Page 136 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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Tata Chemicals to explore deployment of nuclear Agrochemicals sector revenue expected to grow
reactors at North America soda ash plant at 7-9% in FY26: Crisil
Tata Chemicals North America Once deployed, BANR microreac- The agrochemicals sector’s revenue Chinese supplies and are now order- “We expect the sector’s operating
has announced that its subsidiary, Tata tors would deliver on-demand electricity is expected to grow at 7-9% in FY2026, ing closer to the cropping season to margin to improve slightly to about
Chemicals Soda Ash Partners LLC and process heat that is both carbon-free following stable domestic demand and better manage working capital. While 12% this fi scal and 13% next year, but
(TCSAP) has signed a letter of intent and resilient from external disruptions recovery in export volumes, as per a we expect healthy volume growth this ongoing pricing pressures will limit
(LOI) with BWXT Advanced Techno- for one of the world’s leading producers Crisil Ratings report. This follows a fi scal, revenue growth will be modest this growth despite higher sales vol-
logies LLC (BWXT) to explore the of high-quality soda ash. modest 5-6% growth in the current at 3-4% amid pricing pressures from umes. Consequently, most companies
deployment of up to eight nuclear fi scal. However, historically low reali- competitively priced Chinese products. will continue to prioritise maintaining
microreactors. TCSAP sees nuclear power as an sations will continue to hinder a return In the next fi scal, this may improve to healthy balance sheets by managing
include the development of commer- important energy source in its pursuit to double-digit growth seen before the over 7% as these pressures ease,” Crisil working capital and limiting capex
BWXT and TCSAP have been col- cial terms and conditions to condition- of a more secure and sustainable supply COVID-19 pandemic, it added. Ratings’ Senior Director Mr. Anuj Sethi intensity at less than 1x in each of the
laborating since Sept. 2023 on the feasi- ally purchase BANR microreactors from chain and in providing a low carbon said. next two fi scals,” noted Mr. Naren
bility of integrating BWXT’s Advanced BWXT and establish the schedule and footprint product. “The LOI represents Operating margins are also seen to Kartic, Crisil Ratings’ Associate
Nuclear Reactor (BANR) for electricity key milestones along the path to deploy- an important next step in our vision of be recovering slowly, rising 100 basis Conversely, domestic revenue is Director.
and industrial processing at TCSAP’s ing them by the early 2030s, as well as generating energy in an effi cient and points to 12-13%, still below the pre- seen rising by 8-9% this fi scal due to
Green River, Wyoming manufacturing jointly determining the techno-economic sustainable manner that will benefi t pandemic levels of 15-16%, which will good monsoon and adequate reservoir Control over debt and gradual im-
site. parameters necessary to turn conditional the company, our customers and the keep fi rms cautious with capital expen- levels, which are boosting agricultural provement in operating profi tability
reactor purchase commitments into an community,” said Mr. John Mulhall, diture and focus on managing working output, the report said. This is despite will lead to the sustenance of stable
“With this LOI, TCSAP and BWXT energy purchase agreement,” a state- Managing Director, Tata Chemicals capital to maintain their cash fl ows and continuing pricing pressures from over- debt protection metrics over the near
agree to expand their collaboration to ment from Tata Chemicals said. North America. balance sheets steady. supply in China, albeit less severe than to medium term, the report said. How-
last year, the report said, adding this ever, factors such as Chinese over-
“Revenue from exports, which trend is expected to continue, leading to supply, adverse weather conditions
PARTNERSHIP comprises half of the sector’s total fewer instances of inventory write offs. impacting demand in key geographies,
Runaya and Eckart to build aluminium powder facility revenue, is witnessing change. Global Additionally, with improved volumes, movement in raw material prices and
fi rms have largely resolved their excess the sector’s profi tability is expected to any regulatory changes both in India
Eckart, a global manufacturer of aluminium and renewable energy for President, Eckart. “This partnership is a inventory issues related to low-cost improve as well, it added. and overseas will need to be watched.
effect pigments, has entered into a joint production, targeting the Indian market. game-changer in our pursuit of circular INVESTMENT PLAN
venture agreement with Runaya, a pio- economy,” added Mr. Naivedya Agarwal,
neer in recovery of metals, to set up a Additionally, Runaya and Eckart Managing Director and Co-founder Waaree Energies to set up electrolyser and storage
new facility in Orissa to produce spheri- have signed a MoU to produce high- of Runaya. “It not only transforms the
cal atomised aluminium granules. These quality aluminium pigments. aluminium industry but also showcases cell manufacturing facilities
products are experiencing high demand the power of global alliances in addressing
in applications in aerospace, solar panels, “By pooling our expertise in the growth environmental challenges. By redefi ning Waaree Energies Ltd. said its board Solutions, under the PLI Scheme,”
and high-value effect pigments. market of India, we want to drive inno- the aluminium powder segment, we are has approved three investment propo- Waaree Energies said in an exchange fi ling.
vation and create long-term value for our setting a new global benchmark for green sals aggregating Rs. 850-crore to set up
The joint venture will utilise recycled customers,” said Mr. Christian Przybyla, manufacturing.” electrolyser and lithium ion storage cell It also approved a capital expenditure
manufacturing facilities. of Rs. 2,073-crore and an investment of
Rs. 650-crore for setting up a 3.5-GWh
BCL Industries expands ethanol and biodiesel capacity The board also approved capital lithium-ion advanced chemistry storage
expenditure (capex) of Rs. 130-crore in cell manufacturing plant in its wholly-
BCL Industries Ltd. has unveiled diesel plant along with an oil extraction to set up another 150-klpd ethanol plant the invertor business through its wholly- owned subsidiary, Waaree Energy Stor-
ambitious plans for capacity enhance- plant at its Kharagpur unit, with an at its Bathinda distillery. Work on this owned subsidiary, Waaree Power Pvt. age Solutions.
ment in ethanol and bio-diesel produc- estimated project cost of Rs. 150-crore. signifi cant project is expected to begin Ltd.
tion. Its subsidiary, Svaksha Distillery soon. The enhanced capacity positions of Rs. 200-crore for 300-MW electro- The capex will be funded by a mix of
Ltd., has received the consent to estab- Simultaneously, BCL Industries has BCL Industries as a key supplier of The board approved “capital expen- lyser manufacturing plant in its wholly- debt and internal accruals, the company
lish a 75-klpd (kilolitres per day) bio- secured environmental clearance (EC) alternative fuels. diture of Rs. 551-crore and investment owned subsidiary, Waaree Clean Energy said.
136 Chemical Weekly December 31, 2024 Chemical Weekly December 31, 2024 137
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