Page 170 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
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Special Report                                                                                                    Leading Manufacturer & Exporter of
                                                                                                                             ETHYL mONO CHLORO ACETATE

       Biodegradable active              Enhanced selective               excellent stability via enhanced met-                                                               (CAS NO 105-39-5)
       composite film based on pea       oxidation of glycerol (G) to     al-support interaction. (It is well known
       protein isolate (PPI), sage seed   Dihydroxyacetone (DHA)          that MTHF is preferred as a solvent
       gum (SG), and cumin essential     [This column has covered many papers   compared to THF as it is not prone to       mETHYL mONO CHLORO ACETATE
       oil (CEO)                         on the conversion of G to value-added   peroxide formation and forms a hetero-                                                  (CAS NO 94-34-4)
                                         products like 1,2/1,3 propanediol, acro-  geneous azeotrope with water (unlike
       D. Ayazi et al have reported that the   lein/acrylic acid, acetol, etc.]  THF)). Details of integration and cata-
                                                                          lyst characterisation are given in the pa-
       PPI-SG film containing CEO exhibits   S. Wang et al have reported that suppor-  per. 99.9% conversion of MF is reported                 ORGANICS PVT. LTD.
       potential as a biodegradable packag-   ted Pt nanoparticles (NPs) give excellent  with MTHF selectivity of 99%. (Chem.
       ing film and this was fully characteri-   performance for the title reaction. How-                                           AN ISO 9001:2015, KOSHER, HALAL Certified Company
       sed. CEO addition led to enhanced                                  Eng. Jl., 2024, 498, 15 Oct., 154955;       Office:  101 to 104, Sunrise Business Park, Plot No. B-68, Road No 16, Near Baisara Co, Wagle Indl. Estate,
                                         ever, still some oxidation of primary-OH  DOI:10.10161j.cej.2024.154955).         Thane (W) - 400 604. India. w Tel: (022) 6248 3700 w Mobile: 09819343989 / 9769917642
                                         occurs. Thus, Pt@Sn-MFI with about                                                Email:
                                         4.0 nm Pt NPs and different Si/Sn ratios  Advances in continuous             Unit 1:  Gut No. 9(2), 10(2) & 11(2), At Post Village Abitghar, Tal-Wada, Dist-Palghar - 421 303. Maharashtra.
                                         optimised give about 75% selectivity to  flow production of
                                         DHA at G conversion of 43.5% at 60°C.  5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural
                                         DFT calculations were done. (Ind. Eng.   (HMF), 2,5-Furandicarboxylic                   To Industrial House! For Your Bulk Requirement Of
                                         Chem. Res., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/acs.  acid (FDCA),                             • AMMONIUM PERSULPHATE                                                       98.50% MIN.
                                         iecr.4C01831).                   2,5-Diformylfuran (DFF), and                 • POTASSIUM PERSULPHATE                                                      98.50% MIN.
                                                                          2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF)
                                         Synthesis of α-methylene-                                                     • AMMONIUM THIOCYANATE                              (COMM./PURE )            99% MIN.
                                         δ-valerolactone (MVL) and        C.S.L. Vargas and M-J. Dumont have           • SODIUM THIOCYANATE                                (COMM./PURE )            99% MIN.
                                         its selective polymerisation     referred to the uses of the title com-       • POTASSIUM THIOCYANATE                             (COMM./PURE )            99% MIN.
                                         from a product mixture for       pounds. The use of continuous flow
                                         concurrent separation and        reactors is advocated to make these          • CALCIUM THIOCYANATE                               (COMM./PURE )            99% MIN.
                                         polymer production               substances. This review has focussed on      • POTASSIUM FERROCYANIDE                            (COMM./PURE )            99% MIN.
                                                                          the laboratory-scale synthesis of HMF in
                                         A.A. Khechee et al have reported conti-  continuous-flow reactors and its conver-  • POTASSIUM FERRICYANIDE                       (COMM./PURE )            99% MIN.
