Page 182 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
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Special Report                                                                                                                                                                   Special Report

       Revolutionizing wood durability with advanced                                                                    Fire-resistant treatments,  address-  higher cost can be a barrier for wide-  chemicals will play a crucial role in the
                                                                                                                                                                                         global transition to greener materials.
                                                                                                                        ing fi re safety concerns, particularly  spread adoption, particularly  in price-
       preservative chemicals                                                                                           in urban construction projects.  sensitive markets.              CONCLUSION

       INTRODUCTION                                                        BHUSHAN DHUMAL                               These developments not only ex-  Future outlook: a greener, more    The wood preservative  chemicals
            he wood preservative chemicals                                 Transparency Market Research              pand the functional benefi ts of treated  resilient market           market is evolving to meet the demands
            market  is  undergoing  a  signifi -                            Email:bhushan.dhumal@trans-               wood,  but also  align with evolving   The  future of the  wood preserva-  of  a  rapidly changing world.  With a
       Tcant transformation as  it em-                                            safety standards and consumer expecta-  tive chemicals market looks promising,   focus on sustainability, effi ciency, and
                   Expo & Conference News
       braces innovative solutions to extend                                 tions.                            with technological advancements driv-  advanced functionality, these chemi-
       the life and performance of wood pro-                                                                                                           ing innovation and sustainability. Key   cals  are revolutionizing  how wood is
       ducts. With the rising demand for dura-                            consumer demand for sustainable            Challenges in adoption            trends shaping the market include:  protected and utilized  across diverse

