Page 169 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 169
News from Abroad
Estée Lauder’s new Belgian biotech hub to focus
on bio-based raw materials innovation
American cosmetics fi rm, The portfolio of brands, including Estée
Estée Lauder Companies (ELC), has Lauder and La Mer, among others,
opened its new ‘BioTech Hub’ near- already leverage a number of bio-
by its manufacturing and distribution based materials.
campus in Oevel, Belgium.
The hub will signifi cantly increase
The hub will focus exclusively ELC’s capacity for the in-house pro-
on manufacturing cutting-edge bio- duction of bio-based raw materials
based raw materials. By identifying and further optimise the company’s
and creating proprietary, bio-based production processes across EMEA
alternatives to traditional ingredients, and other parts of the world. It has
the company aims to further advance work closely with ELC’s manufac- been undergoing production testing
sustainability across its product deve- turing teams in Belgium to pilot and over the past several months and will
lopment and manufacturing processes. manufacture the production of these move into commercial production
raw materials at scale. beginning in 2025.
At the BioTech Hub, ELC’s engi-
neers and scientists will manufacture “Our prestige beauty products “This new value chain site will
active biomolecules from plant, yeast, depend on the highest quality raw mate- serve as a critical space for our scien-
and bacteria sources that will be used rials. By producing our own biotech- tists to continue embedding sustain-
as raw materials for thousands of skin nology-based materials at one of our ability at the start of the product deve-
care products across ELC’s portfolio main manufacturing campuses, we are lopment process and build upon our
of brands. The local team will partner able to manufacture at-scale in a more strengths in fermentation and proprie-
closely with Advanced Technologies responsible way,” said Mr. Roberto tary ingredients,” said Mr. Carl Haney,
Pioneering (ATP) scientists based at Canevari, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, Research,
the company’s Melville, New York Global Supply Chain, ELC. Product, and Innovation Offi cer, ELC.
Research & Development (R&D) labs
to complement existing efforts under- The new hub will build upon ELC has been manufacturing pro-
way related to fermentation and bio- ELC’s leadership in fermentation and ducts at its facilities in Belgium since
based materials and collaboratively creating biomolecules for its pro- 1965, when it opened its fi rst inter-
innovate for the future. They will also ducts. Products from across ELC’s national manufacturing facility in Oevel.
Wesfarmers selling Coregas business to Nippon
Australia-based diversifi ed con- With Wesfarmers’ investment, medical gases, entered the Australian
glomerate, Wesfarmers, has agreed to Coregas achieved a strong footprint in market in 2015 with their Supagas
sell 100% of the shares in the Coregas Australia, expanded into New Zealand, acquisitions. The Coregas brand and
Group businesses to Nippon Sanso and secured leading positions in health- business will remain and operate inde-
Holdings Corporation, a Japanese in- care and specialty gases, alongside its pendently from Supagas. Coregas and
dustrial gas company. The sale includes core industrial gas business. Supagas have complementary strengths
Coregas’ Australian and New Zealand and focus on different customer seg-
businesses including the welding Nippon Sanso, world’s fourth-larg- ments with limited overlap in the pro-
specialists. est supplier of industrial, electronic and duct mix of both companies.
Chemical Weekly January 7, 2025 169
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