Page 177 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 177

18th Annual GPCA Forum

       developing Oman’s Liquefied Natural  of  methane-based  operations,  olefins,  industry,  including  the  creation  of  OQ
       Gas  (LNG)  sector,  including  moder-  polyolefins and aromatics.  Group  in  2019,  a  mammoth  national
       nising  and  constructing  new  facili-                            consolidation  effort  that  involved  the
       ties  to  strengthen  its  position  on  the   Dr. Al Rumhy was the driving force  integration  of  nine  Omani  companies
       global  market.  He  also  grew  Oman’s  behind the consolidation and integration  into one big conglomerate with opera-
       petrochemical  industry  in  the  areas  of  Oman’s  downstream  and  upstream  tions spanning the entire value chain.

       Kuwait Petroleum Corporation plans $10-bn per

       year energy investments; targets tripling petchem


          Kuwait  Petroleum  Corporation
       (KPC),  the  state-owned  oil  company
       of Kuwait, has lined up massive invest-
       ment  plans,  as  it  prepares  to  navigate
       an evolving energy landscape.

          In his keynote address, Mr. Shaikh
       Nawaf S. Al-Sabah, Deputy Chairman &
       CEO,  KPC,  outlined  the  continued
       importance  of  hydrocarbons  in  meeting
       global energy demands, the company’s
       ambitious growth targets, and its focus
       on  petrochemicals  as  a  driver  of  eco-
       nomic diversification.                      Ms. Paula Naoufal of CNN Business Arabic in conversation with
                                                               Mr. Shaikh Nawaf S. Al-Sabah
          “About a third of the world’s current  response  to  the  anticipated  demand,   Kuwait  has  the  lowest  produc-
       energy  demand  is  being  met  by  crude  KPC has prioritised investments in both   tion  costs  globally  of  under  $10  per
       oil. As the global energy transition conti-  upstream  oil  production  and  down-  barrel,  along  with  the  lowest  carbon
       nues, hydrocarbons will retain a critical  stream petrochemical development.  intensity, he noted.
       position in the energy mix,” he said.
                                           “KPC remains committed to its tar-  Petrochemicals: cornerstone of
          By 2040, energy demand is expected  get of achieving 3.2-million barrels per   diversification strategy
       to increase by 50%. Even as renewables  day  of  production  capacity  by  2025   Mr. Al-Sabah  said  that  while  oil
       and other energy sources will address  and 4-million barrels per day by 2035.  demand  may  face  discussions  of  a
       a significant portion of this demand, a  Despite  OPEC+  production  curtail-  potential peak, the demand for petro-
       quarter  of  the  increased  energy  needs  ment,  KPC’s  spare  capacity  ensures  chemicals shows no signs of decline.
       in 2040 and beyond will still depend on  readiness to meet global needs during  Recognising this, KPC plans to triple
       oil.  Consequently,  oil  demand,  which  economic upswings or supply disrup-  its production capacity by 2040.
       currently stands at around 100-million  tions,” he said.
       barrels per day, is projected to remain                               KPC’s  integrated  approach  en-
       steady over the coming decades.     To  support  this  growth,  KPC  has  sures  that  petrochemical  operations
                                         allocated  around  $9-10  billion  invest-  align closely with upstream activities,
          Mr.  Al-Sabah  said  KPC  is  adapt-  ments over next few years. The focus is  optimising  feedstock  utilisation  and
       ing to market fluctuations and looking  on drilling, enhancing aging reservoirs,  maximising  efficiency.  The  company’s
       to  maintain  production  levels,  which  and  employing  advanced  oil  recovery  Equate  joint  venture,  a  partner-
       will require substantial investment. In  techniques to optimise production.  ship with Dow Chemical, exemplifies

       Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025                                                                177

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