Page 181 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 181

18th Annual GPCA Forum

       noting  the  industry’s  move  from  the  and  green  hydrogen  to  aerospace  and  ship between chemical companies and
       West  to  the  East.  With  energy  costs  advanced chip manufacturing.  governments  to  reach  climate  goals.
       and carbon pricing in Europe creating                              She pointed to the success of the ‘Ant-
       a significant competitive disadvantage,   A major focus for Syensqo is reduc-  werp Declaration’ signed by over 1,200
       regions like the Middle East and China  ing  greenhouse  gas  emissions  and  en-  industry  leaders  in  Europe,  advocating
       have become the new powerhouses of  abling the circular economy. Dr. Kadri  for  a  competitive,  innovation-friendly
       chemical manufacturing. This has been  shared her company’s ambitious goal of  regulatory environment.
       compounded  by  regulatory  pressures  achieving carbon neutrality by 2040, a
       and geopolitical tensions that are strain-  feat  being  pursued  through  innovative   “The  chemical  industry  will  not
       ing trade and market stability.   projects and an internal carbon pricing  transition  and  thrive  without  the
                                         system. She also highlighted Syensqo’s  authorities by our side. We need each
          In  the  face  of  these  challenges,   efforts  to  foster  collaboration  between  other to achieve our climate ambitions.
       Dr. Kadri outlined Syensqo’s strategy,  industry, government, and academia to  The  industry  provides  the  affordable
       emphasising sustainability, innovation,  drive the development of new sustain-  innovations  needed  for  the  transi-
       and regulation. “We solve complicated  able materials and technologies, such as  tion and government should provide a
       problems  in  attractive,  high-growth  bio-based and non-metallic materials.  stable and simple, regulatory environ-
       markets,”  she  explained,  detailing  the                         ment with a level playing field condu-
       company’s  contributions  to  a  wide    Looking  to  the  future,  Dr.  Kadri  cive to commercialising the next gene-
       array of sectors, from electric vehicles  stressed the need for a strong partner-  ration of innovations,” she emphasised.


       Strategising for future growth as industry grapples

       with multi-layered disruptions

          The world has rarely seen a “multi-                             duction  capacity  of  200-million  metric
       layered  disruption”  of  the  chemical                            tons versus demand of just 175-million
       industry  as  is  being  witnessed  now,                           metric tons. We are seeing an oversupply
       according to Mr. Stefan Koch, Head –                               rate of 8-15% in base chemicals, which
       Chemical  and  Advanced  Materials                                 has been rarely seen in the past. Chinese
       Industry, World Economic Forum (WEF).                              players have revealed ambitions to grow
                                                                          further into base chemicals, which could
          2024 has emerged as a pivotal year                              aggravate the situation further. This re-
       for global geopolitics, he said, with con-                         sults  in  mixed  profitability  depending
       flicts  such  as  the  Ukraine-Russia  war                         on where you are in the chemical value
       and tensions in Gaza disrupting markets                            chain, and in which region you are posi-
       and supply chains. Simultaneously, the                             tioned,” Mr. Koch said.
       world faces political uncertainty driven
       by  major  elections  in  India,  Mexico,                             Energy costs, driven higher by geo-
       Europe,  and  the  US.  The  global  trade                         political  tensions,  add  to  the  strain,
       environment is undergoing a significant                            particularly  in  Europe.  “High  interest
       transformation  as  decoupling  between                            rates  have  further  compounded  diffi-
       major  powers,  particularly  the  US  and   Mr. Stefan Koch       culties, delaying or cancelling up to a
       China,  redefines  industries.  Climate  is  faced  with  the  “poison  cocktail”  of  quarter  of  planned  capital  projects  in
       change and the uneven CO  pricing conti-  challenges. “Demand in Asia has fallen  2024,” he said. Although the market for
       nues  to  remain  substantial  risks,  with  below expectations, while an oversupply   sustainable products is expanding, the
       potential  GDP  reductions  threatening  of  base  chemicals  like  ethylene  has   systemic “green premium” expected to
       economies worldwide.              pressured profitability,” he said.  incentivise green investments has yet to
                                                                          materialise.  The  industry,  responsible
          Mr.  Koch  said  the  chemical  sector   “For ethylene, there is a global pro-  for 5-6% of global CO  emissions, lags

       Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025                                                                181

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