Page 176 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
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8th Global Summit on Process Safety                                                                                                                                                     Special Report

                                           The statistics seem to support these  on the sidelines of the event, Mr. Rama-
                                         trends.  According to a recent Marsh  bhadran, admitted that the challenges   Credit profi le of carbon black players to remain
                                         report, 43% of incidents can be attri-  facing the small and medium (SMEs)   comfortable, despite large capex plans
                                         buted to mechanical or asset integrity,  chemical manufacturers in India are very
                                         which could be linked to aging assets.  different from that of large companies,   ndia Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra)  grown at a CAGR of around 8% from  6-9% sales volume growth rate in
                                         At the same time, demographic changes  and will need appropriate approaches    has published the fourth edition of  FY21.  The robust domestic end-use  India’s auto sector in FY25. Carbon black
                                         for some industries, such as retirement  and solutions.                     Iits Chemical Insights report cover-  demand, high-capacity utilisations, in-  accounts for 20-25% of the total weight
                                         rates  as high  as 40% of experienced                                       ing the carbon black sector. The report  creasing application of specialty carbon  of tyres and around 80% of the domestic
                                         workers in the  next  3-5 years, can   dss+  is  addressing  this  challenge   contains the key domestic demand drivers,  black and export opportunities available  carbon black end-use demand. Domestic
                                         reduce  capability to run and maintain  by rephrasing the problem to the identi-  supply pipeline, company-wise capacity  have prompted the large incremental  tyre production increased at an average
                                         safe operations.                 fi cation  of  top-risks  and  the  critical   mix, domestic export and import trends,  capacity announcements. Ind-Ra expects  of around 5% per annum over FY18-
                  Mr. Surana                                              controls needed to tackle each of them.    global fundamentals, and domestic and  the specialty carbon black capacity as a  FY23.
       added, will stem from their increas-  Even as the lost time injury rates in  “We are asking them to address these   international price trends.  proportion of the domestic  capacity  to
       ing complexity, and the transient work  the process  industries have fallen and  controls to ensure that they will work                         increase to around 32% by FY28 from   Furthermore, the increase in adop-
       force employed.                   improvements in overall safety perfor-  effi ciently when needed. More and more   “The domestic carbon black sector  around 11% in FY24.         tion of electric vehicles is expected to
                                         mance  is evident, spikes in fatalities  companies are responding favourably to   is expected to see large incremental capa-                    support carbon black demand, consider-
          Mr.  Surana also  noted that an  and  major releases continue  to occur.  this approach.”                  city additions by FY28 that would in-  Sector  participants  are  looking  to  ing the enhanced reinforcement re-
       objective  assessment of safety culture  “Though there is an awareness of risks                               crease capacities by 30% over the FY24  increase  the share of  specialty carbon  quired due to the additional torque from
       maturity in the organisation is lacking  and controls, there is lack of alignment   Mr. Ramabhadran also noted that   levels. The comfortable credit profi le of  black in the sales mix to increase their  electric motors. The remaining domes-
       in India. “It is a tough job to create a  on the  big risks and appropriate  con-  owner-driven companies are responsive   sector participants, robust auto demand  margins, considering the higher value-  tic consumption is supported by indus-
       sense  of  vulnerability without scaring  trols,” he noted.“We cannot operate as  to the reasoning that process safety and   that  would provide  tailwinds  to tyre  added nature of product. Specialty carbon  tries including plastics, toner & print-
       the staff.”                       we did in the past.”             reliability  go hand-in-hand,  and that    production,  strong export fundamen-  black is typically used in fi bres, semicon-  ing inks, coatings, lithium-ion batteries
                                                                          there is a strong business case for in-    tals, increase in demand from applica-  ductor cables, engineering plastics, inks,  and textiles. The growth of e-commerce
       Ageing of assets and demographic    Mr. Ramabhadran called  upon  vesting in safety. He also stressed the     tions other than tyre have supported the  and other specialised applications.  in India has resulted in the increasing
       changes – twin challenges         senior management to visibly demon-  need to create a conducive environment   capex  announcements.  Furthermore,                               use of packaging materials, further
          Mr. Srinivasan Ramabhadran, Man-  strate commitment to process  safety  of reporting and added that while every   sector participants are looking to in-  The domestic carbon black industry  supporting carbon black demand.
