Page 181 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 181

Special Report

          A notable example is the collabora-  address complex plastic waste streams  vulnerabilities, experts stressed the impor-
       tion between  Austrian companies  while driving progress towards a circu-  tance of promoting regional solutions.
       Borealis and OMV, which demonstrates  lar economy.                 In his presentation, Gerben Hieminga
       an integrated business model combin-                               of ING Group N.V. (the Netherlands)
       ing pyrolysis and mechanical recycling.  The future of advanced recycling in   stressed that developing more localised
       OMV’s new demonstration plant with a  Europe                       value chains could be an effective
       capacity of 16-ktpa has recently started   In the midst of the economic crisis  solution to reduce dependence on and
       operations, and plans are underway for  facing Europe’s chemical  and plastics  pressure from international markets.
       a commercial-scale plant with a capa-  industries, advanced recycling offers a
       city of 200-ktpa by 2028.         compelling  opportunity to defossilise   Marc Spekreijse of Circular Plastics
                                         the sector and attract much-needed  (The Netherlands) pointed out the high
          Recent advances are further optimis-  investment.               revenues the Commission receives
       ing pyrolysis and other thermochemical                             from the levy on non-recycled plastics,
       technologies, with a focus on improv-  During the session on ‘Markets,  which is  regulated differently in  each
       ing robustness, energy effi ciency, yields,  Investment and Financing’, experts  Member State and is far higher than the
       product quality and economic perfor-  examined Europe’s position in this trans-  additional costs of recycled plastics.
       mance.  For  example, AES Autonome  formation. They highlighted that while
       Energiesysteme (Germany) is expanding  European companies may struggle to   To date, Europe has been at the fore-
       accessibility with small-scale pyrolysis  compete with China in virgin polymer  front of technological developments in
       plants, enabling wider adoption. Mura  production, a strategic shift to advanced  advanced  recycling  and  has  the  best-
       Technology (UK) has developed a pro-  recycling could provide a competitive  established waste collection system. With
       cess that is tolerant to organic impurities,  advantage. By using imported plastic  strong recycling policies and demand
       eliminating the need for pre-drying, while  waste as a feedstock for a new, circular  creation, Europe could attract new
       Aduro Clean Technologies (Canada) aims  chemical industry, Europe could estab-  investment and drive defossilisation by
       to achieve higher quality outputs without  lish itself as a leader in sustainable  using less virgin fossil resources, recycling
       the need for hydrotreatment, signifi cantly  innovation, fostering resilience and  more and keeping carbon in the cycle.
       shortening the recycling process route.  economic growth in the sector.
                                                                             The next  Advanced Recycling
          These innovations demonstrate    Faced with the challenges of global  Conference 2025 will take place from
       the  growing potential  of pyrolysis to  market pressures and supply chain  19-20 November in Cologne, Germany.

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