Page 187 - CW E-Magazine (7-1-2025)
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Special Report                                                                   Special Report

 Navigating net zero: Driving sustainability in the carbon   improvements will not  only  enhance
       yield but also contribute  directly to
 black sector through best-in-class practices  reducing GHG  emissions,  while also
       delivering economic benefi ts.

 arbon black, used as an insu-  The road ahead
 lating  agent in plastics, inks,   VIKRAM HANDA  By undertaking any combination of
 Ccoatings, and to strengthen   Managing Director   sustainability initiatives and  adopting
 rubber in tyres, has been experienc-  Epsilon Carbon Pvt. Ltd.  cutting-edge  technologies  and  refi ne
 ing rapid market growth. In 2023, the   existing processes to drive GHG reduc-
 global market for  carbon black  was   undertake  a series of technological   tions even further, the industry is sure to
 valued at $27.44-bn and is expected to   innovations that  have the potential to   make progress on its target of achieving
 increase  to $28.76-bn by 2024, even-  signifi cantly  enhance  the  industry’s   net-zero emissions by 2070.
 tually reaching $41.28-bn by 2032. In   sustainability efforts:
 India, a  report by  Technavio predicts   As the global push for sustainability
 the market will grow by $4.43-bn, with   Alternative power sources  intensifi es, the carbon black industry is
 a 4.36% annual growth rate  (CAGR)   One way to do this is to use waste   rising to the challenge by setting ambi-
 from 2023 to 2028.  This growth is   Mr. Vikram Handa  gases for power generation in Captive   tious  GHG reduction  targets,  embrac-
 driven by increasing demand in sectors   strategies for  supporting the nation’s  Power Plants (CPPs). This can be done   ing  cleaner technologies,  and  conti-
 such as tyre manufacturing, paints, and   ambitious goal of  net-zero emissions  by using clean  coke oven gas with a   nuously improving its processes. With  reducing its GHG emissions intensity by  city through a 17 MW Captive Power
 coatings, spurred  by the automotive   by 2070. To achieve this, several best-  lower sulphur content  – essentially  a   a clear strategy and focused efforts, the  30% by 2035, with an interim goal of  Plant. By transitioning to cleaner fuels
 and construction industries.  in-class practices can be adopted.  waste product – as a secondary fuel.   industry is well-positioned to help lead  20% by 2025, guided by Science Based  like COG and adopting electric-
     Power generation from waste gases:  This initiative not only reduces reliance   the country towards a net-zero future.  Targets Initiatives (SBTi). Epsilon  is  powered trucks for logistics,  Epsilon
 Along  with  signifi cant  demand,   This  can  signifi cantly  help  manu-  on traditional  grid  electricity  but  also   driving sustainability  efforts,  including  Carbon continues to innovate and lead
 the industry is also facing increasing   facturers reduce  their reliance on  cuts down on GHG emissions, aligning   Epsilon Carbon  a 7% reduction in energy intensity and  in sustainable practices to decarbonize
 pressure to adopt sustainable practices   the grid and cut emissions while  with the industry’s broader sustainabi-  Epsilon Carbon is committed to  utilizing waste heat to generate electri-  carbon black manufacturing.
 to reduce its environmental impact.  improving energy effi ciency.  lity goals.
     Cleaner fuels: Transitioning  from
 The global emphasis on sustain-  traditional fuels such as mixed gas  Electric vehicles  Chemical Weekly | Import-Export Data
 ability  has heightened the need for   and anthracene oil (ATO), manufac-  Another step that  the  industry  can
 carbon black manufacturers to imple-  turers can consider adopting cleaner  take is transition to electric-powered   Market Surveys | Directories
 ment  more  responsible  practices. In a   alternatives  like Coke Oven Gas  vehicles for transporting raw materials.
 sector known for its energy-intensive   (COG), which has a higher calorifi c  This step will go a long way in reducing
 processes and Greenhouse Gas (GHG)   value and produces fewer emis-  the CO  emissions.   Business Forums | Expositions
 emissions, the shift toward sustain-  sions.
 ability presents  both challenges and       Leak  management: Another  thing  Energy effi ciency improvements
 opportunities.  The industry is increa-  manufacturers can be cognisant   Keeping the facilities up-to-date and   The only organisation in India catering exclusively to the needs of the entire chemical industry
 singly aligning its efforts with broader   of is leak detection  and repair.  in prime condition enhances energy
 national  and international  sustainabi-  Employing real-time monitoring  effi ciency. It may be a good idea for manu-
 lity targets, including India’s  goal of   systems to address steam and air  facturers to consider efforts to replace   Contact:
 achieving net-zero emissions by 2070.   leaks promptly results in minimizing  obsolete fans, pumps, and compressors
 Carbon black producers are focusing on   energy wastage.  with advanced, energy-effi cient models in
 reducing their environmental footprint       Energy consumption optimisation:  order to reduce energy consumption and   SEVAK PUBLICATIONS PVT. LTD.
 through innovation, best practices, and   By automating  key systems most  environmental impact, while enhancing   602-B, Godrej Coliseum, K.J. Somaiya Hospital Road,
 emissions reduction efforts.  manufacturers can achieve reduced  operational effi ciency.
 energy consumption,  contributing     Behind Everard Nagar, Sion (E),
 Prioritizing reduction of GHG   to  a  more  effi cient  production  Process improvements  Mumbai 400 022.
 emissions  process.  Manufacturers should also focus on
 For  many players in the Indian   optimizing the production processes,   Phone: +91-22-24044471 / 72
 market, science-based GHG  reduction   Innovations to drivesustainability  with a focus on increasing raw material   Email:
 targets are becoming central  to their   Carbon black manufacturers can  effi ciency  and  reducing  waste.  These

 186  Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025  Chemical Weekly  January 7, 2025                               187

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