines is scheduled to begin in 2025, with  support major transformation processes,
 D-(-)-Tartaric Acid w L-(+)-Tartaric Acid  “This  investment  in  our  US  com-  operations starting by the end of 2026.  such as the electrification and auto-
 DL Tartaric Acid  pounding plant  is an important  com-                  mation  of  mobility,  sustainable  deve-
 Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate   ponent  of  our  ‘Sustainable  Growth’   The capacity expansion is an impor-  lopments and digitalisation.
 (Boron 20%)  strategy.  With  this  expansion,  we  can  tant  step  to  meet  the  growing  demand
 Zinc Borate  meet  our  customers’  growing  demand  for high-quality materials for the auto-  “This  investment,  which  follows
 Boric Acid (Boron 17%)  for specialised  polycarbonate  mate-  motive,  electronics,  and  healthcare  our recent announcement of an almost
 Boric Oxide w Boron Oxide  rials,  grow  together  with  our  custo-  industries  in  North  America.  “The  Euro  40-mn  investment  in  our  R&D
 Borax Anhydrous  mers, and  strengthen  our position  as  expanded production capacity for  capabilities  in Pittsburgh, underscores
 Borax Pentahydrate (Boron 15%)  a  leading  provider  of  polycarbonate  differentiated polycarbonates enables us  how  critical  our  US  sites  and  the  US
 Borax Decahydrate (Boron 10.5%)  materials  in  North  America,”  said  to better serve our customers’ complex  market  are  to  Covestro’s  global  stra-
       the  company’s  CTO  Mr.  Thorsten  needs for high-quality, high-tech mate-  tegy,” said Mr. Samir Hifri, Chairman
 Contact :
 Satyanarain & Co. /   Dreier.           rials  with  individualised  properties,”  and president of Covestro LLC.
 LCG Eximchem Pvt Ltd
 21-22 Abhishek, 303, Samuel Street, Vadgadi, Mumbai - 400 003.  UNVIABLE PLAN
 Phone: +91- 22 - 23437035 / 23423229 / 49744840
 Cell: +91- 9820496607 / 9930817512  Mitsubishi Chemical shelves MMA monomer project
       in US
 USED LABORATORY EQUIPMENTS  Manufacturer & Dealer of  Japan’s  Mitsubishi  Chemical  Cor-  the Group acquired a construction site  based  on  increases  in  capital  invest-

 We have an array of high quality used laboratory equipments   AMMONIUM CHLORIDE  poration,  has announced  its decision  in Geismar and has since been working  ment stemming from infl ation and other
 (LR/AR/ Tech./Batterry Grade)
 suitable for a range of application within the Chemical &   CALCIUM CHLORIDE  to drop plans to set up a methyl meth-  on front engineering design and obtain-  factors”.
 Microbiology Laboratories. Our inventory includes ICP-OES,   acrylate (MMA) monomer plant in US.  ing the permits and approvals required
 FES, Spectrophotometers, Autoclaves, Incubators, Ovens,   (Lumps / Powder/ Dihydrate Crystals)  by various regulations.  The Group said it will continue to
 Modheshwari chemicals
 Microscopes, Muffle Furnace Etc. Each equipments is thoroughly   Plot No. A-1/1511, GIDC Estate, Ankleshwar-393 002,   KNS ADI  In 2020, the company had an-  optimise  its global production system
 vetted to ensure reliability and performance.   Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat. Mobile: 9377512003   nounced plans to purchase land and   However,  the  company  said  it  has  by establishing new business locations
 Email: Website:  conduct feasibility study for construct-  decided to discontinue consideration of  and consolidating existing ones  to
 The equipments come from leading manufactures like Agilent,   ing  a  350-kt  MMA  plant  in  Geismar,  the investment plan “due in part to the  boost the competitiveness of its MMA
 Schimadzu, Equitron, Biobase among others.   For Your Requirements of:  Louisiana (US) based on its proprietary  prospect of meeting immediate demand  business.  The  shelving  of  the  MMA
 Despite their preowned status, these machines promises accuracy,   LIQ. AMMONIA SOLUTION - LR, AR, COM. GRAde   ‘New Ethylene Process (Alpha Process)’  with  existing  MMA  monomer  manu-  plan is expected to result in a loss of
 speed, automation and advance data management.  CAUSTIC SODA LYE 48%   technology.  facturing  facilities  in  Tennessee  (US)  approximately 20 billion yen ($126-mn)
 For further details contact:   & ALL ACIDS  and elsewhere and the failure in negoti-  in  the  third  quarter  of  the  fi scal  year
 IN ANY QUANTITY & PACKING.  In preparation for a fi nal investment  ations  with  customers  to  obtain  long-  ending March 31, 2025, and thereafter
 Manager: 9353148045  Other Chemicals of Your Need & Specification   decision  on  the  plant  that  would  use  term commitments on transactions after  due to impairment losses on expenses
 Office: 9110623394  Contact: SWAROOP ENTERPRISES • THANE (West)   ethylene  derived  from  US  shale  gas,  the  execution  of  the  investment  plan  incurred to date for the investment.
 Call: 9821056865, 9821087058, 9152805086
 Email:  Mail:
       Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025                                                               161

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