Page 184 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 184

18th Annual GPCA Forum

       protectionist  trends  were  also  dis-  unintended consequences, particularly   for  continued  innovation,  collabora-
       cussed.  The  panellists  warned  that  for food-exporting regions.  tion,  and  education  to  align  agricul-
       measures  such  as  carbon  taxes  and                             tural  practices  with  global  sustain-
       emissions trading systems could have   The  session  concluded  with  calls  ability goals.

       GPCA Youth Forum focusses on role of youth in driving

       regional development

          The 3rd edition of the GPCA Youth  the  session  featured  Dr.  Fahad   how  to  achieve  sustainability  goals
       Forum, an initiative led by GPCA and  Al-Sherehy, VP, Corporate Sustainabi-  through  collaboration  and  innova-
       the GPCA Youth Council, highlighted   lity, SABIC; Dr. Ammar Mohammed  tion.
       the  role  of  GCC  youth  in  driving   Al  Ojaili,  VP  R&D  &  Innovation,
       regional  development  and  global  OQ;  Lama  Al-Otaibi,  Learning  and   Dr.  Mohammed  Al-Mulla,  CEO,
       progress.  The  forum  addressed  the  Development Specialist, Equate; and  QAPCO,  spoke  about  advancing
       theme  ‘Youth  powering  tomorrow:  Mohammed  Fakhroo,  Mechanical  interaction  between  academia  and
       Shaping a sustainable future’.    Engineer, Q-Chem.                the  chemical  industry,  while  Ali
                                                                          Al-Habsi,  retired  professional  foot-
          One  of  the  key  features  at  this   As  part  of  a  CEO  Panel  entitled  baller  from  Oman;  and  Ahmed  Al
       year’s Youth Forum was the “Youth  “Leading sustainable innovations in  Harthy,  professional  race  car  driver
       Debate”,  which  addressed  the  topic  the  chemical  industry”,  delegates  also  from  Oman,  spoke  about  goal-
       of  the  petrochemical  industry’s  im-  heard  from  Hilal Al  Kharusi,  Chief  oriented leadership.
       perative  to  balance  bold  adapta-  Executive,  Commercial  and  Down-
       tion with lasting impact for the next  stream,  OQ;  Khalid  Al  Dawood,   The forum also featured a round-
       generation.  Moderated  by  Abdullah  MD  and  CEO,  NATPET;  and  Naser   table  on  energy  and  youth  besides
       Albaze,  Research  Engineer,  Corp  Aldousari, CEO, EQUATE, who shared   activities like speed mentorship and
       R&D  and  Sustainability,  SABIC,  real-life  examples  and  insights  on  simulation mock interviews.

       184                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025

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