Page 176 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
P. 176

18th Annual GPCA Forum

       will not only deliver but also will excel                          value, advancing the circular economy
       in sustainability,” he said.                                       and capitalising on the materials trans-
                                                                          formation.  The  chemical  industry  re-
          “The  chemical  industry  will  need                            mains one of the most attractive sectors
       hundreds  of  billions  of  dollars  glob-                         globally, with continued growth expec-
       ally  to  achieve  net  zero  emissions.                           tations  in  the  long  term.  The  GCC  is
       The socio-economic benefi ts are clear,                             well positioned to be an active player in
       and we can also establish commercial                               future industry growth.”
       gains. This is not just about responsibi-
       lity; it’s also about opportunity. We must                            The forum’s discussions focused on
       lead  with  a  commitment  to  reshaping                           growth, effi ciency, and sustainability in
       our industries and ensuring their long-                            the  petrochemical  sector,  with  CEOs
       term  relevance.  The  governments  and                            from  leading  companies  sharing  their
       industry  have  a  common  purpose  to                             visions  for  the  next  decade.  Keynote
       create  a  better  future  through  policies                       sessions  explored  themes  such  as  re-
       conducive  to  innovation  and  facilitat-                         silience, sustainability, and innovation,
       ing investments and fostering impactful                            addressing global challenges like food
       partnerships,” he added.                                           security  and  energy  security  amidst
                                                                          shifting geopolitical dynamics.
       ‘Collaborative efforts needed’         Mr. Mulham Basheer Al-Jarf
          In  a  later  address,  Mr.  Mulham  world. However, no single organisation   The  forum’s  exhibition,  featuring
       Basheer Al-Jarf, Chairman, OQ, Oman’s  or entity can achieve this alone. Colla-  over 110 companies, showcased petro-
       state-owned  energy  company,  called  boration remains the cornerstone of our  chemical  innovations  and  advance-
       for collaborative efforts to help tackle the  progress. Together, we must align our  ments. Another major highlight of the
       “unprecedented  shifts”  brought  about  efforts, pool our expertise and resources,  forum  was  the  second  edition  of  the
       by  the  energy  transition,  circularity  and scale innovations to generate both  SolutionXchange  programme,  which
       and digital transformations.      economic  value  and environmental  focused  on  energy  management,  cir-
                                         benefi ts,” he pointed out.       cular economy, and digital transforma-
          “The industry has a unique role in                              tion. The GPCA Startup Nexus, a new
       addressing  some  of  the  world’s  most   Dr. Abdulwahab Al-Sadoun, Secre-  GPCA  initiative,  focussed  on  advanc-
       pressing challenges, whether its reduc-  tary General, GPCA, said, “The chemi-  ing the start-up ecosystem in the region,
       ing  carbon  emissions,  improving  re-  cal  and  petrochemical  industry  has  a  while the GPCA Sustainability Pavilion
       source effi ciency, or creating products  unique opportunity to reaffi rm its role  showcased  the  region’s  sustainability
       that enhance everyday lives all over the  in the global landscape by creating new  initiatives.

       Dr. Mohamed Al Rumhy bestowed with ‘GPCA Legacy


          Dr.  Mohamed  Hamed  Al  Rumhy,                                 fi cantly growing the downstream petro-
       who  served  as  Oman’s  oil  minister                             chemical and chemical sector in Oman.
       and  also  as  its  energy  &  minerals
       minister,  was  recognised  with  the  6th                            In  his  role  as  Minister  of  Oil  &
       GPCA Legacy Award “Al-Rowad” in a                                  Gas,  and  subsequently  Minister  of
       special  award  ceremony  during  the                              Energy  and  Minerals,  Dr. Al  Rumhy
       Annual GPCA Forum.                                                 was  instrumental  in  securing  natural
                                                                          gas  feedstock,  which  fuelled  Oman’s
          Dr. Al Rumhy was awarded for his                                downstream  journey  in  the  early
       contribution  to  developing  and  signi-  Dr. Mohamed Hamed Al Rumhy  2000s. He played a pioneering role in

       176                                                                    Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025

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