Page 190 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 190

Special report                                                                                                                                                            Special report

       adverse  for  Ukraine  but  it  may  be  a  are policy hawks who want to subdue  This  could  trigger  a  worldwide  move                                                         strategy  of  being  an  effi cient  manu-
       welcome relief for their suffering citizens.  China which is menacingly close to the  to raise interest rates in the last Quarter                                                 facturer of medium technology manu-
       This will provide a big escape route for  US  in  technology  innovations  across  of 2025 or at least to delay interest rate                                                     factured  products for export,  and of
       Russia which wants a fi g leaf to sign a  disciplines  ranging  from  engineering  cuts,  contrary  to  predictions  of  most                                                      winding down nuclear energy genera-
       peace treaty. It will help Russia recover  to  AI  and  Biotechnology  (especially  economists.                                                                                   tion even at the cost of importing
       a bit economically in 2025, potentially  in  applications),  in  creating  gleaming                                                                                               energy. Germany’s innovation was largely
       belying Goldman Sachs projection of a  public infrastructure, and buying infl u-  Trump  is  probably  barking  up  the                                                            around  Industry  4.0,  which  delivered
       drop in GDP growth from 3.2% in 2024  ence in Africa, Latin America and parts  wrong tree in Panama (Hutchison Ports                                                              effi ciency  and  automation  to  increase
       to 1.2% in 2025. The Russian economy  of Asia. The  pessimistic  scenario  would  has been managing  two ports on the                                                             labour  productivity.  That  position  is
       may do better in 2025 despite lower oil  be a covert and overt fi ght back to block  Canal since 1997). He is likely to ex-                                                        being seriously challenged by innovative
       prices  (no  more  discounting  required)  Trump’s  move through restrictions on  tract minor concessions by threatening                                                          manufacturers of hi-tech products and
       if Trump reduces sanctions to end the  export of rare earths and by exporting  the Panamanian Government, which is                                                                components from China, USA, Taiwan,
       Ukraine  war.  For  Trump,  it  will  be  a  to the US through ‘proxy’ countries in  still recovering from droughts, and then                                                     South Korea, etc. who can additionally,
       political victory, and for Putin, an oppor-  which manufacturing plants have been  probably  by  offering  to  not  support                                                       adopt Germany’s effi ciency measures.
       tunity to cosy up to Trump to get sanc-  established. Xi Jinping was tutored in  Mexico’s  Interoceanic  Rail  Corridor
       tions  gradually  eased  in  2025.  Trump  Sun Tzu’s war philosophy – ‘Victorious  which is a competitor to the Panama                                                               Europe’s  woes  were  enhanced  by
       will want to use the opportunity to push  warriors win fi rst and then go to war,  Canal.                                                                                          the  rising  energy  costs  following  the
       Russia out of China’s sphere of infl u-  while defeated warriors go to war fi rst                                                                                                   Ukraine war, with Germany seemingly
       ence. After all, Trump needs to support  and then seek to win’.       Also,  expect  reduced  support  for                                                                        vulnerable in particular; its vaunted
       his backers in the US who don’t want to                            climate  change  efforts,  lower  controls   that  an  oil  price  surge  that  will  hurt   oil prices to industrial and individual  automobile industry is struggling against
       be pushed around by Chinese compa-  The  tussle  between  Trump  and  on oil drilling (modestly increased sup-  global  economy  badly  is  unlikely  in   consumers.             the  Chinese  EV  onslaught.  Trump’s
       nies. He will also want Russia to forget  China will take interesting turns during  ply in the future), lower regulation of   2025, and that a price decline may not              threatened tariffs on goods import from
       about Iran and Syria.             2025 but don’t assume that China will  AI (except to punish OpenAI, if possi-  boost global GDP growth. I see it this  The Global economy in 2025  the UK and Europe, even in the unlikely
                                         lose. They seem to innovate their way  ble), more support to the US auto sector   way,  in  the  context  of  two  long  term   While  there  is  a  consensus  view  event  of  implementation,  will  have
       China is economic enemy number 1  out  of  every  challenge  and  constraint  (tariffs on Chinese EVs), more defence   insights:                that  the  World  economy  will  grow  at  very little impact on UK and Europe as
          China is not in great shape. Despite  imposed on them. A modern day Jack  production  and  lobbying  internation-    Oil intensity of GDP has been steadily  a modest rate of 3.2 to 3.3% in 2025,  a whole (exports to USA are only 2.2%