       ble, eco-friendly, and sustainable wood                            solutions.                                    While progress has been made, the   Increased use of bio-based solu-  applications.
       treatments, these chemicals are paving                                                                        industry continues  to face challenges   tions, offering renewable alter-  For industry professionals and busi-
       the way for enhanced wood protection   ing the  frequency  of replacement  and  Applications driving growth   in meeting stringent environmental   natives to synthetic chemicals;  nesses, embracing innovative preserva-
       across residential, commercial, and in-  maintenance. Treated  wood  products                                 regulations. Manufacturers must bala-     Focus on durability with formula-  tive technologies is essential for staying
       dustrial applications.            require less upkeep and can withstand  Residential construction             nce performance with sustainability to   tions designed for longer-lasting per-  competitive,  meeting environmental
                                         exposure to challenging environments,   The demand for treated  wood in     address these concerns effectively.  formance in extreme conditions; and
          In 2023,  the  global  wood preser-  saving costs over time for homeowners,  residential construction is a signifi cant                          Integration  with ‘smart systems’   targets, and delivering value to custo-
       vative chemicals market was valued at   contractors, and businesses.  growth  driver.  Homeowners  increa-       Furthermore, not all wood  species   involving monitoring  and mainte-  mers. As the market continues to grow,
                                                                                                                                                                                         it presents exciting opportunities for a
       approximately $2.1-bn and is projected to                          singly prefer wood  for  its aesthetic     react uniformly to preservatives, neces-  nance of treated wood through IoT-  smarter, more sustainable approach to
       grow at a compound annual growth rate   For industries reliant  on timber,  appeal and sustainability. Treated wood   sitating precise formulations tailored to   enabled technologies.  wood protection and preservation.
       (CAGR) of 3.4% from 2024 to 2034. By   such as construction  and manufactur-  is used in outdoor decking, landscaping,   specifi c wood types.
       the end of 2034, it is expected to reach   ing, the  use of preservatives  ensures  and structural  applications,  ensuring                        As consumer preferences shift     [These  insights are  based on a  report on
       an impressive $3.2-bn, underscoring its   optimal resource  utilisation, reducing  longevity and safety.         While advanced eco-friendly pre-  toward eco-conscious products and sus-  ‘Wood Preservative Chemicals Market’ by Trans-
       pivotal role in supporting the construction   waste while maintaining  consistent   running the session ‘Unlocking the   servatives  are gaining  traction,  their  tainable construction, wood preservative   parency Market Research.]
       able  individuals driving  innovation
                                         vered by experts from a wide range
       and success in the Asia Pacific beauty   of cosmetic organisations, who will   benefits  of multifunctional  1,3-pro-
                                         quality standards.
                                                                          Industrial use
       and furniture industries while addressing
       sector, including  R&D  professionals,   take attendees through a variety of   panediol to maximize  performance’.
       environmental challenges.   role   formulation  techniques  focusing  on   Homing in on a key focus area for
                  innovators, and
       models. The 9 Faces will be selected   Eco-friendly solutions: a sustainable   ing utility poles, railway sleepers, and                         Chemical Weekly Buyers’ Guide
                                         everything from foundation, UV, anti-
                                                                          formulators, Ms. Gwendolyn Neoh at
       Enhanced durability and protection  shift-                         Ashland will be running the session
       by an expert judging panel and the
                                         acne and  pore care to suncare  pro-
                                                                          marine timbers, rely on high-performance
       winners will receive a certificate,   ducts, propanediol and sustainable   on ‘AI driven 4D defences – Vitamin                                               
          One of the primary benefi ts of wood
                                           Sustainability is becoming a critical  wood preservatives.  These chemicals
       recognition, and will be honoured at   cleansing.                  D boosting @ hydrating jelly mask for         
       preservative chemicals is their ability to   focus in the wood preservative chemi-  ensure that wood can withstand extreme
                                                                          acne and pore care’ on 5 November. On
       the ‘In-cosmetics Asia Awards’. The
       signifi cantly  enhance  the  lifespan  and   cals  market. Traditional  preservatives,  conditions, such as prolonged exposure   Pocket-Friendly Pay-as-you-use Subscription Plans
       awards celebrate the most innova-
                                           In the APAC market, foundations
                                                                          the same day, Mr. Carlos Ilao, Busi-
       durability of  wood.  Untreated wood
       tive ingredients from the ‘Innovation   with a lightweight fluid texture are   ness Development Manager APAC at
                                         such as chromated copper arsenate  to moisture and pests.
       Zone’ and ‘Spotlight On’ categories.  gaining popularity but it can be dif-  Clariant Southeast Asia, will work   Opt for a scheme that suits your needs and make best use of India’s most authentic directory
       is  prone  to damage from moisture,   (CCA), face scrutiny for their environ-  with participants on sunscreen formu-
                                         ficult for formulators to achieve low
       insects, fungi, and decay. Wood preserva-  mental impact. The industry has hence  Furniture manufacturing       for sourcing chemicals and related products.
       ‘Formulation Lab’ highlights
                                                                          lation  in the ‘Encapsulated UV  filters
                                         viscosity, high coverage products. Ms.
       tives form a protective barrier, making   shifted  toward eco-friendly  alterna-  for ultra- light sunscreen with high UV            Subscription plans
                                         Thalia Nghiem, from Kobo Products
                                                                             In furniture production, preserva-
         In-cosmetics Asia also announced
       an extensive programme for its ‘For-  Asia Pacific will explore this in  her   protection’  session. Meanwhile, Ms.   Plan       Hours of usage      INR*       USD*
                                         tives, including:
       the material more  resistant to  harsh
                                                                          tives enhance the durability and appea-
       mulation Lab’ – the interactive labo-  session on 5 November, where partici-  Haruna Sawaguchi, Technical Market-
       environmental conditions.            Water-based formulations  – these  rance of  wood. As  trends lean  toward    Plan 25           25            1,500         25
                                                                          ing Division at Nikko Chemicals will
                                         pants will create a water-in-oil liquid
       ratories which offer formulators and
                                           reduce volatile organic compounds  natural  materials  and  sustainable  design,
       R&D staff a hands-on opportunity to   foundation with the added benefits of   enable attendees to create a water-   Plan 50           50            2,500         50                  Web-Based
          Modern formulations are engi-
                                           (VOCs) and have a lower environ-
                                                                          based combination sunscreen (SPF
       enhance their formulation skills.  a smooth feel and blurred pores.  wood treated with eco-friendly chemi-          Plan 100          100           4,500         75                  Directory
       neered to penetrate deeply into wood   mental footprint;           50+, PA ++ in-vitro) in the workshop,            Plan 150          150           6,000        100                  on Indian
                                                                          cals is becoming a preferred choice for
                                                                          ’Skinified’ serum sunscreen with com-
                                           Meanwhile, on 6 November, Mr. Sean
         Running across all three days of
       fi bres, offering protection without com-     Copper-based preservatives – known  designers and manufacturers.  *Plus GST @ 18% applicable                                        Chemical Industry
                                         Gahan from Primient Covation  will  be
       the event, 10 sessions will be deli-
                                                                          bination UV filter system’.
       promising its natural appearance. These   for their effectiveness and reduced                                                                                                         and Trade
       UNLOCKING POTENTIAL                 toxicity; and                  Innovations: Smart preservatives             For more information or for a FREE trial contact:
       treatments are essential for applications
       In-cosmetics Global’s new report explores growing                                                               Mr. Kiran Iyer             Mr. Abhishek Vora
       like decking, fencing, and utility poles,
                                             Bio-based preservatives – derived  and fi re resistance
       where longevity and performance  are   from  natural sources,  they align   Advancements in the wood preser-
       role of SMEs in beauty industry                                    vative chemicals market are unlocking                                                                 Chemicals &         Search & download
                                           with circular economy principles.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      data on 8,500+
                                                                          new possibilities, including:                Chemical Weekly Database Pvt. Ltd.                     related products /      Manufacturers /
                                                                                                                                                                                Equipment &
         The leading personal care
                                           These innovations help manufacturers -
       Effi ciency and cost savings       tial: Meet the SMEs Driving      sme-mini-report.html) explores the           602-B, Godrej Coliseum, K.J. Somaiya Hospital Road,    Instrumentation /    Dealers / Indentors /
                                                                              Smart preservatives, incorporating
       ingredients industry exhibition,
                                         Innovation in Cosmetics’. The
                                                                          impact and influence that small and
                                                                             nanotechnology to deliver enhanced
                                         report (more info at:  https://www.
       In-cosmetics Global, has released  comply with stringent environmental   medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)        Behind Everard Nagar, Sion (E), Mumbai - 400 022.         Consultants        Merchant Exporters
          Wood preservative chemicals  pro-
                                                                                                                       Phone: +91-22-24044471  72
       vide cost-effective solutions by reduc-  regulations while meeting growing   are  having  on  a  market  segment
       a  new  report  on  ‘Unlocking Poten-
                                                                             protection and performance; and
       46                                            Home, Personal & Institutional Care India  October 2024
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