Page 171 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 171
Special Report
Electrocatalytic cyclic deracemi-
zation enabled by a chemical
modified electrode
C-J. Zhu et al have come out with an
interesting novel way of deracemiza-
tion, which is of great commercial
importance. These authors have reported
electrocatalytic cyclic deracemisation
of secondary alcohols accomplished
through sequential Ir-catalysed enantio-
Transforming element sulphur missiles that would get their bang from selective anodic dehydration, utilising
(S) to high performance closed- a polycyclic nitramine called CL-20 metal hydride catalysis. This work en-
loop recyclable polymer via (whose structure is given, and precur- ables chemoselective stereochemical
proton transfer enabled anionic sors include glyoxal, benzylamine, and editing of bioactive compounds with
hybrid copolymerisation tetracetyldiaminohexaazaisowartzilane, remarkable functional group tolerance.
[The recovery of S from sour natural from China. (Chem. Eng. News, 2024, (Nature Catalysis, 2024, 7, 878-888).
gas and hydrodesulphurisation of diesel/ 9 Sep., p11). Process optimisation and scale-
fuel oil has made S surplus in world and up of toluene (T) nitration in
attempts are being made to gainfully Electrochemical synthesis of a microchannel reactor using
utilise this S, e.g., through addition in NaClO solution on Ti/Pt elec- HNO -Ac O as nitrating agent
asphalt.] trodes in current reverse mode 3 2
J. Wang et al have studied the title
G. Zhang have come out with a poten- D. Girenko et al have referred to the reaction to have a safe operation in a
tially useful strategy of utilising S(8), problem of undesirable NaClO being microchannel reactor. The effect of
through anionic hybrid copolymerisation produced as an impurity in the title pro- temperature, molar ratio of HNO to
of S(8) with acrylate and epoxide at cess. These authors point out that a Pt T, mass fraction of acetic anhydride
room temperature. The cyclic comono- surface reduced by cathodic polarisation (Ac O) and residence time was stu-
mers can be expanded to lactone and can lead to NaClO synthesis with current died. A mononitration yield of 99.2%
cyclic carbonate. The copolymer of efficiency close to 90% almost without was realised. Semi-batch calorimeter
S(8) with bis-phenyl A diglycidyl ether chlorate. This has been realised by was used for better understanding. For
and diacrylate gives mechanical pro- periodically changing the polarity of the scale-up the temperature was kept at
perties comparable to common plastics; electrodes (current reverse mode). The 10.9°C and 98.3% yield of MNT was
reprocessability appears to be possible. optimal conditions of making NaClO are obtained. The space-time yield in conti-
(Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 2024, DOI: delineated; current densities 5-10 mA per nuous mode was nearly two orders of
10.1002/anie.202419244)., 500 mg per litre of NaClO with magnitude greater than the semi-batch
an admixture of chlorate less than 10mg mode. (Chem. Eng. Process – Process
US military seeks more domes- per litre NaClO . (J. Chem. Technol. Bio- Intensification, Oct. 2024, 204); DOI:
tic chemical capacity: Includes technol., 2024, DOI: 10.1002/jctb 7741). 10.1016/j.cep.2024.109934).
C&E News has given a short coverage to
the title subject which covers 28 chemi-
cals for domestic production and even
includes quinizarin (Q). Government
funding is promised for bench to pilot
and demonstration scale plants. US
does not want to depend on adversorial
nations. Defence contractor, Lockheed
Martin, is developing new long-range
Chemical Weekly January 14, 2025 171
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