Page 166 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 166

News from Abroad

       ETFuels to partner with John Cockerill and Johnson

       Matthey for US e-methanol project

          Ireland-based  green  fuels  firm,
       ETFuels,  has  selected  John  Cockerill
       and Johnson Matthey as key strategic
       partners  for  its  120-ktpa  e-methanol
       project in Texas, USA.

          US-based  electrolyser  manufac-
       turer,  John  Cockerill,  will  provide
       210-MW  of  its  advanced  pressurised
       alkaline  electrolyser  units,  along  with
       technical services as the foundation for
       the Front-End Engineering and Design
       (FEED) phase for the green hydrogen
       facility to be constructed in Texas. This
       project will benefit from John Cockerill’s
       local manufacturing and support capa-
       bilities,  as  the  Group  has  invested  in  duce 120-ktpa of e-methanol from co-  expected to be over a billion dollars.
       a Gigafactory in Texas to develop and  located  500-MW  renewable  energy  ETFuels’  ultra-low  carbon  intensity
       produce its electrolysers in the US.  resources, together with biogenic CO   e-methanol unlocks multiple path-
                                         at this plant. The plant will span over  ways  for  industrial  decarbonisation,
          UK’s Johnson Matthey will supply  22,000  acres  in  Texas  and  will  pave  including  the  production  of  e-SAF
       its ‘eMERALD’ e-methanol technology,   the way for development of ETFuels’  (sustainable  aviation  fuel)  through
       along with the ‘eMERALD’ methanol  broader portfolio of sites across Texas,  methanol-to-jet technology, as well as
       synthesis catalyst, for ETFuels’ first US  Spain and Finland.      numerous chemical applications. For
       project. This technology also forms the                            shipping,  ETFuels’  e-methanol,  with
       basis of the FEED phase for the fully   The Financial Investment Decision  emissions  as  low  as  8.7-gCO e/MJ,
       integrated e-methanol facility.   for the first project is expected in 2026,  offers a compelling solution, offering
                                         with construction scheduled to start by   a  91%  reduction  in  CO  relative to
          By  2029,  ETFuels  aims  to  pro-  or before 2027.  Total investment is  conventional fuel.

       Hapag-Lloyd inks green methanol offtake deal with

       China’s Goldwind

          German  shipping  and  container  reduction of at least 70%, and comply  operations by 2045. It is and remains
       transportation company, Hapag-Lloyd,  with all current sustainability certifi-  our ambition to play a leading role in
       has  reached  an  agreement  with  Gold-  cation requirements.     the transformation of the liner ship-
       wind, a Chinese firm, for the delivery                             ping industry,” said Mr. Rolf Habben
       of 250-ktpa of green methanol.      “With this agreement, we are secu-  Jansen, CEO, Hapag-Lloyd.
                                         ring  a  significant  proportion  of  our
          The green methanol will consist of  requirements  for  green  fuels.  This   By  2030,  Hapag-Lloyd  aims  to
       a blend of bio- and e-methanol, ensur-  will bring us an important step closer  reduce absolute GHG emissions of the
       ing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions  to our goal of achieving net-zero fleet  fleet  by  around  one-third  compared

       166                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025

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