Page 132 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
P. 132

Top Stories                                                                                               Manufacturer of
                                                                                                                     • COPPER SULPHATE (Technical Grade/ Feed Grade)  Organized by  INTERNATIONAL CROP-SCIENCE
                                                                                                                     • COPPER SULPHATE                         TM  PESTICIDES   CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION
                                                                                                                                                                MANUFACTURERS &
       ‘MAKE IN INDIA’ INITIATIVE                                                                                                                               FORMULATORS
                                                                                                                                                                ASSOCIATION OF INDIA
                                                                                                                         (Commercial / Agriculture Grade)  PMFAI
       ABB exports 85% of gas analyser solutions manufactured                                                        • ZINC SULPHATE MONOHYDRATE 33%
                                                                                                                     • ZINC SULPHATE MONOHYDRATE 22%  TO 30 %
       at Bengaluru facility                                                                                         • MANGANESE SULPHATE

          ABB’s System Integration Unit                                                                              • DRIED FERROUS SULPHATE                     Le Meridien Hotel and Conference Center, Dubai
       has reported delivering 85% of the                                                                             • DI-CALCIUM PHOSPHATE (Feed Grade)           ICSCE – Exclusive Event on Agri Inputs- Connect
                                                                                                                                                                     agribusinesses for Knowledge Sharing & B2B
       integrated analytical systems manu-
       factured at its Bengaluru facility to                                                                                                              Event Highlight
       international customers in Argentina and                                                                                                           ●Meet Executives of Top Agri Input Companies ● Build Brand Awareness ● Generate New
       the UAE, with is currently working on                                                                          C - 1, 41 / 2, GIDC Estate, Kalol - 382725, (N. G).  Markets, Sales Leads and Business Network ● Network With More Than +600 Professional
                                                                                                                      Contact: Mr. Raj Prajapati( + 91 9898464927)
       projects in Canada and Australia.                                                                              Email:        Visitors from World Over ● One To One Interaction Between the Buyers and Sellers
                                                                                                                                                          ● Keep In Touch with Existing Customers, Cooperation Partners, Agents, Distributors Etc. And
                                                                                                                           Meet  New  Customers  ●  Opportunity  For  Market  Research–  Trade  Fairs  Are  An  Excellent
          Integrated gas and liquid analyser                                                                          Website:        Environment To Test Customer Behaviour, Trends, Product Acceptance etc.
       systems play a critical role in ensuring                                                                                                           ● Gain Knowledge From Two Days plenary sessions & panel discussion
       the safety, reliability, and effi ciency of  are increasingly able to do this from   “The expertise we have developed   Consignment Agent of Organic Ind. Ltd.  ●  Know more about new products and competitors.
                                                                                                                              BORIC ACID
       production processes.  These systems  our base in India,” said Mr. Javier  in India effectively supports the most   Technical / Pure / Granular / Powder  Buyer-Seller Proifle
       provide accurate measurements of  Suárez  Díez,  Global  System  Integra-  challenging applications in  energy  in-  Borax Decahydrate Granular / Crystal  ●•   Agrochemical Manufacturers, Formulators & Exporters Includes insecticide, fungicide,
       various process gas and liquid compo-  tion  Manager  at ABB. “Our  team in  dustries, both domestically  and inter-  Borax Penta Hydrate  D.O.T. (Boron 20)  herbicide  ●Biological  Agri  inputs  includes  Biochemical  pesticides,  Bio  stimulant,  Bio
       nents, enabling real-time monitoring  Bengaluru combines extensive tech-  nationally,” added Mr.  Díez. “We are      Potassium Permanganate        Fertilizers, Microbial pesticides ● Allied Chemicals includes raw materials for agrochemicals,
       of production streams and emissions.  nology expertise with robust technical  happy to see that while we continue to   (FFG / Technical / Crystal / Granular)  solvents, surfactant, formulating agents and specialty chemicals
       This not only helps in detecting and  capabilities that make us competitive  grow in India, we can also serve our   Potassium Persulphate / Hexamine  ● Research laboratories ● Storage & Logistics ●packaging solutions ●technological solution
                                                                                                                                                          providers    •  Seeds  Manufacturers/Exporters  •  Precision  Farming  equipment’s  Housing/
       mitigating potential hazards, but also  in the global analytical market.”  international customers out of India.”  Potassium Carbonate Granular / Powder  Veterinary Products   •   Farm Equipment ●       Drone & AI Technology. ….. and many more
       in optimising process control, reduc-                                                                             Polyelectrolytes Flocculating Agent  directly & indirectly  related to the industry
       ing operational costs, and minimising   ABB provides analyser system in-  In India,  ABB has successfully           Water Treatment & ETP Plant      ICSCE only event which brings together all the  agri-inputs industry and
       environmental  impact.  Additionally,  tegration with fully customised ana-  delivered analyser solutions for presti-  Trichloroisocyunaric Acid (TCCA 90)   allied industry one stop event for all in agribusiness
       by monitoring emissions and identi-  lytical systems and solutions from the  gious projects, including a major petro-  Calcium Hypochlorite 65% / 70%   SDIC
       fying  ineffi ciencies  in  the  produc-  initial engineering stage through to  chemical  complex as well as projects       Contact:                       Book your SPONSORSHIP, BOOTH , DELEGATE  available with options.
