Page 161 - CW E-Magazine (14-1-2025)
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          AMMONIA          MYSORE                                                                      MYSORE
 AG&P, Hindustan LNG to build gas terminal in AP  AMMONIA                                              AMMONIA

 AG&P (Atlantic,  Gulf and  Pa-  the East Coast of India   | MYSORE
 cifi c  Company),  and  Hindustan  LNG   where existing gas-fi red
 (HLNG), a Hyderabad-based LNG im-  power projects urgently   Distributors / Suppliers of:
 port  terminal development company,   need a reliable supply of   AMMONIA   ANHYDROUS AMMONIA         | MYSORE
 have signed a memorandum of under-  LNG. The  partnership
 standing  (MoU) to supply tolled gas   with AG&P will provide   Packed in 50 kg Cylinders, 400 kg Tonners
 to power stations in the East Godavari   a strong platform to de-                                     AMMONIA
 region of Andhra Pradesh.  velop a fast-track and   | MYSORE   & Tankers of 6 / 11 / 15 MT Ammonia Capacity
 low-cost LNG import                  Manufacturers, Exporters & Suppliers of:
 AG&P is a leading global integrator   solution that enables the
 of LNG infrastructure solutions, includ-  region to continue on its   AMMONIA SOLUTION                | MYSORE
 ing LNG terminals and related supply   growth trajectory.”  AMMONIA
 chains. Under the agreement,  AG&P    (Liquor Ammonia)
 will provide an integrated solution to   AG&P will  be res-  Packed in 30 / 200 / 235 / 1000 Litre HMHDPE Jerrycans / Drums, IBC Tanks
 deliver regasifi ed LNG through a new   ponsible for designing   | MYSORE
 LNG import terminal that it will design  and other industries in Andhra Pradesh  and building all the required facilities   6 / 10 / 15 / 22 MT Tankers & ISO Tanks
 and build at a port in Andhra Pradesh.  and other markets along the east coast,”  for  the import terminal, including a   AMMONIA | MYSORE
 “The MoU would pave way for a ful-  the companies said.  fl oating  storage  and  mooring  system,   MYSORE AMMONIA AND CHEMICALS LTD.
 ly integrated solution for tolled gas in   regasifi cation terminal, related utilities   AMMONIA
 India, including design, construction,   Commenting on the development,  and the provision of tolled gas to power   Corporate Office : 112, Turf Estate, Shakti Mill Lane, Dr. E. Moses Road,
 fi nancing, operations and maintenance  Mr. C.R. Prasad, Chairman of HLNG,  plants and other users. It will also carry   Mahalaxmi (W), Mumbai 400 011. INDIA
 of the new terminal, which will ensure  said, “Andhra Pradesh is the ideal place  out any necessary conversion  works
 a reliable and low-cost supply to power  for developing an LNG import facility  and, upon commissioning, ongoing ope-  Telephone: +91-22-66665937  AMMONIA
 producers, fertiliser plants, cold storage  to serve the growing energy demands of  rations and maintenance activities.  AMMONIA | MYSORE   Email : l Website :

 SPEEDY APPROVAL  Mysore Ammonia And Chemicals Ltd.  Group Manufacturing Units  Mysore Ammonia Supply    | MYSORE
                                              Mysore Ammonia Pvt. Ltd.
 Andhra Pradesh offers single window service to ONGC   Plot no J-53,MIDC Taloja,    No. 114, Hongasandra, 7th Mile,    Plot No – 128/5, 6 & 7, GIDC,
                                                                               Corporation LLP.
                   Dist. Raigad 410208
                                             Hosur Road, Bangalore 560068
                                                                         Nandesari 391340. Dist. Vadodara
 operations  | MYSORE   Mysore Ammonia And Chemicals Ltd. Mysore Ammonia And Chemicals Ltd. Mysore Ammonia And Chemicals Ltd.  AMMONIA
                                                                            RS NO 128/1, D. NO 1-101,
 The Government of Andhra Pradesh   With its large coastline,   Plot No. 10/L1, Phase-III (Expansion)   Plot no 10, Roha Industrial Area,   Mylavaram Road, G.Konduru Village
                                              Dhatav, MIDC - Roha, Dist.
                    I.P. Pashamylaram,
 (AP) and ONGC signed  a  Memoran-  Andhra Pradesh has some   Patancheru Mandal, Medak District,   Raigad Maharashtra - 402109  and Mandal, Krishna District,
 dum of Understanding (MoU) on Janu-  of the most promising hy-  AMMONIA   Telangana - 502307  Andhra Pradesh.  | MYSORE
 ary 27, 2017 to take forward all critical   drocarbon-bearing  fi elds.   Sehgal Trading Corporation  Sri Bhargavi Ammonia & Chemicals   Lanka Ammonia Private Limited
 oil  and gas exploration  &  production   ONGC already has ongoing   Plot Village Dheha alias Ramnagar,   Private Limited  Sri Lanka
 (E&P) activities of the PSU in the state.  operational activities through   Chak Rehsiwal, Mandiala -   Plot No.48, APIIC Industrial Park,   Email:
 its regional bases at Rajah-  | MYSORE   Hoshiarpur District, Punjab - 144105,  Parawada, Visakhapatnam,   AMMONIA
 As a key initiative and a boast to   mundry and Kakinada and is   Andhra Pradesh - 531021, India.
 E&P operations, the  AP government  nam, at the sidelines of ‘Partnership Sum-  engaged in widespread E&P activities. It   Government Recognised Star Export House
 would be offering a ‘Single  Window  mit  2017’  in  the  presence  of AP  Chief  is also very aggressively pursuing to put
 Service’  through  the  Offi ce  of  Com-  Minister, Mr. N. Chandrababu Naidu  the huge gas reserves it has discovered   AMMONIA   Distributor of:  | MYSORE
 missioner of  Industries to facilitate  and Union Minister of State for Petro-  in KG basin, to production. ONGC plans
 smooth implementation of the projects  leum and Natural Gas, Mr. Dharmendra  to invest about Rs. 10,000-crore for E&P
 by ONGC.  Pradhan. Mr. Dinesh K Sarraf, Chairman  activities in onland blocks and about Rs.   MYSORE   AMMONIA
 & Managing Director, ONGC, was also  68,000-crore in offshore assets in the
 The MoU was signed at Visakhapat-  present on the occasion.  KG Basin.
 160  Chemical Weekly  February 7, 2017  Chemical Weekly  January 14, 2025                             161

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