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8th Global Summit on Process Safety                              8th Global Summit on Process Safety

 PROCESS SAFETY                          an average of fi ve fatal process safety  Industries Ltd., observed that effective
                                         incidents per year. “This is not a low  leadership is not about compliance but
 Increased complexity of operations and greater societal scrutiny   probability, and in many others, we just  a commitment to build a strong operat-
                                         got lucky, and an adverse impact did  ing  culture incorporating  safety. “The
 make process safety management even more important  not occur.”          greatest risk to process safety is think-
                                                                          ing it won’t happen to us. Root causes
 rocess safety focuses on the   An effective PSM system can not   Dwelling on the Bhopal gas tragedy,   ‘Systems need to be robust, but simple’  have not changed over the years.”
 control  of hazards and risks  only help avoid incidents; it is key to  40 years ago, caused by the leakage of   Mr. Sanjiv Singh, Head – Group
 Passociated with highly hazardous  ensuring  effi cient,  reliable  and  robust  methyl isocyanate (MIC), an interme-  Manufacturing  Services,  Reliance  Mr. Kadri noted that leaders are not
 processes.  These processes involve  operations. Process safety events are  diate in a pesticide manufacturing pro-  Industries Ltd., noted that the petro-  becoming  confi dence  builders.  “Many
 chemicals, where  process  incidents or  low frequency but high consequences  cess, which need not have been stored,   leum,  refi ning  and  petrochemical  leaders are not knowledgeable and are
 failures may result in fatalities, injuries,  events. Many  organisations may not  Mr. Surana wondered “whether conve-  industries are seeing a sea change in the  playing on the surface.”
 exposures,  fi res,  explosions,  chemical  experience such events and hence may  nience is taking precedence over need?”  Mr. Shakeel Kadri  way plants are designed and operated.
 releases, spills, structural collapses,  not  focus  on  process  safety  improve-  of operations; not permitting employees to  Stressing the need to build plants right,  Reasons for incidents
 equipment  malfunctions, and other  ment, even if they do understand the   While formalised learnings are now   speak freely of their safety concerns;  with emphasis on systems and proce-  According to Mr. Kadri, one of the
 consequences.   hazards of the process.  available on process safety, Mr. Surana   and failure to learn and apply learnings.  dures for safe operations, he noted that  major reasons for process safety events
 cautioned  that these will not lead us   even  as the  industry  moves  towards  is asset integrity, which needs to signi-
 Process safety management (PSM)   According  to  Mr. Mukesh Kumar  to zero incidents. “New processes are   “There is nothing is more important  machine-driven  operations “there will  fi cantly improvement – especially piping
 refers to the integrated management of  Surana, Ex Chairman & Managing  more complex – using extreme condi-  than  safety  – not production,  sales or  still be times when human interventions  and interlocks.
 interrelated activities required to man-  Director, Hindustan Petroleum Corpora-  tions of operations, increased automa-  profi ts. CEO is the Chief Safety Offi cer,”  will be needed.”“Systems need to be
 age  process safety  risks. It involves  tion Ltd., the importance of PSMcannot  tion, and  complex machinery.  Efforts   Mr. Kadri  quipped,  noting  that  the  robust but still remain simple.”  Another reason is the lack of trans-
 the use of systems and principles to  be overstressed. “Industrial  processes  of man-machine interface needs to be   value of a human life value is the same   parent communication between leaders
 continuously identify  hazards, assess  are more complex than ever before, and  signifi cantly  improved,  and  there  is  a   everywhere. “Risk is not zero – but it  ‘Psychological safety important to   who are directing to do the right thing
 risks,  and control hazards associated  there is increased public awareness of  need to proactively determine what can   can be minimized. Leaders must com-  get to the answers needed’  and leaders who are doing things
 with high-risk processes. PSM is also  what we do in the  industry,” he cau-  go wrong and mitigate the impacts.”  mit to  identify and  minimize hazards   Mr. Stephen Klejs, Executive  right. “Leaders are not celebrating the
 important for responding to and recover-  tioned while speaking at the inaugural   and risks or get out of the business.  Director, US Chemical Safety & Hazard  ‘reds’(adverse events) and challenging
 ing from process-related incidents.  session of the ‘8th Global Summit on   He also stated that progressive risk   They must instil courage in the team to  Investigation Board (CSB),  dwelt on  the ‘greens’ (the good results). Incident
 Process Safety’ organised by the Centre  reduction is vital even for older plants   bring the bad news,” he added.  the role of the investigation  agency,  root causes are not fi xing management
 When new processes are being in-  for Chemical  Process Safety (CCPS),  built before newer standards were   which aims to go beyond determining  system failures, and the accident inves-
 troduced or when there are changes to  US, part of the American  Institute  of  introduced.  Safety – not a priority, but a value  the traditional root cause of accidents it  tigation process needs improvement,”
 a process, hazards, risks, and control  Chemical Engineers.  Dr. Fawaz Bitar, Senior Vice Presi-  investigates. “We ask questions at the  he observed.
