Page 178 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 178

Carbon Foot Print

       A challenging path to decarboniza-  major challenge for API manufacturers  and supply chain  challenges,  parti-
       tion                              to pinpoint the EF source of incoming  cularly for smaller API manufacturers.
          Despite the urgent need for decar-  materials and accurately calculate their  Finally, regulatory requirements arise
       bonization,  API manufacturers face  Scope  3 emissions.  Also, the  sector  when  modifi cations  to  existing  pro-
       two primary obstacles in their path  lacks standardized measurement and  duction lines and processes necessitate
       to net zero: lack of visibility  into a  reporting protocols for product carbon  additional fi lings and approvals.
       given product’s emissions and limited  footprints (PCFs), which hinders trans-
       transparency  into solutions and their  parency between  API suppliers and  A decarbonization pathway for API
       implications.                     their pharmaceutical customers.  manufacturers
                                                                             Based on our comprehensive
       Lack of product-level carbon      Limited transparency of decarboni-  assessment of available and emerging
       visibility                        zation solutions and their implica-  decarbonization  technologies,  we
          The complex  and resource-inten-  tions                         estimate that  API manufacturers can
       sive nature of the API synthesis process   Some API manufacturers are based  reduce approximately 90 percent of their
       makes it diffi cult to accurately convert  in regions where environmental  regu-  total emissions by 2040 (the most am-
       material usage and energy consumption  lations are generally less stringent and  bitious net-zero target year set by large
       data into carbon emissions. This con-  there is limited awareness of available  pharma and healthcare organizations)
       version involves applying knowledge  decarbonization technologies and their  by leveraging a combination of decar-
       of  life cycle assessment/carbon foot-  implications. Most API companies also  bonization levers (Exhibit 3).  These
       print (LCA/CF) tools and carefully  typically  operate  with  smaller  profi t  levers are listed below in order of
       selecting EFs, which can vary signifi -  margins compared with pharmaceuti-  abatement cost (Exhibit 4) and consist
       cantly based on manufacturing methods,  cal companies(15), often leading them  of varying levels of regulatory require-
       process effi ciency, and regional energy  to prioritize short-term fi nancial returns  ments and supplier dependence. Some
       sources. For instance, the EF for ace-  over the up-front investments required  of them offer immediate opportunities
       tonitrile, a  commonly used  solvent in  for decarbonization.  The adoption of  for emission reductions, while others
       API synthesis, ranges from 1.5 to 12.5 kg  green feedstocks  and solvents, which  will likely require more time, invest-
       of CO  per kg of solvent globally  is crucial for achieving net-zero emis-  ment, and supplier collaboration to
       (Exhibit  2).  That wide range poses a  sions, presents signifi cant procurement  become viable.
        Carbon emissions   tCoal-based value chain for heating and feedstock, propylene via MTO     based on coal
        for 1 kg of     tPropylene via direct dehydrogenation based on natural-gas liquid (NGL), average energy mix  Process effi ciency improvements that
        acetonitrile      tPropylene via MTO based on natural gas, average energy mix  are cost and regulatory friendly
        production,         tPropylene via MTO based on natural gas, energy mix for heating and electricity [b]
        kg of COe            tPropylene from direct dehydrogenation         API manufacturers can reduce
                                 tPropylene from direct dehydrogenation   emissions  by  increasing  process  effi -
         East Asia                 tPropylene from ethane cracker, NGL based  ciencies in materials and energy usage.
         North America               tPropylene from ethane cracker, natural gas based
         Western Europe                tNaphtha based                     This group of effi ciencies can start to
                                          tBio-based feedstocks           pay for themselves immediately; all
                                            tNaphtha based                are NPV positive. One notable way to
                                              tMethane leakage impact reduced [c]  improve  energy  effi ciency  is  through
                                                tPropylene from uid catalytic cracking (FCC)
                                                  tPropylene from FCC     the  use of “heat  integration”  solu-
                                                     tGreen hydrogen      tions that reduce or recycle the large
                                                       tRenewable heat and electricity
                                                          across the value chain  amounts of residual heat generated by
                                                                          industrial processes. For example, heat
                                                                          pumps  can  be  used  to  capture  waste
                                                                          heat using a refrigerant and lift the
                                                                          captured heat to higher temperatures
                     12.5  8.3  6.9  5.7  5.5  5.3  5.2  4.8  4.6  4.4  4.3  4.1  4.0  3.9  3.5  1.5  for useful heating applications, such
        a: Methanol to olefi ns; b: Comparable to Europe; c: Via crude oil from Norway.  as steam  generation.  Another option
        Source: McKinsey Value Chain Twin tool                            to recycle waste heat is to increase
        MCKINSEY & COMPANY                                                its temperature via a chemical reac-
       Exhibit 2: The variability of emissions factors for the solvent acetonitrile is one reason why it’s   tion with low or even no electricity
                  di ffi cult for API companies to calculate their Scope 3 emissions.  input.

       178                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025

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