Page 138 - CW E-Magazine (31-12-2024)
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       TECHNICAL TEXTILES                                                                                            their innovation, usability, and sustain-  advanced containment systems to pro-  Mr. Salil Sansare, CEO & Director,
                                                                                                                     ability. In the laboratory industry, this  tect users from hazardous fumes and  LabGuard,  said,  “This  honour  refl ects
       SASMIRA and Textile Ministry open agro-textile                                                                mark  is  signifi cant  as  it  underscores  chemicals,  besides innovative air-  our  dedication to  designing products
                                                                                                                     safety and operational standards, set-  fl ow  technology  to  minimise  energy  that meet evolving laboratory needs
       demonstration centre in Gujarat                                                                               ting benchmarks for high-quality  consumption  without  compromising  while  prioritising safety  and sustain-
                                                                                                                     equipment.                        performance.                      ability. It is also a result of the cutting-
          The Ministry of Textiles, in colla-                                                                                                                                            edge research and development carried
       boration with the Synthetic & Art Silk                                                                           The ‘Eka’ fume hood features      Commenting  on the  achievement,  out at our in-house facility.”
       Mills’ Research  Association (SAS-                                                                            AIMING HIGH
       MIRA) recently launched  a  ‘Climate
       Smart Agro-Textile  Demonstration                                                                             VOC Port plans Rs. 42,000-crore push to position
       Centre’ in Navsari, Gujarat.
                                                                                                                     itself as green hydrogen hub of India
          The centre will focus on promoting
       the adoption of agro-textiles in India’s                                                                         Tamil Nadu’s  V. O. Chidam-                                      tages of being an all-weather port,
       agricultural  sector.  This will be done                                                                      baranar (VOC) Port has earmarked                                    strategic location close to the East-
       via live demonstrations of agro-textile                                                                       Rs. 41,860-crore worth of investments,                              West international sea route, lowest
       products, their applications, and practi-                                                                     aimed at making it the green hydrogen-                              turnaround time of container ships,
       cal  training  modules  to  help  integrate                                                                   ammonia hub of the country. The port                                seamless road and rail connectivity,
       these innovations  into daily farming                                                                         has also taken  measures  to augment                                and capacity augmentation initiatives,
       practices.                                                                                                    capacity after witnessing an increase in                            VOC Port has immense potential to
                                                                                                                     cargo handling this year.                                           become the gateway port of South
          Speaking at the event, Mr. C.R.                                                                                                              production of green hydrogen, storage  India.
       Patil,  Union Minister  of Jal Shakti,   Spread across 15,000 sq.m., the  composting under shade nets, ground    The port has allocated 501 acres  and power generation using fuel cells
       emphasised  the critical  role of agro-  centre will be maintained by SASMIRA  covers (natural and HDPE), pond liners   of  land  to  four  fi rms  for  establishing  is under progress and expected to be   The port is set to execute a green
       textiles in improving crop productivity,  for three years, covering eight crop  and crop covers.              green hydrogen and ammonia manu-  completed by January 2025.        hydrogen pilot bunkering project that
       conserving resources, and enabling sus-  cycles.                                                              facturing and storage facilities.                                   would demonstrate bunkering and
       tainable farming.                                                     The centre is equipped with IoT-                                             VOC Port Chairperson, Mr. Susanta  refuelling capacities for green hydro-
                                           The facility  will feature live  based monitoring systems to track real-     A pilot demonstration for the  Kumar  Purohit,  said  with  the advan-  gen and its derivatives.
          This initiative  aligns with the  applications of agro-textile technologies  time conditions, crop yield, and growth
       Ministry’s vision of promoting technical  such as shade nets (par-perfect, photo-  performance. The centre will also host   SUSTAINABLE PRACTICES
       textiles  under the National  Technical  selective, and  vertical farming appli-  approved seminars at regular intervals
       Textiles Mission (NTTM).          cations), medicinal nurseries, vermi-  to educate farmers and stakeholders.  DCM recognised for ESG excellence

                                                                                                                        Diversifi ed  conglomerate,  DCM  rate Sustainability Assessment (CSA)  sustainability journey being recognised
       LabGuard’s fume hood gets ‘India Design Mark’                                                                 Shriram Ltd., has been recognised  2024.                            on a global platform. This recognition
                                                                                                                     among the top 7% of 523 global chemi-                               emphasises  DCM Shriram’s commit-
       recognition                                                                                                   cal companies for Environmental,     The company said it got a CSA  ment to  environmental control, social

          LabGuard, a leading manufacturer                                                                           Social, and Governance (ESG) per-  score of 59 out of 100, up 5 points from  responsibility, and robust governance
       of fume hoods and laboratory furniture,                                                                       formance in the S&P Global  Corpo-  a year ago. “We are happy to see our  principles,” a company statement said.
       has announced that its ‘Eka’ fume hood
       has been awarded the ‘India Design                                                                            NHPC inks MoU with Bihar to set up solar power,
       Mark 2024’. This is LabGuard’s fourth
       fume hood to receive this accolade.                                                                           green hydrogen projects
          The  ‘India Design  Mark’,  estab-                                                                            State-run NHPC (erstwhile National  in the state. The ‘Intent for Investment’  through an investment of Rs. 5,500-crore,
       lished by the India Design Council in                                                                         Hydroelectric  Power  Corporation)  has  MoU was signed during the ‘Bihar Busi-  the fi rm said. NHPC is the country’s lar-
       collaboration with the Japan Institute                                                                        signed a memorandum of understand-  ness Connect 2024’. Through this MoU,  gest hydropower development organisa-
       of Design Promotion, is a recogni-                                                                            ing (MoU) with the Bihar Government  NHPC  has  submitted  intent  to  develop  tion with capabilities to undertake all
       tion of excellence in product design. It                                                                      to invest Rs. 5,500-crore for setting up  1,000-MW solar power and green hydro-  the activities from conceptualisation to
       highlights products that stand out for                                                                        solar power and green hydrogen projects  gen (GH2) mobility pilot projects in Bihar  commissioning of hydro projects.

       138                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024        Chemical Weekly  December 31, 2024                                                              139

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