Page 162 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 162
News from Abroad
Located in the Yangtze River Delta, investment of CNY 41.6-bn ($5.7-bn), The facility’s expanded production
a key downstream product consum- incorporates 18 production units, in- capacity supports the development of
ption hub, the Zhejiang Ningbo Petro- cluding atmospheric distillation, cat- high-end polyolefins, advanced mate-
chemical Industrial Base plays a vital alytic cracking, polypropylene, and rials, and speciality chemicals. It is
role in Sinopec’s value chain. propane dehydrogenation units. By em- expected to provide approximately
phasising chemical-focused processes, 8-mtpa of petrochemical products.
The second-phase expansion and the project creates multiple high-val- Zhenhai refinery boasts an ethylene
advanced materials project, with a total ue-added supply chains. production capacity of 2.2-mtpa.
Taiyo Koko to build spent catalyst recycling facility
in Malaysia
Taiyo Koko Malaysia Sdn Bhd, a
subsidiary of Japan’s Taiyo Koko, is
setting up a spent catalyst recycling
facility, which is the first of its kind in
Southeast Asia at the Gebeng Industrial
Park (Malaysia).
The recovery facility, to be built
by Toyo Engineering & Construction
Sdn Bhd (Toyo-Malaysia), a subsidiary
of Japan’s Toyo Engineering Cor-
poration, will commence operations
in early 2027. The facility will focus
on recycling of spent catalysts, which
are a waste material produced from the
cracking of petroleum in oil refineries.
Founded in 1949, Taiyo Koko has
been involved in the manufacturing of
rare metals and rare earths since the
commercialisation of its proprietary “The company’s innovative processes heavy fuel desulphurisation catalysts
technology to recover rare metals from enable the extraction and recovery used at oil refineries,” said Mr. Kazufumi
spent catalysts across Japan in 1978. of molybdenum and vanadium from Suzuki, President, Taiyo Koko.
Green hydrogen prices likely to remain high for
decades: Report
Green hydrogen will remain far Hydrogen companies worldwide of dollars of projects have been stalled
more expensive than previously are already struggling with cancelled waiting for President Joe Biden’s
thought for decades to come, according projects and sluggish demand. Equinor, administration to issue final rules for a
to a new estimate from BloombergNEF Shell and Origin Energy Ltd. have can- tax credit meant to spur production.
(BNEF), a research provider covering celled hydrogen projects in 2024 due
global commodity markets. to a lack of buyers. In the US, billions BNEF had in the past forecast steep
162 Chemical Weekly January 7, 2025
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