Page 183 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 183
18th Annual GPCA Forum
people and lack resources. It is our biotechnology and advanced chemi- structural barriers in regions like Sub-
ethical responsibility to work with cal solutions to work synergistically, Saharan Africa, where affordability
them to produce the food the world ensuring fertilisers are both efficient and access to fertilisers remain
requires,” he stated. He highlighted and environmentally friendly. significant challenges.
the role of industry associations in
reaching out to farmers with these Mr. Jai Shroff, Chairman and While acknowledging progress,
critical practices. CEO, UPL Ltd., addressed the role the panellists agreed that more work
of partnerships in bridging the gap is needed to drive adoption of smart
Mr. Federico Zardi, CEO, Casale, between research and practical ap- fertilisers, particularly in markets
brought a technology-focused per- plications for farmers. Drawing from like China and India. Mr. Zardi noted
spective, advocating for smarter ferti- UPL’s experience in regions like that these fertilisers, though promis-
lisers that integrate traditional nutri- Africa and India, Mr. Shroff emphasised ing, require education and agronomic
ents with bio-stimulants and bacteria the importance of improving farmer support to gain widespread accep-
to enhance nutrient uptake efficiency. resilience through accessible techno- tance. Mr. Shroff reiterated that
“We are studying how plants take up logies. “We are focused on soil integrating sustainable practices at
nutrients and developing fertilisers health, seed technology, and reducing the grassroots level is essential for
tailored to specific geographic and post-harvest losses to build a resilient long-term success.
climatic conditions,” he explained. food system,” he said. He also high-
He also underlined the potential for lighted the importance of addressing Government policies and global
Chemical Weekly January 7, 2025 183
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