       its outstanding progress in the past 40  in the Box!               ally at the Government level to secure        falling  since  1973.  Measured  in  the averages often hide more than they  and 3.2% of GDP respectively) except
       years,  its  growth  has  slowed  down  in                         orders  from  the  world  over  (wars  are    2015 Dollars, it took almost 1 barrel  reveal;  not  surprisingly,  22  countries  for Germany and Italy. In 2025, energy
       the  past  two  years,  debt  has  shot  up,  America’s big business is Friend No.1  needed around the world to make up for   of oil to generate US$1,000 of GDP  with  a  low  base  will  grow  at  6%  import costs for Europe will fall due to
       the  population  is  ageing,  real  estate   Trump got major funding from Elon  the end of the Ukraine-Russia war). If   in  1973.  By  2019,  it  had  steadily  (Tanzania) to 27% (South Sudan) with  lower oil prices, and it is likely that the
       inventory  is  high  and  its  prices  have  Musk and other billionaires who want  India buys more US military hardware   declined to 0.46 barrels. This steady,  India, the only large economy in that list  Euro which fell since Trump’s victory,
       dropped, consumer wealth has  shrunk  America  to  deregulate  several  aspects  and nuclear power plants (more on that   linear  decline  could  even  accele-  likely to share the 13th place with fi ve  will slowly strengthen to its pre-Trump
       and demand for goods has dropped,  of  governance  whilst  supporting  later),  there  would  be  less  pressure   rate in times to come due to energy  other countries with a likely growth of  election  level  by  the  end  of  the  year.
       consumers are downtrading, and conse-  domestic manufacturing industries with  from Trump to shake up India’s import   transition.              6.5%. The richest seven countries, the  European  economies  may  grow  and
       quently monetary policy easing has had  incentives,  support  for  cryptocurren-  tariff regime. India, which is in the pin-    Academic  studies in the past four  G7, will grow very slowly except the  may also reduce interest rates further.
       limited impact in 2024 – all this with-  cies, reducing taxes especially for the  cer’s grip due to the turn of events in   decades, by several oil economists,  US whose growth will be just shy of the
       out Trump wielding the stick. Trump is  topmost  layer  and  the  bottommost  Bangladesh with support from Pakistan   have  shown  that  while  a  drop  in  World average – fantastic for the big-  Investment fl ows into USA and
       likely to announce at least 20% import  layer of society. However, there will be  and China, will need US support which   oil prices boosts Real Global GDP  gest economy in the World!  impact on EMs
       tariff and though China counters with  internal  Republican  moves  to  prevent  will come at a price from the Big Nego-  growth,  the  opposite  is  not  true.                     Investments  are  expected  to  fl ow
       more  economic  stimuli,  China’s  GDP  excessive  import  tariffs  from  fuelling  tiator. Import duties on some items will   Empirically true but sounds illogi-  Europe  continues to have  growth  into USA in 2025 as in 2024, because
       growth is only likely to hover around  consumer  inflation  (or  even  likely  need to be reduced by India while at the   cal at the macro level. At the very  challenges;  now  there  is  political  un-  USA  will  be  the  only  growth  engine
       4.5%  in  2025.  In Trump  1.0,  Chinese  retaliation from Europe and China), and  same time, some items exported to the   least, they should impact moderately  certainty too, in France and Germany.  in the Developed World unless Trump
       imports into USA grew without reduc-  to ensure that tax cuts are moderated in  US will attract new import tariffs. Steel   both  ways  because  Oil  Exporting  Therefore, both these economies could  shoots a self-goal. NASDAQ tech com-
       ing export prices, but the US consumer  line  with  alternative  revenue  streams  may be a problem for India.   Nations (nearly 45% of the Nomi-  contract a bit in 2025, though Europe  panies, lit with AI’s halo, are expected
       paid  the  extra  cost  of  duty. This  time  to avoid an increase in National Debt                              nal Global GDP) and Oil Importing  as  a  whole  may  register  a  growth  of  to attract global equity fl ows. This, des-
       around, Trump’s tariffs may be higher.  which is already unsustainable at 122%  Oil prices and economic recovery  Nations should face equal and op-  about 0.8-1.0% thanks to  good  showing  pite USA’s share of global market cap
       China is expected to dump steel, EVs  of  GDP.  Else,  it  could  lead  to  higher   Oil prices are indeed slated to aver-  posite  effect.  It  is  complicated  by  by Spain, Czech Republic and Poland.  being already at a record high of 70%,
       and consumer products in other coun-  bond  yields  and  infl ation,  leading  to  age US$74 per barrel for Brent crude in   the fact that the governments of two  That is after accounting for about 0.4-  though the US accounts only for 27% of
       tries. The optimistic scenario for China  pressure to raise interest rates. Trump  2025, and some speculate that it could   of  the  biggest  oil  importers,  India  0.5% shrinkage due to Trump’s likely  the global economy. Several corporate
       is  that  they  will  buy  peace  by  play-  may still err on the side of his backers.  even  dip  to  US$50.  Oil  price  predic-  and  China,  have  been  consistently  policies.  Germany  needs  long  term  bond issues, aggregating US$1.5 trillion
       ing to Trump’s outsized ego, but there  Rise  in  infl ation  in  USA  is  expected.  tions are fi ckle, but it is safe to assume   reluctant to pass on the full drop in  structural  change  in  their  prevailing  are  also  expected  in  the  US,  with

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