Page 152 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 152

News from Abroad

       Global battery recycling market to grow at over 37%

       annually between 2024 and 2029

          The  lithium-ion  battery  recycling
       market  capacity  reached  1.7-mtpa
       worldwide in 2023 and is expected to
       grow  at  a  CAGR  of  37.7%  to  reach
       over 11-mtpa by 2029, according to a
       report  by  market  intelligence  fi rm,
       Interact Analysis.

          The  report  forecasts  rapid  growth
       between 2025 and 2029. This follows
       on from a challenging year in 2023 due
       to a collapse in battery material prices
       and  the  subsequent  cancellation  of
       many battery recycling projects.
       APAC dominates
          In  2023,  the  global  battery  recy-  while in the Americas it is expected to  growing environmental concerns have
       cling  equipment  market  was  worth  decline.                     caused many governments to introduce
       almost $1.7-bn and is expected to reach                            policies related to battery recycling to
       $4.5-bn  by  2029.  Interact  Analysis  Market drivers             promote  market  development.  For
       predicts  a  CAGR  of  24.5%  between   A  variety  of  different  factors  are  example, EU governing bodies have set
       2024  and  2029. The APAC  region  is  driving  the  battery  recycling  market,  targets for material recovery and recy-
       both the largest market for li-ion bat-  one  of  which  is  the  expansion  of  the  cling effi ciency improvements by 2027
       tery production and the primary source  electric  vehicle  market.  This  has  led  and 2025 respectively, while in the US
       of revenue for the recycling equipment  to  an  increased  number  of  retired  Li-  the Infl ation Reduction Act provides up
       market,  accounting  for  over  80%  of  ion  batteries.  Additionally,  expansion  to  $7,500  in  consumer  tax  credits  for
       global  market  share  of  the  latter  in  of  Li-ion  battery  production  capacity  electric  vehicles  as  long  as  a  certain
       2023. Between 2025 and 2029 the bat-  has led to an increase in the number of  percentage  of  the  battery  components
       tery recycling equipment market share  scrap batteries and materials generated  are  manufactured,  assembled,  sourced
       in  EMEA  and  APAC  will  increase,  during the production process. Finally,  and recycled in North America.
       TotalEnergies and OQ arm ink deals to develop

       renewable energy projects

          France’s TotalEnergies and Oman’s   With  respectively                     wind  projects,  located
       OQ Alternative Energy (OQAE), have  49%  and  51%  shares,                    in  Amin  and  West  Nimr
       signed agreements to develop 300-MW  TotalEnergies and OQAE                   fi elds in southern Oman.
       of renewable energy projects in Oman.  will lead in realising three
       The  electricity  will  be  delivered  renewable projects:                       The  construction  will
       through  long-term  Power  Purchase    North Solar, a 100-MW                 start  in  early  2025,  and
       Agreements (PPA) to Petroleum Deve-  solar  project,  located                 the  electricity  production
       lopment  Oman  (PDO),  the  leading   in  Saih  Nihaydah  in  northern  in  late  2026.  These  solar  and  wind
       exploration and production company in   Oman; and                  projects will generate over 1.4 TWh of
       the Sultanate.                      Riyah-1 and Riyah-2, two 100-MW  renewable electricity annually.

       152                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025

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