Page 131 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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IOC to invest in Bihar refi nery expansion and PP projects
Indian Oil Corporation (IOC), the
nation’s leading refi ning company, has
committed investments of over Rs.
21,000-in signifi cant energy projects in
Bihar. These investments include the
expansion of the Barauni refi nery and
the establishment of a city gas distribu-
tion (CGD) network, boosting the state’s
industrial and energy sectors. This was
among a slew of major announcements
made at the ‘Bihar Business Connect
2024 – A Global Investors Summit’ held
in Patna on December 19.
PP plant at Barauni establishments. These initiatives will textile park of Bhadrak district. The
IOC is upgrading the Barauni refi - promote clean energy usage, reduce project, consisting of 900 tonnes per day
nery from its current capacity of 6-mtpa reliance on traditional fuels, and foster continuous polymerisation plant with
to 9-mtpa at a cost of Rs. 16,000-crore sustainable urban growth in the state. downstream units of draw textured yarn,
by the end of 2025. Alongside this ex- fully drawn yarn and polyester chip and
pansion, the company is setting up a Yarn project in Odisha other associated facilities, will come up
200-ktpa polypropylene (PP) plant. In another development, IOC has at total a cost of around Rs. 4,382-crore
approved its investment in a proposed to be shared between the partners.
IOC is also investing Rs. yarn project being set up in Odisha in
5,600-crore in establishing a city gas a joint venture with a leading chemical Last year, the state government had
distribution network across 27 cities company MCPI Pvt. Ltd. approved IOC’s plans to establish the
in Bihar. This network aims to supply polyester products manufacturing unit
compressed natural gas (CNG) for vehi- IOC’s Board of Directors has ap- in the textile park. The project would
cles and piped natural gas (PNG) for proved an investment of Rs. 657-crore generate employment for around 4,300
households, industries, and commercial for the yarn project in Bhandaripokhari people.
Spray Drying
Best Agrolife receives patent for novel ternary SODIUM SULPHITE Spare Capacity Available
pesticide formulation MIN 98% PURITY at Dhule (Maharashtra)
Best Agrolife Ltd., a leading agro- The country’s rice production, how- ternary formulation offers a single, effi cient Please Contact:
chemical manufacturer in India, has ever, is often threatened by several fac- solution that saves time, reduces costs, PLEASE CONTACT KHANDESH CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES
received a patent for a novel ternary tors, including Blast Disease, Sheath and promotes healthier crop growth, FOR YOUR REQUIREMENT Attn Mr. Pratik Jain - Mobile: 7038065559
pesticide formulation. This innovation Blight, and BPH. Blast Disease, a fungal ultimately leading to higher profi ts. Email:
integrates three agrochemicals – isoprothi- disease, results in severe yield losses.
olane, pymetrozine, and trifl oxystrobin – Similarly, Sheath Blight can reduce Robust portfolio ALCOHOL deNATurANTS / BITTerANTS
to deliver dual protection against Blast yields by up to 50%. Additionally, BPH Best Agrolife has a robust portfolio of MFD BY:- ACETALDEHYDE
and Blight diseases, as well as Brown causes substantial annual yield losses by patented products that have transformed CROTONALDEHYDE
Planthopper (BPH) insects, in paddy and sucking sap from rice plants and transmit- pest management practices in agriculture. GULSHAN CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED DENATONIUM BENZOATE
mango crops. India is the second-largest ting viral diseases. Traditionally, farmers It has been granted a patent for a binary 703-705, DLF PLACE, SAKET, NEW DELHI - 110017 PYRIDINE BASE
producer of rice globally, with a cultiva- have relied on three separate pesticides fungicide formulation combining Tri- Tel: 011 - 41041504, Mob No: 9999689337 CAOUTCHOUCINE
tion area exceeding 43-million hectares. to manage these infestations. The new fl oxystrobin and Valifenalate. Email :, The Lakshmiji Organics Pvt. Ltd.
Sitapur, UP. mob.: 09322661064
Website: email: /
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