Page 160 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
P. 160
News from Abroad
Sekisui Chemical plans to mass produce perovskite
solar cells
Japan’s Sekisui Chemical has an- buildings, power supply,
nounced plans to begin mass production cooling, and other faci-
of perovskite solar cells. The company lities of Sharp Corpo-
said the decision is a signifi cant milestone ration’s main factory in
in its efforts to commercialise lightweight Sakai City, Osaka Pre-
and fl exible solar technology. fecture. This will allow
the company to install
Perovskite solar cells are conside- perovskite solar cell
red to be the rising star in the fi eld of manufacturing facilities
photovoltaics. A perovskite solar cell and begin production.
includes a perovskite structured com- and reducing manufacturing costs. On
pound, most commonly a hybrid or- December 25, 2024, Sekisui Chemi- Sekisui Chemical will establish a
ganic-inorganic lead or tin halide-based cal was selected for the ‘GX Supply subsidiary – Sekisui Solar Film Co.,
material, as the light-harvesting active Chain Construction Support Project’ by Ltd. – to oversee the design, manufac-
layer. Perovskite materials such as Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, ture, and sale of the perovskite solar
methylammonium lead halides are cheap and Industry. This selection will help cells. The Japanese government-owned
to produce and relatively simple to Sekisui Chemical play a pivotal role in Development Bank of Japan will take a
manufacture. Perovskites possess in- achieving the Japanese government’s 14% stake in the venture. The total in-
trinsic properties like broad absorp- goal of establishing a gigawatt-level vestment in the mass production pro-
tion spectrum, fast charge separation, supply system by 2030. ject amounts to 90-billion yen, which
long transport distance of electrons and includes building purchase costs and
holes, long carrier separation lifetime, To support this goal, the company facility costs for the 100 MW manu-
and more, that make them very promis- has decided to make a capital invest- facturing line. Sekisui Chemical has
ing materials for solid-state solar cells. ment to build a 100-MW manufacturing received a subsidy under the GX
Sekisui Chemical has been develop- line, set to start operations in 2027. The Supply Chain Construction Support
ing mass production technology for company plans to continue expanding Project, with 314.5-billion yen in sub-
perovskite solar cells with the support its production capacity, with plans to sidised expenses, including 157.25-
of the ‘Green Innovation Fund’. The supply overseas markets and achieving a billion yen in direct subsidies.
company aims to commercialise this 1 GW-level production capacity by 2030.
technology by 2025. While Sekisui has The company plans to build a 1
made signifi cant progress in establish- Acquiring Sharp Corporation’s GW-level capacity by 2030, with a
ing the technology, the challenge re- main factory subsidy period running from November
mains in expanding production capacity Sekisui Chemical will acquire the 2024 to February 2029.
Sumitomo Chemical restructures LCD business in China
Japan’s Sumitomo Chemical is re- restructuring is not expected to affect sales in high-performance fi elds such
structuring its large-size liquid crystal the company’s fi nancial forecast for the as OLED and automotive applica-
display (LCD) polarising fi lm business fi scal year ending March 31, 2025. tions have signifi cantly increased over
by transferring it to a local manufac- the past several years. As high market
turer in China. This move aligns with Sumitomo Chemical is shifting the growth is anticipated in these areas, the
the company’s strategy to focus on focus of its polarising fi lm business company will continue to step up pro-
high-growth areas like OLED and auto- to areas in which the company can duct development and strengthen its
motive applications, while exiting the leverage its technological advantages. supply chains, and strive to further
maturing large-size LCD market. The The company said its polarising fi lm expand the polarising fi lm business.
160 Chemical Weekly January 14, 2025
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