Page 164 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 164

News from Abroad

       Johnson Matthey’s largest shareholder calls for major

       overhaul to raise profitability

          Johnson  Matthey,  the  UK-based
       clean  air  technologies  and  sustainable
       solutions  provider,  is  facing  mount-
       ing  pressure  from  its  largest  investor,
       Standard Latitude Master Fund (Stan-
       dard  Investments),  which  has  called
       for an overhaul of its business strategy,
       including a potential divestment of its
       hydrogen business.

          Johnson  Matthey  makes  cata-
       lyst-coated  membranes  (CCMs)  and
       other materials for use in electrolysers
       and fuel cells, as well as carbon-capture
       technology for blue hydrogen projects.

          New  York-based  Standard  Invest-
       ments, which holds an 11.01% stake in
       Johnson  Matthey,  criticised  the  com-
       pany’s  long-standing  leadership  and   A  major  example  cited  was  the  criticised  the  company’s  PGM  (Plati-
       its  inability  to  deliver  on  the  growth  company’s  exit  from  its  battery   num  Group  Metal)  Services  division
       and profitability that it had previously  materials  unit,  a  business  that  had   for being opaque and underperforming.
       promised to shareholders.         absorbed  £340-mn  in  investments  but
                                         was  sold  for  only  £50-mn,  resulting   Standard  Investments  emphasised
          In  a  public  letter  to  Johnson  Mat-  in a massive £363-mn loss. Similarly,   the  need  for  greater  transparency  and
       they’s Chairman, Mr. Patrick  Thomas,   the company’s hydrogen technologies  better management of cash flow across
       dated  December  13,  Standard  Invest-  division, which has consumed £310-mn  the business. In response to these con-
       ments  expressed  frustration  with  the   in cash since FY22, continues to post  cerns, Standard Investments is calling for
       company’s  continued  underperformance,  operating losses with no clear path to  a complete overhaul of the company’s
       particularly  under  the  leadership  of  the  profitability.      leadership.
       current Chairman and CEO.
                                           Standard  Investments  accused  the   In addition to changes at the Board
          Standard   Investments   outlined   Board of a lack of discipline in invest-  level,  Standard  Investments  has  recom-
       several key concerns in its letter, notably  ment decisions, particularly in ventures  mended  that  Johnson  Matthey  take
       the company’s poor financial manage-  that were supposed to offset the decline  immediate steps to “de-risk or sell” its
       ment  and  its  unprofitable  ventures  in  in core businesses but instead only led  hydrogen technologies business, which
       growth businesses. It argued that while  to further losses.        it sees as having little future potential
       Johnson Matthey had set up its hydro-                              given the company’s poor track record
       gen and now-divested battery materials   The letter also pointed to underper-  in managing such ventures.
       units  to  offset  the  decline  of  its  main  formance  in  Johnson  Matthey’s  core
       business  –  catalytic  converters  for  in-  Clean Air  business,  which,  despite  its   Standard  also  advocates  for  the
       ternal combustion engines – the com-  technological  leadership,  continues  to  launch  of  a  formal  review  process,
       pany  has  mismanaged  its  strategy  for  generate margins below industry peers.  which could include exploring the sale
       these  growth  sectors  to  the  detriment                         of part or all of the company to maxi-
       of its shareholders.                Additionally,  the  investment  firm  mise shareholder value.

       164                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025

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