Page 178 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 178

18th Annual GPCA Forum

       its success in creating globally com-  inorganic  expansions  in  the  petro-  is  exploring  acquisition  opportuni-
       petitive petrochemical enterprises, he  chemical  sector.  Domestically,  KPC  ties to strengthen its position in key
       said.                             is  conducting  feasibility  studies  for  markets. He noted that current market
                                         a  fourth  olefin  train,  buoyed  by  the  conditions favour bold actions, allow-
          Mr.  Al-Sabah  highlighted  the  recent allocation of sufficient gas re-  ing KPC to secure strategic assets at
       company’s plans for both organic and  sources. Internationally, the company  competitive valuations.

       Innovating and meeting evolving market needs

       amidst energy volatility, disrupted supply chains
       and decarbonisation push

          The global chemical industry, which                             cal industry will be carbon management,
       has  long  been  a  cornerstone  of  global                        said Mr. Eramo.
       progress, is navigating a complex land-
       scape of geopolitical turmoil, technolo-                              “The  chemical  industry  must  bal-
       gical shifts, and growing environmental                            ance the need for capital investment in
       concerns and the next 10 years will be                             traditional assets with the imperative to
       shaped by several key drivers, including                           reduce carbon emissions. Effective car-
       energy volatility, shifting global supply                          bon  management  will  be  a  key  factor
       chains,  and  the  ongoing  push  towards                          in deciding where and how new petro-
       decarbonisation, according to Mr. Mark                             chemical assets are built over the next
       Eramo,  Co-President  and  Global  Head                            decade,”  he  said,  emphasising  that  the
       of Fuels, Chemicals & Resource Solu-                               future  of  petrochemical  production
       tions, S&P Global Commodity Insights.                              will  require  a  careful  balance  between
                                                                          economic  growth  and  environmental
          Highlighting the issue of energy volati-                        responsibility.
       lity,  Mr.  Eramo  pointed  how  the  rela-
       tionship  between  crude  oil  prices  and                            Mr.  Eramo  underscored  the  role  of
       petrochemical pricing has been in flux                             technological  innovation  in  achieving
       in recent years. “We are currently in a                            a  low-carbon  future. Advancements  in
       period of oversupply, which has placed                             carbon  capture,  renewable  feedstock,
       significant  pressure  on  profitability. At   Mr. Mark Eramo      and the recycling of plastic waste will be
       the same time, investments are needed    “The sharp decline in China’s ethy-  critical in helping the chemical industry
       to  meet  decarbonisation  goals  and   lene-equivalent imports, from a peak of  meet sustainability goals.
       support  the  transition  to  a  low-carbon  nearly  30-million  tons  in  2020  to  just
       future,” he noted.                under  20-million  tons  today,  is  a  key   “The  next  decade  will  present  signi-
                                         trend  reshaping  global  markets.  This  ficant  challenges,  but  also  tremendous
          S&P Global’s forecasts suggest that  shift,  driven  by  China’s  push  for  self-  opportunities. The chemical industry has
       energy prices will remain high and vola-  sufficiency,  has  disrupted  investments  always been resilient, and with the right
       tile, creating both risks and opportunities  worldwide,  especially  in  regions  that  combination  of  technology,  policy,  and
       for producers worldwide.          anticipated continued growth in Chinese  market  acceptance,  we  can  continue  to
                                         demand. As domestic demand fluctuates  lead the way in solving some of the world’s
          Mr. Eramo also discussed the shift-  and  China  turns  to  increased  exports,  most pressing problems. It will require a
       ing  dynamics  in  global  supply  chains,  the global industry must recalibrate,” he  concerted effort from all stakeholders to
       with a particular focus on China’s grow-  said.                    ensure that the advancements we make are
       ing  self-sufficiency  in  petrochemical                           sustainable, both economically and envi-
       production.                         Another critical theme for the chemi-  ronmentally,” he concluded.

       178                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025

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