Page 165 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 165

News from Abroad

       Air Liquide receives EU support to develop Belgian

       low-carbon hydrogen project

          French industrial gases major, Air Liq-
       uide, has been awarded a grant of €110-mn
       from the European Innovation Fund for its
       ‘ENHANCE’  project  in  the  port  of Ant-
       werp-Bruges,  Belgium,  that  aims  to  pro-
       duce and distribute low-carbon and renewa-
       ble hydrogen derived from ammonia.

          As part of the project, Air Liquide in-
       tends to build, own and operate a first-of-
       its-kind  large  scale  renewable  ammonia
       cracking plant and an innovative hydrogen
       liquefier. ENHANCE is the first European  werp-Bruges,  using  renewable  ammonia  duty road, maritime transport and aviation.
       industrial-scale project for the production  as a feedstock instead of natural gas, and  Replacing natural gas by ammonia to pro-
       and distribution of low-carbon and renew-  would  also  build  a  hydrogen  liquefier.  duce gaseous and liquid hydrogen would
       able hydrogen using ammonia as a feed-  This new facility would support the deve-  allow the project to reduce the CO  emis-
       stock.                            lopment  of  a  low-carbon  and  renewable  sions  by  more  than  300-ktpa.This  pro-
                                         hydrogen  supply  chain  in  Europe  and   ject  would  capitalise  on  the  knowledge
          As part of this initiative, Air Liquide  contribute to the decarbonisation of a wide  and expertise acquired from the Group’s
       intends to retrofit one of its hydrogen pro-  range  of  hard-to-abate  customers,  such  ammonia  cracking  pilot  plant  located  in
       duction units located in the Port of Ant-  as refineries, chemicals, as well as heavy  the port of Antwerp.
       Yara starts production of renewable-based ammonia in Brazil

          Norway’s Yara has begun production
       of  ammonia  made  from  renewable  bio-
       methane  in  Brazil.  The  company  has
       already delivered the first tonnes of lower
       carbon product to its customers.

          A  purified  biogas  made  from  sugar-
       cane  waste,  biomethane  can  seamlessly
       replace fossil natural gas, reducing green-
       house gas emissions by up to 75%.

          “This is a significant step in building
       renewable-based value chains across sec-
       tors and industries, from food and mining
       to  on-  and  off-shore  transport,”  said   while unlocking new markets and revenue  ammonia producer, is now fully equipped
       Mr. Marcelo Altieri, President of Yara Brazil.   streams,” he added.  to operate with biomethane.
       “For  agribusiness  the  impact  is  huge.
       By  integrating  this  new  generation  of    Yara  said  its  industrial  complex  in    Looking ahead, Yara plans to expand
       lower carbon fertilisers into our agronomic   Cubatão, the largest consumer of natural   its portfolio to include products utilising
       expertise, we offer farmers greater value  gas  in  São  Paulo  and  Brazil’s  leading   carbon capture and storage (CCS).

       Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025                                                                165

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