Page 157 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
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News from Abroad                                                              News from Abroad

 Brenntag expands distribution deal with 3M   US FDA mulls standardised testing methods for detecting

 for glass bubbles  asbestos in talc-containing cosmetic products

 German chemicals  and ingredients   The  US  Food  and  Drug Adminis-    important  to  test  for  the  presence  of
 distributor,  Brenntag,  has  announced   tration  (FDA)  has  announced  a  pro-  asbestos  in  talc-containing  cosmetic
 the  expansion  of  its  current  exclusive   posed  rule  to  establish  and  require   products.
 distribution agreement with American   standardised testing methods to detect
 conglomerate, 3M, on glass bubbles for   and identify asbestos in talc-containing   The  proposed  rule  would  require
 the UK into France and Iberia.  cosmetic products. This proposed rule,   manufacturers  of  talc-containing  cos-
       if  finalised,  is  aimed  at  protecting                          metic  products  to  test  for  asbestos
 3M glass bubbles are used as alter-  consumers  who  use  talc-containing   using  an  analytical  approach  that  in-
 natives  to  conventional  fi llers  in  a   cosmetic  products  from  harmful  exposure   cludes both Polarised Light Microscopy
 variety of materials. These are made of   to asbestos. This proposal is part of the   (PLM)  (with  dispersion  staining)  and
 soda-lime borosilicate glass, which is a   agency’s  work  to  fulfi l  the  requirements   Transmission  Electron  Microscopy
 true glass with inherently greater water   under of the Modernization of Cosmetics   (TEM)/Energy  Dispersive  Spectroscopy
 and chemical resistance than other hollow  ranging  from  dimensional  stability  to  and  industry  knowledge,  will  provide   Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA).  (EDS)/Selected Area Electron Diffrac-
 glass  microspheres  made  of  sodium  solar  refl ectivity.  Mr.  Sean  Appleton,  end-users  with  a  compelling  proposi-  tion (SAED) to detect and identify the
 silicate  glass,  also  known  as  water  EMEA  Business  Leader,  Advanced  tion which will help them to overcome   “For many years the FDA has been  methods  to detect  asbestos to help  presence  of  asbestos.  Manufacturers
 glass.  These  microspheres  not  only  Material Division at 3M said, “Our range  a number of industry challenges such as   sampling  and  testing  talc-containing  ensure  the  safety  of  talc-containing  may  alternatively  rely  on  a  certifi cate
 offer  weight  saving  opportunities  but  of  innovative  materials,  combined  light weighting, thermal dispersion and   cosmetics for asbestos as well as work-  cosmetic products,” she added.  of analysis from the talc supplier. The
 also  contribute  to  functional  benefi ts  with  Brenntag’s  depth  of  experience  production effi ciency.”  ing with our federal partners on efforts   proposed rule contains provisions that
       to reduce consumers’ risk of exposure   Talc is a naturally occurring mine-  would  require  manufacturers  to  keep
 PETROCHEMICALS  to asbestos, a known human carcinogen,  ral  that  has  many  uses  in  cosmetics  records to demonstrate compliance
 GC ties up with KBC to accelerate digital   from  contaminated  talc-containing  and other personal care products, such  with the rule.
       cosmetic  products,”  said  Dr.  Linda  as absorbing moisture,  preventing  the
 transformation  Katz, Director of the US FDA’’s Offi ce  appearance  of  caking,  making  facial   If  the  proposed  rule  is  fi nalised,
       of  Cosmetics  and  Colors.  “We  have  makeup opaque, or improving the feel  cosmetic  products  would  be  consi-

 Thai chemicals major, PTT Global   market,  while   carefully considered the scientifi c evi-  of a product. Asbestos, a known carcino-  dered adulterated under the Federal
 Chemical Public Company Ltd. (GC)   building a more   dence and complex policy issues rela-  gen,  is  found  in  the  same  rock  types  Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C
 and  KBC  Advanced  Technology   sustainable and   ted to detecting and identifying asbestos  as  talc  deposits  and  may  be  insepa-  Act) if a manufacturer fails to operate
 Pte.  Ltd.,  a  technology  consulting   prosperous future   in  talc  and  talc-containing  cosmetic  rable from talc in the mining process.  in compliance with either the testing
 firm  specialising  in  the  energy  and   in line with its   products. We believe that the proposed  Because there is the potential for con-  or recordkeeping requirements of the
 petrochemical  sectors  and  a  Yoko-  corporate strategy,”   testing  techniques  are  appropriate  tamination  of  talc  with  asbestos,  it  is  rule.
 gawa  company,  have  announced  a   GC said.
 strategic collaboration to accelerate   Ashland sells fragrance fi xative business to Mane
 GC’s digital transformation through   Mr.  Pornsak
 the  signing  of  a  Memorandum  of   Mongkoltrirat,   US-based  speciality  chemicals   scent and boost the longevity of other
 Understanding  (MoU)  under  ‘The   Chief  Operating   company, Ashland, has agreed to sell its   fragrances.
 Intelligent  Digital  Technology   Officer  of  GC,   Avoca business to France’s fragrances &
 Collaboration Program’.  added, “By utilis-  fl avours fi rm, Mane.           Ashland noted that the Avoca busi-
 Artifi cial Intelligence (AI) with process  ing KBC’s Advanced Process Simula-  ness has remained challenged over the
 This  partnership  will  leverage  simulations technology, GC and KBC  tion technology, we are enhancing our   Ashland’s Avoca business supplies   past  few  quarters  as  customers  have
 advanced  process  simulation  technolo-  will  gain  improved  decision-making  digital  capabilities.  This  partnership   Sclareolide, a fragrance fi xative, and a  sition of Pharmachem. Sclareolide is a  moved from plant-based to lower-cost
 gies and the combined expertise of GC  tools,  drive  innovation,  and  unlock  will  signifi cantly  improve  our  supply   range of contract manufacturing capa-  fragrance  ingredient  commonly  derived  bio-based  materials.  The  company
 and KBC to optimise GC’s entire value  new business opportunities. This colla-  chain  performance,  boost  production   bilities  from  two  production  facilities  from plant sources like clary sage and  recently  exited  an  unprofi table  tolling
 chain,  starting  with  enhanced  supply  boration will enable GC to strengthen  effi ciency, and foster innovation – key   in North Carolina and Wisconsin. The  tobacco. Known for its musky, woody  operation  at  Avoca and had reduced
 chain  and  production  effi ciency.  “By  its competitiveness and meet the  elements for strengthening our competi-  Avoca business line represents the last  aroma, it is widely used in skin care and  workforce  at  a  larger  facility  in
 integrating  advanced  analytics  and  evolving  needs  of  the  petrochemical  tive position.”  entity  from Ashland’s  previous  acqui-  other  cosmetics  to  enhance  formula’s  response to lower demand.

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