Page 174 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 174

Special Report

       without heating and pressurising. (Angew.   and/or low selectivity. These authors   Eng., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/acssusche-
       Chem. Intl. Ed., 2024; DOI: 10.1002/  have used PTA, which activates CH  with  meng.4c04754).
       anie.202413132).                  O  to give CH OH selectively. Under    Influence of long-branched
                                         continuous  operation,  94%  CH OH                                                                                                                     Equipments
       Upcycling of polyamide wastes to    selectivity is reported. The current density   chains on the crystallisation
       tertiary amines using Mo single   towards CH OH production increased  behaviour of polyglycolide (PG)
       atoms and Rh nanoparticles        over 40 times in comparison to the    W. Liu et al have studied the title sub-
                                         direct electrochemical processes. (Angew.   ject across different temperatures under
       M. Tang et al have reported a novel  Chem. Intl. Ed. 2024; DOI: 10.1002.  isothermal and non-isothermal crystal-                                             4000 + +
       strategy to convert polyamide wastes to  anie.2024 17251).         lisation conditions. The crystal growth
       tertiary amines using H  in acetic acid at   Proof of concept for the organic   process, crystal morphology, and structural
       temperature around 180°C, and catalyst                             evolution of PG crystals was studied.
       anatase TiO  supported Mo single atoms   electrorefinery technology with   This study should be useful. (Ind. Eng.
       and Rh nanoparticles. The polyamine   actual effluents             Chem. Res., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/acs.
       first goes to diacetamine intermediates   J. Parrilla et al have worked on a real  iecr.4c01301).
       via acidolysis, which are subsequently   waste coming from a cashew nut factory
       hydrogenated and synergistically hydro-   and have shown the effect of the current   Zn-catalysed sustainable one-
       deoxygenated to make tertiary amine   densities of both the anode oxidation and   pot synthesis of rubber accele-
       (carboxylic acid does not get hydrogena-   electrochemically assisted separation pro-  rator  TMTM and lubricant
       ted) (Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed., 2024; DOI:   cesses for the performance of the systems.   additive TPPT
       10.1002/anie.2024 16436).         It seems that the title strategy is useful as
                                         valuable species can be obtained from   X-J. Li et al have come out with a greatly
       Fundamental, technical and envi-   the destruction of pollutants. Oxalate is   improved process for simultaneously pro-
       ronmental overviews of plastic    the primary product; separation of oxa-  ducing the widely applied rubber accele-
       chemical recycling                late is around 20% in the electrodialysis   rator, tetramethylthiuram monosulfide
                                         stage. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2024; DOI:   (TMTM), and lubricant additive, triphenyl-
       H. Luo et al have referred to chemical re-  10.1021/acs.iecr.4c02235).  thiophosphate (TPPT). The starting
       cycling as a collection of emerging inno-                          material is non-toxic tetramethylthiuram                 LIFTING BAG TYPE CENTRIFUGE
                                                                                                                                     MACHINE WITH LIFTER
       vative technologies that transform plastic   Membrane matters in paired   disulphide (TMTD) and triphenylphos-
       waste into base chemicals, monomers   electrolysis: Synthesis of 2,5-   phite (TPPi). The catalyst is ZnO, which
       and feedstocks. There are seven types of    furanedicarboxylic acid (FDCA)   is efficient and readily recyclable. The
       recyclable plastics, and this paper gives                          renewable gamma valerolactone (GVL)
       an overview of dealing with them and pre-   and 2-butanone (B)     is used as a green solvent. Excellent yields
       sents a critical perspective. (Green Chem.   [Paired electrochemical processes have   are reported. (ACS Sustainable Chem.
       2024; DOI: 10.1039/D4GC03127J).   a lot of merits as anodic and cathodic   Eng., 2024; DOI: 10.1021/acssusche-
                                         reaction are carried out simultaneously.   meng.4c04363).
       Electrochemical processes         This has been commercially adopted, e.g.,
                                         by BASF to convert p-methoxytoluene to  Continuous flow Friedel-Crafts
       Electrothermal conversion of  p-anisic aldehyde and phthalic anhydride  alkylation catalysed by silica-
       CH  to CH OH at room tempe-  to phthalide.]                        supported phosphotungstic
       rature with phosphotungstic                                        acid (PTA)
       acid (PTA)                        T. Harhues et al have conducted the title   Z. Csaszar et al have come out with the
                                         oxidation and reduction reactions simul-
       [The “dream” process of converting CH    taneously. Thus, on anode hydroxymethyl  title environmentally friendly process.
       directly to CH OH continues to attract   furfural is converted to FDCA and on  The test reaction was alkylation of toluene
       a lot of attention and this column has   the cathode acetoin is reduced to B. The  with 1-octene; wt% of PTA varied from                                +918169061250
       covered some papers.]             influence of an ion exchange membrane  20-70 wt%. Catalyst was fully characte-
       J. Chang et al have referred to the advan-  has been studied. A stable process with a  rised. The best wt% of PTA was 50% and
       tages of electrochemical methods which  bipolar membrane has been developed.  this was highly active, selective and stable
       are safe and possibly avoid the use of  A combined yield of 140% is reported.  catalyst. The catalyst was successfully
       noble metals. However, these suffer from  This work is directed towards valori-  regenerated. (Topics in Catalysis, 2024,   ISO 9001:2015
       low yields due to limited current density  sing biomass. (ACS Sustainable Chem.  67, 1271-1285).

       174                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025

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