Page 167 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 167
News from Abroad
to 2022. Compared to conventional
fuels, the ordered quantity of green
methanol can save a total of up to
400-ktpa of CO e emissions in fleet
Goldwind is planning to build a
new green methanol factory adja-
cent to its existing project in Hinggan
League, China. Meanwhile, Gold-
wind will additionally deliver early
volume scheduled in 2026.
“The planned new factory will
share technology, utilities, facilities
and infrastructures with its neigh- financial investment decision of the nol base in Hinggan League in late
bouring sister plant, boosting produc- Goldwind Board. We anticipate the 2027,” informed Mr. Liu Rixin, Head
tion efficiency. It is still subject to the completion of a megaton green metha- of Goldwind Green Methanol.
BASF divesting food and health performance ingredients
Germany’s BASF has signed a
binding agreement to sell its food and
health performance ingredients busi-
ness, including the production site in
Illertissen, Germany, to Louis Drey-
fus Company (LDC), a leading global
merchant and processor of agricultural
goods including plant-based ingre-
dients. Financial details of the deal
were not disclosed.
As part of the agreement, approxi-
mately 300 employees are expected will allow us to focus on our core busi- are excited about the prospect of this
to transfer from BASF to LDC as of nesses in Nutrition & Health. We remain transaction, as LDC’s first investment
the closing of the transaction. BASF committed to leveraging our core pro- in dedicated facilities to produce food
said the food and health performance duct platforms and expanding our and health performance ingredients at
ingredients business has “limited business in key areas such as vitamins, scale.”
synergies and integration” into its carotenoids and feed enzymes.”
operations and is “no longer a strategic The food and health performance
focus area”. “In line with LDC’s strategic plans ingredients business includes food per-
for revenue diversification through formance ingredients such as aeration
Mr. Michael Heinz, Member of the more value-added products and growth and whipping agents, food emulsifiers
Board of Executive Directors of BASF in downstream markets, this agreement and fat powder grades; health ingredients
and responsible for the Nutrition & is an opportunity to accelerate LDC’s such as plant sterols esters, conjugated
Health division, explained, “The divest- participation in the rapidly growing linoleic acid (CLA), omega-3 oils for
ment of this business to LDC supports plant-based ingredients market,” said human nutrition and some smaller
our strategic portfolio optimisation and Mr. Michael Gelchie, LDC’s CEO. “We product lines.
Chemical Weekly January 7, 2025 167
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