Page 180 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 180

Special Report

       Advanced recycling: innovative improvements

       and new technologies

            lmost 270 delegates attended the
            Advanced Recycling Conference
       A(ARC) –  the leading advanced
       recycling conference in Europe – held
       in Cologne on November 20-21, 2024
       Speakers from leading companies and
       academic institutions shared  insights
       into the current state and future pros-
       pects of  advanced recycling techno-
       logies,  including  pyrolysis,  gasifi cation,
       depolymerisation and the emerging
       star, dissolution.

       From dissolution to multi-faceted
          Recognised as a promising solution
       for advanced recycling, dissolution was
       discussed in the context  of different
       materials: ABS and PC (e.g., Trinseo,
       Netherlands, and ReSolved  Techno
       logies, Netherlands), PE and PP (e.g.,  The challenges of mechanical   streams.  These  technologies excel at
       PureCycle, Belgium, and Reventas, UK),  recycling                  breaking down PET into its monomers,
       PS (e.g., Polystyvert, Canada) and PVC   Attention was drawn to the  enabling the production of virgin qua-
       (e.g., INEOS Inovyn, Belgium). These  mechanical recycling of PET, which is  lity recycled PET.
       technologies offer shorter, more energy-  well established in Europe, particularly
       effi cient recycling routes.       in Germany through schemes such as   Such advanced processes are seen
                                         the bottle deposit programme.  While  as ideal candidates for meeting manda-
          However, the panel discussions and  effective, this method faces signifi cant  tory recycled PET content quotas,
       exchanges with the audience revealed  challenges when dealing with complex  offering a way to improve recycling
       a key lesson: no single technology  waste streams such as mixed plastics  rates and quality in applications where
       can solve all the challenges. A multi-  and textiles.  From a process perspec-  traditional methods fall short.
       faceted approach remains essential to  tive, the mechanical recycling of these
       meet the diverse needs of advanced  materials  is very demanding  and the  Pyrolysis as an important recycling
       recycling.                        resulting recyclate is  unsuitable for  route
                                         contact-sensitive applications.     Pyrolysis, although a longer  and
          As plastic waste continues to chal-                             more energy-intensive process route
       lenge  global  environmental  sustain-  Given these limitations,  advanced  than dissolution methods, has emerged
       ability, industry  experts  are explor-  depolymerisation technologies have  as an important recycling  route for
       ing innovative recycling technologies  been highlighted as  promising solu-  polyethylene  (PE) and polypropylene
       to address complex waste streams.  tions. Innovations based on solvolysis  (PP) waste, particularly for the produc-
       In her presentation, Outi  Teräs from  (e.g., DePoly in Switzerland),  solid-  tion of virgin quality recycled polymers
       Neste (Finland) highlighted the need  state hydrolysis (e.g., matterr in  suitable for contact-sensitive  applica-
       for physical and chemical recycling to  Germany) and enzymolysis (e.g., the  tions. Its ability to handle diverse waste
       address all plastic waste streams that  EU WhiteCycle project and Plasticen-  streams and produce high-quality out-
       cannot be managed by mechanical  tropy in France) show signifi cant poten-  puts makes it an essential complement
       recycling.                        tial for addressing complex PET waste  to mechanical recycling.

       180                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 24, 2024

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