                                         nuous, gas-phase synthesis of MVL from  sion to the title substances via oxidation,                               Please Contact Manufacturers                                 KNS ADI
                                         δ-valerolactone (DVL) and HCHO over  hydrogenation and hydrogenolysis. (Ind.   INTERMEDIATES & CHEMICALS                Best Chemical Ind.            YOYO CHEMICALS
       physicochemical and antimicrobial   alkaline earth oxide catalysts like MgO,  Eng. Chem. Res., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/  B-604, Atma House, Opp. Old RBI, Nr. Times Of India, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380 009.
       characteristics. (Reactive and Func-  CaO, and BaO supported on silica at 5  acs.iecr.4C01673).                                     Mobile : 098240 25548 / 098250 04262 / 098250 33803
       tional Polymers, 2024, 204, Nov.,   wt%. Temperature of reaction was 340°C.                                       Email:, • Website:
       106033; DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpo-  Catalyst could be regenerated. There are  A high-performance and
       lym.2024.106033).                 problems in separating MVL from DVL  cost-effective PBAT/                                                                                         Importers and Authorised Distributors of
                                         so selective polymerisation of either one  montmorillonite (M)/lignin              AVAILABLE READY STOCK                                            LUXI, Zibo Nalcohol, Lotte (Korea),
       Techno-economic analysis of       or both was devised to get valuable poly-  ternary composite-film for                                                                            Guobang, Aarti Drugs Ltd., Nath Chemicals
       Lycopene (L) production from      meric materials. 30 wt% MVL in DVL   sustainable production                                                                                       CATALYTUS CHEMICALS INDIA
       tomato waste (TW) using the       gave polymer in 98% yield level. Ring                                          Pharma – Grade   200 Ltr Capacity  200 Ltr Capacity  200 Ltr Capacity   Contact Us  Phone: +91 702 1000 903 / 944 (Board Line)
                                                                                                                         Once Used
       pervaporation process             opening polymerisation resolution and  S-J. Zhou et al have referred to PBAT   1000 Ltr UN Approved  Once Used   Once Used        Open Top           Email:
                                         DVL MVL copolyester. (Green Chem.,  (Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)
       K.A. Nandeshwar et al have assessed  2024; DOI: 10.1039/D4GC030164).  as a highly promising biodegradable                                                                               l Formic Acid 99% l Propionaldehyde
                                                                                                                                                                                                 l Hydrazine Hydrate 64% & 100%
       the economic viability of the title                                plastic for film applications. These                                                                                l Propargyl Alcohol l N Methyl Piperazine
                                                                                                                                                                                                 l Propionic Acid l Malononitrile
       process and for this 100-kg per batch  2-Methylfuran (MF)          authors have worked on improving gas                                                                                     l 2 Methyl Tetrahydrofuran
       capacity, processing 500 batches per  hydrogenation to             barrier properties of PBAT in a cost-ef-                                                                         Imported  Products  l Di tert-butyl Dicarbonate (DIBOC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 l Amino Guanidine Bicarbonate
       year was considered. Super Pro De-  2-methyltetrahydrofuran        fective way. Fractionated lignin allowed                                                                                l Para Hydroxy Benzaldehyde
       signer Software was used. A capital in-  (MTHF)                    M clay to be compatible. Lignin was           IBC SCHUTZ MAKE   M.S Drums       HDPE Drums       M.S Drums           l Thioglycolic Acid (64% / 80% / 99%)
                                                                                                                                                                                                 l 2-Butyne 1,4 Diol l Thiophenol
       vestment of $2.9-million is considered                             fractionated with ethyl acetate. Improved                   Contact: Mr. Prasad Bondre – 9833428570                   l Dicylopentadiene (DCPD) (In Drums)
       with pay out time of 1.4 years. (Ind.  Y. Zhang et al have reported the title  barrier properties are reported. (ACS   NATIONAL ENTERPRISES
                                                                                                                                                                                                    l Thionyl Chloride
       Eng. Chem. Res., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/  conversion using Ni/SiO  catalyst in  Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2024; DOI:                                                                               l Dimethyl Sulphate
       acs.iecr.4C00125).                vapour phase and this catalyst has  10.1021/acssuschemeng.4C04620).          Fact.: Mohd. Estate, Pimpri Village, Shilphata, Dist. Thane - 400 612, Maharashtra.  Authorized   Distributors  l Salicylic Acid (Technical Grade)
                                                                                                                                        Email:                          l Hydrazine Hydrate (64% / 80%)
       170                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 24, 2024

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