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Carbon Foot Print                                                              Carbon Foot Print

 mandatory impact assessment of mode-  ture processes essential for initiating   Reducing   feedstock-embedded   Through  proactive  planning,  invest-  September  2013,  Volume  17,  Issue  22. The life cycle analysis of these fer-
 rate or major production variations – and  chemical  and  biological  reactions  and  carbon  emissions  comes  with  a  much   ments,  and  collaboration  with  supply   9.  mentation  processes  excluded  the
 then  implement  them  postapproval.  sterilization. These  fuels,  derived  from  higher abatement cost for raw material   chain  partners, API  manufacturers  can  10. Kung  Cheng  et al.,  “Methodology   production emissions from mono-
 To  minimize  delays  and  accelerate  the  sustainable  sources  like  biomass  and  suppliers.  This  reduction  can  only  be   chart a path to a 90 percent emissions   for carbon footprint calculation in   clonal antibodies.
 decarbonization  progress  in  the  next  biogas, currently face widespread adop-  accomplished if suppliers switch to renew-  reduction by 2040. Taking bold action to   crop and livestock production,” Car-  23. Spencer D. Schaber et al., “Economic
 decade, the life sciences industry could  tion challenges due to feedstock avail-  able  or  low-carbon  feedstocks,  some   minimize  their  carbon  footprint  allows   bon Footprint Handbook, December   analysis  of  integrated  continuous
 proactively plan and implement climate-  ability (biomass, for example, relies on  of  which  require  technologies  that  are   API manufacturers to contribute to the   2017.  and batch pharmaceutical manufac-
 positive  manufacturing  variations  while  dedicated  energy  crops),  regulatory  -  either not yet commercially viable (typi-  fi ght against climate change while also  11. Target  Dashboard,  Science  Based   turing: A  case  study,”  Industrial &
 aligning with the latest regulatory stan-  requirements, and suitability for specifi c  cally  costing  more  than  $250  per  ton   ensuring  their  long-term  sustainability   Target Initiative, accessed April 14,   Engineering Chemistry Research,
 dards to ensure the quality, safety, and  load profi les. API manufacturers should  of CO ) or that face supply constraints.   and competitiveness – as well as that of   2024.  July 27, 2011, Volume 50, Issue 17.
 effi cacy of APIs.  therefore consider a wide range of tech-  These options include sustainable feed-  their life sciences and healthcare stake-  12. “Health  sector  commitments  to  24. Carbon  price  refers  to  both  carbon
 nical  and  economic  factors,  including  stocks (for example, bio-based and CO    holders.  emissions reduction and resilience,”   taxes and emission trading systems;
 Renewable-energy transitions that   available investment, government incen-  to X )  and  net-zero  technologies  (like   US  Department  of  Health  and   global  carbon  prices  are  expected
 are slightly costlier  tives, technology maturity, and accessi-  carbon capture and storage and electri-  REFERENCES  Human Services, April 2022.  to reach $40 to $200 per ton of CO
 API manufacturers can reduce emis-  bility to renewable sources, and chart a  fi cation  of  crackers)  that  help  produce   1.  “Healthcare’s  climate  footprint,”  13. “Delivering  a  ‘net  zero’  National   by  2030  and  approximately  $60  to
 sions by roughly 5 to 10 percent by shift-  feasible and commercially viable route  low-carbon feedstocks.  ARUP, September 2019.  Health  Service,”  NHS  England,   $350 per ton of CO  by 2050 based
 ing toward renewable power and fuel   during the renewable – energy transition.  2.  The  25  percent  estimate  is  based   updated July 4, 2022.  on  regional  carbon  pricing  fi gures.
 during  manufacturing  at  a  cost  of  $25   Some raw materials suppliers are   on  the  data  estimates  described  in  14. “Activate  program  launched  to   See “Global carbon market outlook
 to $75 per ton of CO , which is within   Sustainable feedstocks and solvent   starting  to  use  such  sustainable  feed-  Exhibit 1.  accelerate decarbonization in active   2024,”  Bloomberg  NEF,  February
 the range of the projected global carbon   procurement that would require   stocks  as  vegetable  oils,  corn,  sugar   3.  “Technical guidance for calculating   pharmaceutical  ingredient  (API)   21, 2024.
 price(24).  supply chain collaboration  cane,  and  lignocellulosic  biomass(27)  to   Scope 3 emissions, Category 1: Pur-  supply  chains,”  Manufacture  2030,  25. “Energize announces program mile-
 Renewable-power  sources  –  solar,   API  manufacturers  have  the  poten-  produce a range of commodity chemical   chased goods and services,” Green-  November 9, 2022.  stones, with formation of additional
 wind, hydroelectricity, and geothermal –   tial to further reduce their emissions by  building blocks and solvents for down-  house  Gas  Protocol,  accessed  July,  15. Based  on  median  EBITDA  margin   buyers cohorts bringing new renew-
 are  essential  in  reducing  GHG   an  average  of  50  percent  if  they  work  stream industrial application across such   2024.  for the top ten pharmaceutical com-  able electricity to the grid for pharma,”
 emissions.  API  manufacturers  have   with suppliers, particularly oil and gas  sectors  as  automotive,  electronics,  and   4.  Based  on  McKinsey  Chemical   panies.  Schneider  Electric,  December  4,
 several options for renewable electri-  refi neries and petrochemical companies,  personal  care.  However,  high  prices,   Insights and Market. US data.  16. “Takeda  unveils  fi rst  industrial  ap-  2023.
