Page 174 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 174

For Your Requirement Of                             FOR SALE
       Name of the Product                              CAS No.                                                                                                                          18th Annual GPCA Forum
         • 5-Acetylamino-2-aminobenzoic Acid            50670-83-2
         • 5-Amino-2-nitrobenzoic Acid                  13280-60-9                                                   PETROCHEMICAL TRENDS
         • 2,4,6-Triamino pyrimidine                    1004-38-2
         • Pigment Orange 68                            42844-93-9                                                   Feedstock transformation, materials transition, circularity
         • 2–Bromo-4-nitroaniline                       13296-94-1
         • N-Ethyl-N-benzyl-m-aminoacetanilide          29103-58-0                                                   and collaboration take centre stage at GPCA’s annual
         • 4-Amino-4'-isopropyl benzophenone            40292-22-6              Top End Automatic Filling &          forum in Muscat
         • 4,4'-Diamino diphenyl cyclohexane            3282-99-3           Bottle Capping Machine (Parle) for SALE
         • 4,4'-Diamino-3,3'-dimethoxy triphenyl methane  6259-05-8         •  Purchase Date: Oct-2023                      man’s capital of Muscat hosted                               tainable solutions. But to do so, it will
                                 Please Contact                             •  Brand new condition (Six Months Used)        the  18th  Annual  Forum  of                                 need to design and build state-of-the-art
                       AMOGH CHEMICALS PVT. LTD.                            •  No Scratches                          Othe  Gulf  Petrochemicals  and                                     facilities,  while  access  to  low-cost
                                                                            •  Total dimension: 8ft x 45ft
                  W-79 & 80, Mankivli MIDC, Badlapur (East) – 421503.                                                Chemicals Association (GPCA), widely                                capital,  innovative  technologies  and
                   Mobile: +91-9920471328 w Tel: +91-9920471320             For more detailed features & price, contact:
        Email: /        Plasti Surge industries Pvt. Ltd.      recognised as the biggest and the most                              specialised skills will have to be faci-
                        Website:                     M: 8275791997 w E:     infl uential gathering of the petrochemi-                            litated  through  more  international
                                                                                                                     cal and chemical industry in the world.                             collaborations,” he added.
                                                                                                                     The  four-day  event  brought  together
                                                                                                                     ministers, energy leaders from the Gulf                             ‘many leading companies resetting
                                                                                                                     Cooperation Council (GCC)  countries                                sustainability targets’
                                                                                                                     of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi                                 Opening  the  forum,  Dr.  Ali  bin
                                                                                                                     Arabia  and  the  UAE,  global  techno-                             Masoud  al  Sunaidy,  Chairman  of
                                                                                                                     logy  providers,  consultants,  corporate                           Oman’s  Public  Authority  for  Spe-
                                                                                                                     executives, and around 2,600 attendees                              cial  Economic  Zones  and  Free  Zones
                                                                                                                     from  over  40  countries.  The  discus-                            (OPAZ), noted that many leading com-
                                                                                                                     sions at the forum centred on the strate-                           panies across various industries are
                                                                                                                     gies being adopted by the chemical and                              resetting  their  sustainability  targets,
                                                                                                                     petrochemical  industry  in  the  Middle   mr. abdulrahman al-Fageeh  signalling  a  troubling  trend  of  hesita-
                                                                                                                     East  to  successfully  navigate  the  new   initiatives like the GPCA Youth Council  tion rather than progress.
                                                                                                                     era of feedstock transformation, circula-  and  university  engagement.  These
                                                                                                                     rity and materials transition.    efforts  align  with  the  GCC’s  broader
                                                                                                                                                       focus on empowering youth and foster-
                                                                                                                        In his welcome address, Mr. Abdul-  ing entrepreneurship, he said.
                                                                                                                     rahman Al-Fageeh, CEO, SABIC, and
                                                                                                                     Chairman  of  GPCA,  emphasised  the   Sustainability was highlighted as a
                                                                                                                     interconnectedness  of  the  global  eco-  critical priority, with focus on reducing
                                                                                                                     nomy,  with  modest  GDP  growth  and
                                                                                                                                                       carbon emissions, increasing recycling,
             AVAilAblE READY STOCK                                         LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF                   easing infl ation offering cautious opti-  and  adopting  other  circular  practices.
                                                                                  4 BROMO ANILINE
                                                                                                                                                       Mr. Al-Fageeh called for international
                                                                                                                     mism,  but  little  immediate  improve-
                                                                               Salicylic Acid ( Technical)           ment in the business environment.  collaboration,  supportive  regulatory
         pharma – Grade   200 ltr Capacity  200 ltr Capacity  200 ltr Capacity      Ortho Xylene                                                       frameworks,  and  investments  in  ad-
           Once used       Once used        Once used       Open Top            Mono Chloro Benzene                     “We  will  need  more  than  modest   vanced  technologies  to  enable  the
       1000 ltr un Approved
                                                                            Aluminium Chlorohydrate 50%              GDP growth and more than favourable   industry to adapt and thrive sustainably.
                                                                            Poly Aluminium Chloride Liquid           monetary  conditions  to  boost  global                                    Dr. ali masoud al sunaidy
                                                                           can also offer our supply to seZ Units against lUT  demand to match our industry’s global   “It is clear that the concept of sus-  “The  chemical  industry  has  been
                                                                           without  Payment of iGsT & eXPOrT enQUires  capacity of petrochemicals,” he noted.  tainability  will  determine  how  petro-  coping with changes of feedstock, glo-
                                                                           We are lOOKinG FOr sales PrOFessiOnals FOr
                                                                            chemical DisTriBUTiOn BUsiness inTeresTeD                                  chemicals  and  their  derivatives  are  balisation,  shifting  product  needs  &
                                                                            canDiDaTes Please senD YOUr cV TO mail iD   His  speech  focused  on  two  major   manufactured, used and disposed off in  demand centres, supply chain disruptions
                                                                                                                     themes: youth empowerment and sus-  the future,” he said.           and  geopolitical  tensions.  This  could
         ibC SChuTZ MAKE    M.S Drums       hDpE Drums      M.S Drums
                                                                                                                     tainability. Mr. Al-Fageeh stressed the                             not have been done without innovation
                        Contact: Mr. prasad bondre – 9833428570                   Jubilee industries                 importance  of  inspiring  young  talent   “With  the  right  regularity  frame-  and adaptability. Initiatives and practices
                                                                                (An iSO 9001-2015 certified Company)
                NATIONAL ENTERPRISES                                         ishwar chemicals and Gases              to  pursue  careers  in  the  chemical and   work,  the  chemical  industry  can  help  in our own special economic zones and
        Fact.: Mohd. Estate, Pimpri Village, Shilphata, Dist. Thane - 400 612, Maharashtra.  Mob: +91-8888862805 / 8007655155 w Tel: 02572220300  petrochemical  industries,  showcasing   establish  value  chains  that  offer  sus-  free zones give us hope that the industry
                                                                             Email: /
                         Email:            /
       174                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025       Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025                                                                175

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