Page 126 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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          Developing and disseminating
          courses regarding linkages bet-
          ween gender, chemicals & waste,
          and women’s rights.
          Developing and disseminating
          gender-responsive chemicals hazard/
          risk communication plans, chemi-
          cal safety trainings and check-
          lists for registration of chemi-
          Providing substantive input to
          international policy processes on
          chemicals and waste.
          Strengthening gender aspects in
          other international discussions
          on chemicals and waste, e.g., at
          WHO, International Labour Con-  chemicals and waste, and advance  can support the sound management of
          ference, and the UN General As-  global policy discussions.     chemicals and waste.”
          sembly, among others.
                                           The linkages between gender and   In addition, ICCM-5 adopted a
          The  fi rst  assembly  marked  an  chemicals have been noted in recent  specifi c  gender  resolution,  namely
       important step toward these objectives,  international discussions on chemicals,  Resolution  V/4: “Mainstreaming a
       launching collaborative working groups  waste and pollution.       gender perspective and promoting
       and establishing the necessary formal                              gender equality and empowerment of
       structures to drive progress toward a   At the 5th International Confe-  all women and girls in chemicals and
       safer and healthier management of  rence  on  Chemicals  Management  waste  management.” This  resolution
       chemicals for all genders.        (ICCM-5) in Bonn in September  requests the GFC Secretariat, with the
                                         2023,  ‘The  Global  Framework  on  participation of interested stakeholders,
       Partnership structure and gover-  Chemicals (GFC) for a planet free  to develop a gender action plan for
       nance                             of  harm from chemicals and waste  consideration by the conference at its
          G&CP is made up of G&CP  was  established,  and  it was  agreed  next session in order to advance towards
       Assembly; Board;  Working Groups;  that  gender equality will be a key  full, equal and meaningful participation
       and Secretariat. During the meeting,  principle.                   by all women in decision-making, and
       four Working Groups were created, and                              to promote gender-responsive policies
       Dr. Saha was inducted as Co-chair  of   The Bonn declaration states that  and mainstreaming a gender perspective
       the ‘Education and  Training’ group.  “chemicals often have impacts on  in the implementation of the GFC.
       This group will conduct programmes  human health, particularly that of
       to raise awareness between gender,  women and children. Gender equality   [Inputs provided by Dr. Saha]

       IMFA partners with JSW Green Energy for renewable

       power in smelting ops

          Odisha-based Indian Metals &  sheet with JSW Green Energy One Ltd.  captive consumer, which will be valid
       Ferro  Alloys Ltd. (IMFA), a ferro-  and  JSW  Green Energy  Seven  Ltd./,  for 25 years, it added.
       chrome producer, has entered into a  and  will  invest  Rs.  83.26-crore  in  a
       joint venture with JSW Green Energy  hybrid project  that combines 50-MW   The company also mentioned that
       to source renewable energy for its  AC solar and 100-MW of wind for a  it  is  setting  up  a  100-ktpa  greenfi eld
       smelting operations.              total contracted capacity of 70-MW.  facility at Kalinganagar, Odisha, to
                                         The company will subsequently sign a  augment its ferrochrome production
          IMFA has signed a binding term-  power purchase agreement (PPA) as a  in line with increasing demand.

       126                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024

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