 city,  including  on-site  installations,   that  reduce  their  own  use  of  carbon-  supply  shortages,  competing  demand,   5.  Manufacturing  of  biologic  APIs  is   plication of natural gas-free steam  26. Refers  to  CO   transformation,  in
 renewable-energy certifi cates, and power   emitting  energy  sources  (potential  for  and  cost  sensitivity  from  downstream   usually associated with lower emis-  generation in pharmaceutical industry   which CO  removed from the atmo-
 purchase  agreements  (PPAs).  The  best   a 10 to 20 percent reduction) and also  customers will limit widespread adop-  sions because they are derived from   in partnership with Austrian govern-  sphere  or  recycled  from  industrial
 option depends on regional availability   adopt net-zero technologies and sustain-  tion over the next fi ve to ten years.  biomass,  and  the  transformation  is   ment  and  Institute  of  Technology,”   processes is used to make chemical-
 and  technological  feasibility.  Renew-  able  feedstocks  in  their  production  of   less energy intense due to lower pro-  Takeda press release, Jan. 25, 2023.  based products.
 able  electricity  is  especially  important   low-carbon  chemical  reagents  and  sol-  Given  the  potential  for  signifi cant   cess  temperature,  fewer  steps,  and  17. “12  principals  of  green  chemistry,”  27. Cynthia  A.  Challener,  “Green-by-
 for  API  manufacturing  as  the  indus-  vents (potential for a 30 to 40 percent  decarbonization  with  this  lever,  API   smaller quantities of lower-carbon-  American   Chemical   Society,   design  small-molecule API  synthe-
 try  adopts  electrifi ed  boilers  and  heat   reduction).  However,  doing  so  would  manufacturers  should  take  proactive   intensity raw materials.  accessed July 2024.  sis,”  Pharmaceutical Technology,
 pumps, which would need to be powe-  come at a relatively high cost to suppliers  measures to prepare for and take advan-  6.  McKinsey  survey  of  more  than  20  18. 2022  TRI  national  analysis,  US   September  28,  2023,  Volume  47,
 red  by  renewable  electricity  if  the   (up to $300 per ton of CO ).  tage of these options when they become   sustainability/procurement executives   Environmental  Protection  Agency,   Issue 10.
 industry’s  decarbonization  goals  are   more  feasible.  In  the  meantime,  they   from  leading  API  manufacturers,   March 2024.
 to  be  achieved.  Already,  the  Energize   Raw material suppliers could reduce  could  become  more  familiar  with  the   July 2023.  19. Yanqiu Tao,  et al.,  “Environmental   CHRISTOF WITTE
 program  (launched  in  2021  through  a   the  emissions  attributed  to  their  energy  regulatory  landscape  around  adoption   7.  Based  on  European  Solvent  Recy-  sustainability  of  the  globalized   McKinsey, Berlin
 collaboration  among  Schneider  Electric   source for a relatively lower cost (up to  of sustainable materials within existing   cler Group data.  pharmaceutical  supply  chains:  The   LUCY PÉREZ
 and 20 sponsoring life sciences compa-  $100 per ton of CO ). However, they will  synthesis  processes  and  pursue  green-  8.  PMI  is  a  method  used  to  calculate   case  of  tenofovir  disoproxil  fuma-  McKinsey, Boston
 nies) has recruited over 500 life sciences   need  to  improve  their  operational  effi -  fi nancing instruments that could be used   mass data on the amounts of mate-  rate,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry &   MARIA FERNANDEZ
 suppliers and has increased their access   ciency while transitioning to renewable-  to secure sustainably produced materials   rials,  such  as  water,  raw  materials,   Engineering, March 23, 2023, Volume   McKinsey, New Jersey
 to  roughly  2  terawatt-hours  (TWh)  of   energy  sources.  Options  are  available  through  offtake  agreements  with  their   consumables,  packaging,  et cetera,   11, Issue 17.  CONG LUO
 renewable  electricity  via  fi ve  PPA   for  API  manufacturers  to  consciously  upstream suppliers.  required  to  produce  1  kilogram  of  20. “Intellectual   capital,”   Lupin,   Consultant
 buyers’ cohorts across North America and   procure raw materials from suppliers   drug substance.  accessed April 2024.  THOMAS WESKAMP
 Europe(25).  that are already making this transition   Despite  the  challenges, API  manu-  9.  David  K.  Leadhy,  et al.,  “Seven  21. Deniz  Etit,  et al.,  “Can  biotechno-  McKinsey, Cologne
 via  sustainable-sourcing  practices,  but  facturers should consider the full range   important elements for an effective   logy lead the way toward a sustain-
 API  manufacturers  can  also  utilize  doing  so  within  a  complex  supply  of options offered by these decarboniza-  green  chemistry  program:  An  IQ   able  pharmaceutical  industry?,”   BALINT FRIDRICH,
 renewable fuels for heat and steam pro-  chain presents them with an operational  tion  levers  and  incorporate  them  into   Consortium  perspective,”  Organic   Current Opinion in Biotechnology,   Knowledge Specialist, McKinsey,
 duction for the low- to medium-tempera-  challenge.  their  long-term  implementation  plans.   Process Research & Development,   June 2024, Volume 87.  Amsterdam.

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