Page 179 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 179

Special Report                                                                   Special Report

 demand-supply imbalance created  were at around 148-ktpa, 33% lower  quarter’s  time lag. Domestic players
 because of the European Union limiting  than that during FY19-FY21.  largely depend on imports to meet raw
 the procurement from Russian carbon   material requirements.
 black producers and limited  Chinese   India’s imports are primarily from
 output on account of reduced cost  China, South Korea, Turkey, the UAE and   A similar price trend is seen in crude
 competitiveness on  account of  higher  Netherlands; these countries accounted  oil prices and carbon black prices (both
 environmental and input costs. India’s  for around 75% of the imports in FY24.  domestic and international). Crude oil
 average exports over FY22-FY24 were   prices in October 2024 were around
 at  around 250-ktpa,  85% higher than  China continues to dominate global   $75/bbl, which is on par with the past
 during FY19-FY21. India’s exports  market  fi ve-year average but 8% lower than the
 remained elevated over 4MFY25 at   In 2023, China accounted for around  past year average. However, crude oil
 129-ktpa, around 40% higher y-o-y.  60% of the global capacity share and is  prices are well below the peak levels of
 the largest carbon black producer. It is  above $100/bbl witnessed over 1H22
 India turned a net exporter of car-  also a net exporter of carbon black with  on account of the Russia-Ukraine war.
 bon black in  FY22 after  being  a net  its export markets being South Korea  Despite the correction in crude oil prices
 importer  over FY18-FY21.  This was  and Japan where domestic consump-  over the past couple of years, prices   Fig. 3: 2QFY25 margins higher than the median margin level of past 30 quarters
 led by incremental capacity  additions  tion outweighs production.  in October 2024 were on par with the   Source: Company quarterly results and presentations; Ind-Ra
 and limited import volumes, despite   long-term average since April 2012.
 the  lapse of anti-dumping  duties on   Global carbon black usage is also
 carbon black in January 2021 (imposed  dominated  by its application  in tyres,   Chinese carbon black prices were at
 in November 2015) due to the reduced  although the dependence is lower than  $1,264/tonne in October 2024, slightly
 cost competitiveness of Chinese players.  in India at around 70% with higher  below  the  past  fi ve-year  average  of
 However, the basic custom duty of  usage in pigments (inks & toners, paints &  around $1,320/tonne and 4% lower
 7.5% on carbon black imports acts as a  coatings).  than the  past year average. Producers
 partial deterrent to imports.  typically record inventory gains during
 Domestic carbon black prices remain   an uptrend in prices.
 India’s key export destinations in-  healthy
 clude  Thailand, Sri Lanka, the US,   Carbon black prices are linked  to   Domestic  carbon  black Wholesale
 Vietnam, the UAE and Poland, which  crude oil prices since it is manufactured  Price Index is at around 150x, still
 account for around 55% of India’s  using a mix of carbon black feedstock  higher than the past fi ve-year average
 exports. India’s imports are minimal at  (CBFS) and carbon black oil which are  of around 112x but 3% lower than the
 around 158-ktpa in FY24 and have been  crude oil derivatives.  The movement  past year average. Domestic prices are   Fig. 4: Comfortable credit profi le of sector participants
 on the decreasing trend with imports  in raw material prices typically gets  supported by the strong end-use   Source: Company quarterly results and presentations; Ind-Ra
 being primarily of specialty carbon blacks,  refl ected  in  carbon  black  prices  with  demand from the auto sector which uses   carbon blacks within  plastics, paints,  14% in FY23 when crude prices  Sectoral credit profi le remains
 which cannot be met domestically.  producers passing on the raw material  carbon black in tyre manufacturing and   inks, and coating industries. Carbon  began to correct. Margins in FY24 stood  comfortable
 India’s average imports over FY22-FY24  price movement to customers with a  from newer applications of specialty   black prices in October 2024 were 8%  at around 16.2% and further improved   Sector participants have maintained
       higher than the long-term average since  in 1HFY25 to around 17.5% (2QFY25:  a comfortable credit profi le, backed by
       April 2012.                       18%; 1QFY25: 17.1%; 2QFY24:  strong operational cash fl ow streams and
                                         16.3%),  higher than the median  quar-  balance sheets. The comfortable credit
       Healthy margin levels to be main-  terly margin levels of around 16% over  metrics enable the participants to em-
       tained over coming quarters       the past six years. The q-o-q improve-  bark on the next phase of capex invest-
          The sectoral revenue was 11%  ment in margins over 1QFY25 can be  ments with the ability to withstand momen-
       y-o-y higher in 2QFY25, backed by  attributed  to some volume improve-  tary  volatility  in margins  in  case  any
       increased export volumes. However,  ment in addition to strong export fun-  for a couple of quarters. The gross inte-
       the revenue remained on par q-o-q, with  damentals.                rest coverage remained at an average
       some price correction compensating for                             level of 10x over the past six years
       higher volumes.                     Considering that margins are  (FY24: 8.9x; FY23: 12.9x), while the net
                                         higher  than the median  levels, even  leverage remained at 1.2x (1.7x; 0.5x).
          EBITDA margins in the sector have  if there  were to be some correction,  The slight elevation in FY24 net leverage
 Fig. 2: Domestic players benefi tting from current geopolitical situation; India to remain net exporter  remained robust over the past six years  the margins would still remain largely  was on account of the incremental debt
 Source: AMAI, DGCIS and Ind-Ra  at around 15% and bottomed out at  healthy.  taken for capex investments.

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