Page 170 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 170

Special Report

       Those based on CH CHO yielded remark-  solution to the gas phase environment   Evaluation of active oxygen
       able monomer recovery rates with 89% of   above the bulk aqueous solution thereby   species derived from water
       H16, and 84% MDA. (ChemSusChem.,  effectively inhibiting the aggregation of   splitting for electrocatalytic
       2024, DOI: 10.1002/cssc.2024 01595).  H  bubbles and reducing the resistance   organic oxidation
                                         of their diffusion away. At high current
       Rediscovery of an old named   density (250 mA per the over-   J. Yang et al have referred to the essentia-
       reaction: from micellar catalysis   potential was reduced by 0.31V (Angew.   lity of active oxygen species (OH*/O*)
       to unusual Schotten-Baumann       Chem. Intl. Ed., 2024, DOI: 10.1002/  derived from water electrolysis for
       conditions (SBC)                  anie.2024 14493).                electrooxidation of organic compounds
                                                                          into high-value chemicals which can be
       L. De Berardinis et al have reported that   Electrochemical epoxidation
       a mixture of lecithin and Tween 80 as   of alkene with high Faradaic
       surfactants is effective in amide forma-  efficiencies (FA) using water as
       tion from R1COCl + R2NH  in an aque-  an oxygen source
       ous solution. The expected advantages of
       micellar catalysis are unfounded. SBC  H. Wu et al have referred to the versatility
       proved to be superior in both efficiency  of epoxides for industrial applications.
       and practicality. (Org. Proc. Res. Dev.,  These authors have come out with a
       2024, DOI: 10.1021/acs.oprd.4c00100).  non-halide mediated electrochemical
                                         epoxidation of alkenes to epoxides
       High mass transfer rate in  using water as an oxygen source. This
       electrocatalytic H  evolution  reaction is catalysed by (TMP)MnCl   determine activity and selectivity. These
       achieved with efficient quasi-gas   (TMP  = Tetramesitylporphyrin)  in  a   authors used glycerol (G) as a model
       phase system                      remarkably efficient way. Both aromatic   reaction for electrooxidation. OH* on
                                                                          Au demonstrates the highest activity
       [Electrolytic production  of  H   is at-  and aliphatic alkenes can be used with   for the oxidation of G. DFT calculations
       tracting intense interest globally and   FA approaching up to 89%; Mechanism   were done. This paper gives theoretical
       every attempt is being made to make the   is given. (Green Chem., 2024, DOI:   insights into modulating oxygen species.
       process efficient.]               10.1039/D3GC 0512A).             (Angew. Chem .Intl. Ed., 2024, DOI:

       D. Xie et al have referred to the adhesion   High temperature solid oxide   10.1002/anie.202413457).
       of H  bubbles on the electrode surface,   electrolysis (SOF)       TaO/TaN heterostructure
       which is one of the main factors limit-                            promotes the synergistic elec-
       ing the performance of H  evolution of  M. Mueller et al have referred to SOF   trosynthesis of O  and H O  and
       electrolytic water, particularly at high  as an interesting technology due to its   3      2  2
       current density. These authors have come  high efficiencies resulting from elevated   their coupled applications.
       out with a new strategy of “quasi-gas  temperatures up to 900°C. Modelling
       phase” electrolytic water reaction system  has been done with the objective of   X. Peng et al have referred to the chal-
       based on capillary effect for the first  lowering experimental costs and pro-  lenges in the title objectives. A hetero
       time. A key aspect of the above strategy  vide insights. Different approaches are   geneous electrocatalyst was engineered to
       is that the main site of H  evolution  discussed. (Chemie. Ing. Technik, 2023,   modulate electrochemical O  production
       is transferred from the bulk aqueous  DOI: 10.1002/cite.202300137).  (EOP) activity and enhance the selecti-
                                                                          vity of the 2e  oxygen reduction reaction
                                                                          (ORR) by controlling the ammonia calci-
                                                                          nation of TaO . The variety of Ta based
                                                                          catalyst that is best suited is given. The
                                                                          simultaneous activity can result in the
                                                                          removal of organic matter and bacteria.
                                                                          This study should help in the degradation
                                                                          of organic pollutants and antibacterial
                                                                          challenges. (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2024,
                                                                          DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr/4c02006).

       170                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025

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