 measures need to be revalidated. PSM   ‘Beware of complacency’  dent of Safety, Health, Environment and  systems level and what led to the failure.
 is important for many types of indus-  In his view, despite root cause ana-  Mr. Shakeel Kadri, Executive   Carbon, BP, also noted that while checks  From tragedy we draw knowledge to   Mr. Surana pointed to a root cause
 tries, and examples include oil & gas,  lysis, regulations, etc. process accidents  Director & CEO, CCPS, highlighted   and safety processes are important, they  improve safety for all.”  analysis of safety incidents in the Indian
 energy generation, manufacturing,  still happen in the industry. “Are we  the evolution of the organisation, which   can lull the management into compla-  oil  &  gas  industry  in  last  fi ve  years,
 mining, food & beverage, pharmaceuti-  not learning from our mistakes; or do  was  started a few  months after the   cency. “By taking false comfort that all   He stressed the need for providing  which revealed  that  70% was due to
 cal, chemical, pulp & paper, construc-  we need a different prism to view the  Bhopal gas tragedy. Though founded in   is well, we can become desensitized to  psychological safety to  employees, in  human  factors, 13% was hardware
 tion, and others.   accidents of the past?” he asked.  the US, it has global scope and mission,   danger and normalize risks. Major con-  order to fully investigate  an incident.  related, 9% systems related and 7% due
 and more than 50% of its membership   sequences arise when this complacency  “Psychological safety  is  important to  other causes.
 (284 companies from 48 countries)   coincides with economic pressures and  get to the answer needed, not the one
 is outside of the US. “Our vision is a   forces cost cuttings,” he warned.  you want to hear.”  “In human causes, the  key issue
 world without process safety incidents,                                  was safety culture and leadership &
 and  we needthe  help  of industry to   Stressing the importance of leader-  Mr.  Kadri also stressed  the signi-  competency assurance, as the industry
 achieve this goal.”  ship when it comes to safety, Dr. Bitar  fi cant  need  to  improve  psychological  uses  contract  labour  in  a  signifi cant
       noted that “board room and control  safety.“Operational leaders lack  cour-  way.In process causes, gaps in hazard
 Warning  against  complacency,  rooms must both understand the risks.”  age to speak up or confront issues with  identifi cation and risk assessment, asset
 Mr. Kadri pointed to several obstacles to   Safety, he added, cannot be a priority,  dissenting views,” he stated.  integrity management, management of
 building a robust process safety culture   as “priorities can change.”“It needs to   safety barriers and operational disci-
 in an organisation including ineffective   be a value.”  Role of leadership  pline were key reasons.”
 risk assessments of systems; reversing    Mr. Yatendra Lodha, Group Head –
 Inauguration  burden of proof when evaluating safety   The industry, he added, still suffers  Safety & Operational Risk, Reliance   Emerging risks  in the industry, he

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