Page 172 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 172

Special Report

                                                                          temperature, say 180°C, most of MA
                                                                          acid groups in OMA resins transform to
                                                                          hydrophobic imide groups, while some
                                                                          of them transform to anhydride groups,
                                                                          which can further crosslink wood by
                                                                          esterification. Thus, hot pressing work
                                                                          can be done. These wood-based panels
                                                                          have favorable bonding strength and
                                                                          water resistance at a low resin content.
                                                                          These products are cost-effective. (Ind.
                                                                          Eng. Chem. Res., 2023; DOI: 10.1021/
                                                                          Recent advances of organic
       Reactivities of N-Nitrosoamines                                    co-crystals (OC-C) in emerging
       (NNA)  against  common  re-                                        cutting-edge properties and
       agents and reaction conditions    Nutrient removal and recovery    applications
       [NNA has made a major impact as an   from urine bio-mineral forma-
       impurity in a variety of drugs such as   tion processes            X. Wang et al have referred to OC-C
       valsartan and other sartans, etc. and                              as one type of new functional material
       it is tracked in a few parts per billion.   R.E. Colston et al have emphasised the  having gathered significant interest
       This column has covered some papers   importance of harvesting nutrients from  in various engineering areas. Due to
       on this subject.]                 waste with respect to circular economy  their diverse stacking modes, rich inter-
                                         in water sector. Urine is a small fraction  molecular interactions and abundant
       G.A. Hodgin et al have carried out a   of municipal wastewater and contains
       comprehensive survey of the Reaxys   substantial amount of N , ortho-phos-
       database for all reactions in which NNAs   phates (PO ), and COD. The use of
       functional group is consumed. Different   selected microorganisms (names given)
       NNAs were considered and Na S O  in   can result in removal and recovery of
                                2 2
       1M aq. NaOH at 50°C is highly effective   nutrients through bio-mineral formation
       in destroying these nuisance substances.    of struvite. Urine was supplemented with
       (Org. Proc. Res. Dev., 2024, DOI:   Mg . Thus, up to 1 gm bio-struvite per
       10.1021/acs.oprd.4c00217).        litre of urine was recovered. (ACS Sus-
                                         tainable Resource Management, 2024,
       Depolymerisation of PET with      DOI: 10.1021/acssusresmgt.4c00025).
       ethanol by homogeneous iron
       catalysts applied for exclusive   Low cost and HCHO-free wood
       chemical recycling of cloth       adhesive based on water-soluble   functional components allow tailoring of
       waste                             olefin-maleamic  acid  (OMA)     physicochemical properties of OC-C.
                                         copolymers                       A variety of uses are referred in the paper
       N.W.B. Awang et al have worked on                                  such as photothermal conversions at
       acid-, base-free depolymerisation of   C. Chen et al have referred to the prob-  room temperature, phosphorescence, etc.
       PET with EtOH catalysed by FeCl ,   lems associates with HCHO resins such   Future developments are given. (Angew.
       FeBr  (1.0-5.0 mol %) leading to diethyl   as  urea/HCHO,  phenol/HCHO,  etc.,   Chem. Intl. Ed., 2024; DOI: 10.1002,
       terephthalate (DET) and ethylene glycol   where residual HCHO emission is now   anie.202416181).
       (EG) exclusively (98-99%, 160-180°C);   under serious scrutiny and alternatives
       FeCl  was better. This was done with   would be welcome. In this paper maleic   Recycling  of  wind  turbine
       PET from textile waste to give DET and   anhydride and olefins with various struc-  blades
       recovered cotton waste. Thus, recycling   tures were first alt-copolymerised and
       should be possible. (Ind. Chem. Mate-   then ammoniated to get water-soluble  Wind power is making a big impact glob-
       rials, 2024, D4 im 00081A).       wood adhesives – OMA resins. At high  ally and in India as well and contributes

       172                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025

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