                                                                                                                                                                                   For More Details
       tion process, they aid in preventing  fabrication, testing, fi eld start-up, and  with several state-owned oil and gas   MANALI TRADERS                       contact or
                                                                                                                              Mumbai - 400 009.
       environmental  damage  and  ensuring  on-site support. The portfolio includes  enterprises.                         Tel.: 022-66312532 / 49765200                                                    Media Partner:
       optimal production.               direct-read continuous gas analysers,                                            Mob.: 09223432532 / 9970602532
                                         online gas & liquid analysers utilising   In addition to Bengaluru, ABB ope-    Email:
          “ABB is committed to helping cus-  advanced laser analytical techniques,  rates gas analyser integration facilities
       tomers across industries improve their  rapid response process gas chromato-  in Dammam in Saudi Arabia, Shanghai
                                                                                                                                                                                                Manufacturers of: HIGH PURITY
       effi ciencies and performance, and we  graphs, and more.            in China and Houston in the US.               Available Regularly for LOCAL / EXPORTS                           ZIRCONIUM CHEMICALS
                                                                                                                                  2,4-DI CHLORO PHENOL                                    Ammonium / Potassium Zirconium Carbonate
                                                                                                                                                                                                Zirconium Basic Carbonate
       BIOFUELS                                                                                                                 2,4,6-TRI CHLORO PHENOL                                    Acetate  Sulphate  Oxychloride  Nitrate
                                                                                                                                                                                             Hydroxide  Other Zirconium Salts
       Modi Naturals expands ethanol production capacity                                                                          2,6-DI CHLORO PHENOL                                     Zirconium Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
                                                                                                                                  PARA CHLORO PHENOL                                        Office: 4, Vikram Jyoti Society, Deonar, Mumbai 400 088.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Office No.: 25584532
          Modi Biotech Pvt. Ltd. (MBPL), a   The expansion, at a capital expendi-  received an order for 41,600-kl of ethanol                                                              Factory: Tel.: 9136333867 / 27410928  mob.: 09819819364
       wholly-owned subsidiary of Modi Natu-  ture of Rs.100-crore, is slated for com-  from various Oil Manufacturing Com-      ORTHO CHLORO PHENOL                                          email: /
       rals Ltd., is investing in a new project,  pletion within 8-10 months.  panies (OMCs) valued at Rs. 300-crore.                    PARA ANISIDINE
                                                                                                                                                                                          USED, SURPLUS/ UNUSED CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT
       which  will  add  a  signifi cant  180-klpd                                                                                                                                         l  uTILITIeS (Boilers /   l  reACTOrS /   l  PumPS
       (kilolitres per day) of ethanol capacity   MBPL currently operates a 130-klpd   “We are committed to driving                    ORTHO ANISIDINE                                     Thermopacs,    HYdrOgeNATOrS  l  LABOrATOrY
                                                                                                                                                                                            Chilling Plants)
                                                                                                                                                                                                    l  BLeNderS
       to its existing capacity of 130-klpd.  grain-based distillery, alongside a  growth and innovation  in the  biofuel                    Contact Manufacturers:                       l  CeNTrIFugeS   l  mATerIAL HANdLINg    (g.C, HPLC, glass
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Assemblies etc)
                                                                                                                                                                                          l  COLumNS /
                                         5-MW captive power plant, in Raipur,  sector, and  this  expansion  is a  signi-                         109, ‘Udyog Kshetra’, 1st Floor,         CONdeNSOrS     (Fork Lifts, Screw-  l  INVeNTOrY
                                                                                                                                                                                                      belt-slat Conveyors,
                                                                                                                                                                                          l  drYerS
                                                                                                                                                                                                               SurPLuSeS: Valves,
          The expansion will enable the com-  Chhattisgarh.               fi cant step towards achieving our goals,”                               Mulund - Goregaon Link Road, Off. L.B.S. Marg,   l  FLAKerS    Hoists, Storage     Cables, Pipes &
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pallets etc)
                                                                                                                                                                                          l  FILTerS
                                                                                                                                                                                                    l  STOrAge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                PrV Stations etc)
       pany to meet growing demand for bio-                               said Mr.  Akshay Modi, Managing                                         Mulund (West), Mumbai 400 080.          l  ANF / ANFd  For Buying or Selling the above, Please contact:-
       fuels fi r fuel blending.            The company claims to have  Director, Modi Naturals Ltd.                                               Tel.: +91-22-67976640, 67976657             Allied Equipment Corporation
                                                                                                                                                  email:             Mobile / Whatsapp: 9821359802
       132                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024
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