       aging  Director,  Asia  Pacifi c,  dss+,  a  down the organisation,  and called  for  company seems to have the right intent,   crease the proportion of specialty  is fairly consolidated with the top fi ve
       company spun-off from DuPont Safety  independent  verifi cation  of  critical  this needs to progress to commitment.   carbon black capacities by  FY28  to  players accounting for around 80% of  India to remain net exporter over
       Resources, pointed to the ageing of  risks and controls.           The consultancy, which now has about       improve the margin profi le and reduce  India’s capacity. Ind-Ra expects  these  FY25-FY26
       assets  in  the  oil  &  gas,  refi ning  and                       150 experts in India, is scaling up and    its  volatility. Margins  in  2QFY25 are  players to retain their market position   Ind-Ra expects the incremental pro-
       petrochemical industries, as well as of  Challenges facing SMEs    expects to double head-count  in the       higher than the median levels witnessed  by FY28.                   duction post ramp-up of the planned
       the work force in these industries.   Later speaking to Chemical Weekly  next two years.                      over the past 30 quarters. While there                              domestic capacity additions over
                           14 key elements of Process Safety Management (PSM) programmes                             could be some moderation or amomen-  Robust domestic demand supports   FY25-FY28 to increase the exportable
           Element                   Description                                                                     tary margin volatility  that could last  capacity additions         surplus  and keep India a net exporter
       1   Process Safety Information  Employers must develop written safety information before conducting a Process Hazard Analysis.  for a couple of quarters, the strong   Domestic carbon  black consump-  over this period.
       2   Process Hazard Analysis   Employers must identify, evaluate, and control hazardous processes.             balance sheets of sector participants  tion is heavily dependent on the auto-
       3   Operating Procedures      Employers must develop and implement written operating procedures.              would ensure that their fi nancial profi le  motive sector since it is a critical   India’s carbon black  exports shot
       4   Incident Investigation    Thorough investigations must be completed anytime there is an incident associated to the process.  remains comfortable despite the planned  component in manufacturing  tyres as  up in FY24  to 319-ktpa, 42%  higher
       5   Management of Change      Changes to a process must be evaluated to determine if there will be any impacts on the health and safety   capex,”says Siddharth Rego, Associate  it imparts durability to rubber and pro-  y-o-y and 74% higher than the decadal
                                     of employees.                                                                   Director, Corporate Ratings, Ind-Ra.  longs its service life. Ind-Ra expects a  average; India has benefi tted from the
       6   Mechanical Integrity      Process equipment must be designed and installed correctly.
       7   Employee Participation    The employer must involve workers in PSM programs.                              Large capacity additions likely by
       8   Trade Secrets             Employers must provide all information necessary to comply with PSM standards, regardless of the trade   FY27-FY28
                                     secret status of the information.                                                  Domestic producers have announced
       9   Compliance Audits         Audits must be conducted and reported at reasonable intervals.                  capacity additions which would result in
       10  Training                  Employers must train employees on hazards and procedures.                       incremental capacities of around 625-ktpa,
       11  Contractors               All contractors working on or near highly hazardous chemicals must be trained on emergency procedures   increasing the domestic capacity
                                     and other relevant aspects of the PSM programme.                                to around 2,650-ktpa by FY27-FY28.
       12  Hot Work                  Hot work permits must be issued for any hot work operations taking place near the process.  India’s domestic carbon black capacity
       13  Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR)  The PSSR must be conducted for new and modifi ed facilities before operations can begin.  stood  at  around  2,000-ktpa  as  of  end-
       14  Emergency Planning and Response  Employees must be trained on emergency planning and response procedures.                                      Fig. 1: Large capacity additions by FY28; Share of speciality carbon blacks to increase
                                                                                                                     FY24 (end-FY23: 1,900-ktpa) and has   Source: Company Annual Reports and presentations; Ind-Ra

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