Page 175 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 175
Interview Interview
SZYMON GROSS, CEO OF PCG PCC OXYALKYLATES SDN BHD What are the standout trends in the
Indian end-use markets like polyure-
India is one of our key strategic markets and we aim to be thanes, personal care, paints, etc., that
could benefi t PCG PCC?
present here in an impactful manner over a long term
The Indian chemicals markets are
alaysia-based PCG PCC Oxy- polyols industries alongside other global highly diversifi ed, producing more than
alkylates Sdn Bhd (PCG PCC) is chemical giants. Being the fi rst dual-train 80,000 different types of products, with
Ma joint-venture company owned facility for oxy-alkylates in Southeast Asia constant rising demand in sectors like
by Malaysian oil and gas conglomerate (SEA), we are the sole producer of spe- food processing, home & living, beauty &
PETRONAS Chemicals Group Berhad cialty ethoxylates and polyols in Malaysia. personal care, etc. For example, in the home &
(PCG), PCC SE, a conglomerate based in We aim to be present in India in an impact- living segment, recreational activities
Germany with portfolio covering chemi- ful manner over a long term. We are fully and higher quality lifestyles have driven Night view of PCG PCC’s dual-train Oxy-alkylates plant in Malaysia
cals, energy and logistics, and investment Mr. Szymon Gross, Chief Executive Offi cer, aware of the local ethoxylate fi rms and new technology developments in the and volume growth, the PU sector has the backing of our strong technical team,
company, MBI Modal Sdn. Bhd. PCG PCC the heightened competition from Europe, polyurethane and paint/coating markets. seen increased diversity in product offer- PCG PCC works with customers to
Turkey and occasionally into Northeast Middle East, and China, but we strongly Meanwhile, in beauty & personal care, ings and higher quality products. A key explore new technologies and formu-
Oxy-alkylates are a group of chemi- Asia. believe in our value offerings. Marketing growing awareness and spending power feature is the higher demand for end pro- lations to match their unique needs.
cals comprising ethoxylates, a non-ionic our products into India require us to lever- have driven the needs from basic skin ducts like footwear emphasising comfort
surfactant, and polyether polyols. Ethoxy- PCG PCC’s product portfolio spans age on exceptional speciality offerings and hydration, protection from UV light to and fl exibility. What are the key global trends which
lates are used mainly in the production around many specialty grades matching introducing high-quality products to the ingredients that can slow down skin will shape how PCG PCC will move
of detergents and home & personal care diverse end applications. Boasting the surfactants and polyols applications. Dur- ageing or even defy ageing. These trends PCG PCC has been able to cater to ahead in its pursuit of growth?
products, while polyether polyols are used branding of VOXA , PCG PCC aims to ing our market entry, we have already are creating endless opportunities in many these trends and move up the value chain
in the production of foam mattresses and be a premier chemicals company, leverag- established strategic business collaborations of the nation’s chemicals end-use sectors, from offering basic chemistry solutions to Chemical companies with strong
upholstery applications. ing exceptional specialty, and introducing with well-known local distributors and which we are looking to serve. high-performance grades in a very short sustainability focus (in all Environment,
high quality products to the surfactants and some trustworthy key accounts. timeframe. PCG PCC is confi dent of tri- Social and Governance scopes) are seen to
PCG PCC recently started production polyols market. Indian speciality chemical companies pling its current market share within the be trendsetter and leaders globally. PCG
of surfactants and polyols at its Malay- From PCG PCC’s perspective, how are expanding their capacities to cater to next fi ve years with unique offerings into PCC aligns with this trend and has been
sian facility, which has a design capacity How important is India in your business does India compare vis-à-vis other rising domestic and global demand, while fl exible slabstock polyol, semi-rigid and taking initiatives such as:
of 70-ktpa. The company is bullish on its strategy? How do you plan to tap oppor- Asian geographies like China? also partnering with other leading-edge rigid, and CASE applications.
prospects in the Indian market, according tunities in this large and diverse country? companies to bring new chemicals and Safe and sustainable-by-design chemi-
to Mr. Szymon Gross, CEO of PCG PCC The PCG PCC sales outreach spans solutions to the market. Backed by a strong technical sales cals: PCG PCC ensures that our offer-
Oxyalkylates Sdn Bhd. In this email inter- PCG PCC mainly targets Asia-Pacifi c globally and one of the key strategic coun- team, PCG PCC will continue to explore ings avoid chemicals with properties
action, Mr. Gross speaks about the com- markets, and we are eyeing India as one tries we focus on has been India, besides PCG PCC will focus on understanding possibilities across multiple unchartered that may be harmful to human health
pany’s strategies and future plans. of our key strategic markets. Indeed, India our home market in SEA. Our company and keeping up with the changing trends applications not limiting to upholstery, or the environment, in particular
has vast opportunities given the huge con- is banking on the continued strong growth in key growth sectors and look to fulfi l automotive, construction, furniture, foot- groups of chemicals likely to be toxic,
Excerpts from the interview: sumer base, which in turn, drives demand projection of the Indian economy despite demand, provide best-in-class solutions wear, garments, etc. persistent and bio-accumulative. We
for our products comprising surfactants challenges faced by some other economies and being part of the growth story in India. do not have nonylphenol ethoxylates
Can you provide an update on your and polyols. globally. PCG PCC will look to leverage How do you plan to differentiate your- (NPEs) in our product ranges.
manufacturing facilities for surfac- on the huge trade opportunities created What are the key dynamics of the self in the surfactants market in India? Carbon removal and capture: PCG
tants and polyols at your Malaysian The International Monetary Fund by the country’s track record as one of the Indian PU sector and how is PCG PCC PCC employs reactor technologies
site? Have you begun product delive- (IMF) has upgraded India’s FY2025 fastest growing major economies. looking to position itself in this sector The Indian surfactant market is see- that are energy effi cient and emit zero
ries to local and export markets? GDP growth forecast to 7%, citing the in terms of market shares & volumes ing increased demand driven by growing carbon. Additionally, our local utilities
economy’s bright outlook and strong In search of strategic homes for our and product offerings? population and improved living standards. provider is targeting net zero carbon
PCG PCC successfully achieved our domestic demand. This optimistic outlook products, we experience that the regional This has created opportunities for our emissions by 2050.
plant provisional acceptance in mid-2024 attracts many regional producers to selec- markets are generally weighed down The Indian PU sector is estimated high-performance chemicals in the indus- Intelligent R&D: PCG PCC’s ‘Intel-
for both the surfactants and polyols lines tively choose India as the market for their by the infl ux of Chinese chemical pro- to grow at low-mid double digits during trial and home & living segments. ligent R&D’ route is adopted from
at the Kertih Integrated Petrochemical products. ducts. China’s domestic demand is fully 2020-2026 period. our technology providers from PCC
Complex in Terengganu, Malaysia. We met by its own production and hence Our company has strategic partner- SE Group whose product recipes and
have started to enter the market including Even though a newcomer to the PCG PCC sees big stumbling blocks to The growth during the past three years ships with many chemical providers to formulations comply to European
our local market in Malaysia, Southeast speciality chemicals market, PCG PCC is be competitive in China in commodity post the COVID-pandemic has also been source differentiated ingredients that help requirements of using eco-friendly
Asia, Indian Subcontinent, Middle East, well positioned to enter the surfactants and grade chemicals. very encouraging. Apart from the demand us to produce innovative surfactants. With raw materials.
174 Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025 Chemical Weekly January 21, 2025 175
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