Page 134 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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UPL Ltd. and CSIR-NCL recognised as leading innovators
Agri-solutions company, UPL Ltd., The awards were presented by Pharma and Agriculture Sciences cate-
and CSIR-National Chemical Labora- Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, Former Director gory. The company received the Best
tory (CSIR-NCL), Pune, have been General, CSIR and Chair of Jury for the Patent Portfolio award for the sixth
honoured at the Technology Conclave selection of the award winners. Others consecutive year and the Best Trade-
held during the CII Annual Summit on present on the occasion included Mr. mark Portfolio award for the fourth
Technology, IP & Industry-Academia Vivek Shah, Vice-Chairman, CII Na- time.“This prestigious recognition
Partnership in New Delhi, for being tional Committee on IP and CEO, will further inspire us for creating and
leading innovators in their respective Meril Life Sciences, and Mr. Shaheen protecting innovations that sustainably
categories. Majeed, Vice-Chairman, CII National address farmer’s pain points and fulfi l the
Committee on IP and Global CEO & needs of communities, and consumers,”
The awards were given on Dec 12, Managing Director, Sami-Sabinsa said Dr. Vishal Sodha, UPL’s Global
2024 in a ceremony hosted by Confede- Group. IP Head. “This esteemed recognition
ration of Indian Industry (CII), which highlights CSIR-NCL’s exemplary con-
recognised top companies across large, UPL was honoured with the Best tributions to intellectual property excel-
medium, and small segments for their Patent and Trademark Portfolio Award lence,” said Dr. Nitin Tewari, Head, IP
Intellectual Property (IP) excellence. in the Large – Life Sciences, including Group, CSIR-NCL.
Gulshan Polyols secures PLI benefi ts for Goalpara
ethanol plant
Gulshan Polyols Ltd., a leading Policy, 2021 (AEPPP), a PLI of Rs. 2 positively to the company’s overall
manufacturer of ethanol, grain and per litre of bio-ethanol initially for three performance,” the company said.
mineral based specialty products, has years, which shall be effective prospec-
received a Production–Linked Incentive tively, the company said. Additionally, it Gulshan Polyols specialises in manu-
(PLI) of Rs. 2 per litre for bio-ethanol is expected to receive an estimated bene- facturing a range of chemicals derived
with its Goalpara plant being the key fi t of Rs. 50-crore over a period of three from grain and minerals, catering to
benefi ciary. years over and above the incentives industries spanning toothpaste, alcohol,
already being availed under the AEPPP. sweeteners, paints, paper, medicines,
The company’s 250-klpd plant loca- plastics, and personal care. The company
ted at Goalpara, Assam has received in “These incentives are expected to operates across three key segments:
addition to the eligible benefi ts under enhance our operational effi ciency, sup- Mineral Processing, Grain Processing,
Assam Ethanol Production Promotion port production growth, and contribute and Ethanol (Bio-Fuel)/Distillery.
134 Chemical Weekly December 31, 2024
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