Page 152 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 152

Pharmaceuticals                                                                                                                                                                     Hydrocarbons

       INDUSTRY NOT YET READY                                                                                        TACKLING CRUDE PRICE VOLATILITY
       Govt. urged to extend Schedule M deadline                                                                     MRPL partners ISPRL for cost-effective crude oil

          Pharma  lobby  group, Federation  represents the pharmaceutical  MSME  revised  norms  were  notifi ed  by  the   storage facility
       of Pharma Entrepreneurs (FOPE), has  sector, has written to the government to  health  ministry  in January last  year.
       urged  the government to  extend the  extend the deadline till December 31,  According to the new draft, the “small   Mangalore  Refi nery  and  Petro-
       deadline for  compliance with  the re-  2026 instead of the December 31, 2025,  and medium manufacturers with turnover   chemicals Ltd. (MRPL)  has entered
       vised Schedule M  by two years. This  deadline suggested in the draft.  of or less than Rs. 250-crore may seek   into a strategic deal to store its crude
       comes  as the  government  is nearing                              extension of the timeline for implemen-    oil in the caverns of the Indian Strategic
       fi nalisation  of  a  draft  notifi cation   “Such time is required for existing  tation and for that purpose shall make   Petroleum Reserves Ltd. (ISPRL).
       proposing to extend the compliance  manufacturers to  carry out extensive  an application  to the Central  Licence
       deadline for the revised Schedule M.  upgradation as required including  Approving Authority within a period of   “This partnership enables MRPL
                                         arranging  fi nance/additional  collateral  three months from the date of publica-  to leverage storage capacity from
          Earlier the government had invited  security, training, implementation etc,”  tion of this notifi cation along with the   ISPRL’s caverns, marking a signifi cant
       public comments on  the draft, citing  FOPE said in its letter dated January 10.  plan of upgradation. For such manufac-  milestone  for both the organisations,”
       that  the  notifi cation  will  be  fi nalised                       turers, the timeline for implementation    MRPL said in a statement on January
       after considering the public comments   Schedule  M outlines  quality  stan-  shall be extended till December 31,   7, 2025. The agreement was signed by
       received till January 11. FOPE, which  dards for pharmaceutical products. The  2025,” it said.                Mr. B. Sudharshan, Executive Director
       Wockhardt’s novel antibiotic gets regulatory approval                                                         (Refi nery) MRPL, and Mr. Atul Gupta,
                                                                                                                     Deputy Chief Executive Offi cer, ISPRL,
                                                                                                                     in the presence  of Mr. M.S. Kamath,  would enable the company to enhance  can allocate capital to other critical
          Wockhardt has received Central  compliance to the treatment regimen.  A dedicated, small team is being set
       Drugs Standard Control Organization’s  Dr. Khorakiwala said nafi thromycin’s  up to take the product to respiratory   Managing  Director,  MRPL  and  its crude oil storage capacity, thereby  areas of its operations, driving overall
                                                                                                                                                                                         effi ciency and growth. “Storing diverse
                                                                                                                     Mr. L. R. Jain, CEO and MD (ISPRL).
                                                                                                                                                       mitigating risks associated with the vola-
       (CDSCO’s) approval for its novel  pricing would be decided closer to  specialists, he said.                                                     tility of global crude oil markets. The  grades of crude oil as per MRPL’s
       antibiotic  nafi thromycin  (Miqnaf).  launch. Being a complex molecule,                                          ISPRL, a fully-owned subsidiary of  company said that leasing ISPRL’s cav-  requirements provides operational
       The company expects to launch this  it would be priced higher than older   The company has spent about        Oil Industry Development Board under  erns eliminates the need for construct-  adaptability,” it said.
       product in Indian, in about two-three  existing antibiotics in the market,  $500-mn on researching its antibiotic   the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural  ing and maintaining standalone storage
       months, as local clearances are to be  he said.  The active pharmaceutical  products.  CABP affects millions   Gas, is responsible for maintaining the  facilities, thereby reducing costs. Fur-  In the first phase, ISPRL created
       taken and manufacturing and supplies  ingredient would be produced at its  worldwide with 23 percent of the   country’s  strategic  petroleum  reserves  ther, the proximity of ISPRL caverns to  underground rock caverns to store
       readied, as per a  Hindu BusinessLine  Ankleshwar  plant  and  the  fi nished  global disease being in India, it   by storing them in underground rock  MRPL’s refi nery and the coast minimises  5.33-mt of crude across three locations:
       report, quoting Chairman Dr. Habil  dosage form at Daman, he said.  added.                                    caverns.                          transportation costs and transit time.  Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh (1.33-mt),
                                         NUTRACEUTICALS                                                                                                                                  and  Mangalore (1.5-mt)  and  Padur
          The  antibiotic  is an ultra-short   Botanic Healthcare raises Rs. 250-crore                                  Mr.  Kamath said  the agreement   By opting for leased storage, MRPL  (2.5-mt) in Karnataka.
       course – once-a-day, three-day treat-
       ment for Community-Acquired Bac-  from investors                                                              Indian Gas Exchange awaits regulatory nod
       terial Pneumonia (CABP) in adults,
       including those caused by multi-drug   Botanic Healthcare, the Hyderabad-  strengthen its presence in the rapidly   to launch 3-6 month contract
       resistant (MDR) pathogens, the com-  based nutraceutical maker said it has  growing global nutraceutical market,
       pany said. Its investigational anti-  successfully raised Rs. 250-crore in  the company said.                    The Indian Gas Exchange (IGX)  The pricing of the 3-6 month contract  for city gas sellers. “If a city gas distri-
       biotic ‘WCK 5222’ (Zaynich-Zide-  its latest funding round.                                                   has sought regulatory approval to  will be linked to global benchmarks  butor doesn’t have a CBG plant, they
       bactam/Cefepime) is  also moving                                      “The capital will fuel Botanic          launch a 3-6 month gas contract,  and IGX’s own index called GIXI.  can buy these certifi cates. Trading will
       ahead, and Wockhardt expects to fi le   The investment, structured as  Healthcare’s aggressive  expansion      according to its CEO, Mr. Rajesh                                    also encourage compressed bio gas
       this with the drug regulator in the fi rst  equity  fi nancing,  was  led  by  Stake-  strategy, with the company aiming to   Mediratta. “We are awaiting a clea-  The new long-duration contracts  production,” he said.
       quarter of the year, he said.     boat Capital. The round saw partici-  grow by 400% over the next 3 years,”   rance from PNGRB (Petroleum and  will have a payment cycle of a fortnight
                                         pation from co-investors –  Abakkus  the company said. As part of its plans,   Natural Gas Regulatory Board),” he  compared to the current 2-3 days,   IGX has also signed a preliminary
          On  nafi thromycin,  Wockhardt  Four2Eight Opportunities Fund and  Botanic Healthcare said it will enhance   said.                            Mr. Mediratta said. Additionally, IGX is  agreement with  Austria’s Central
       said, it represented a new mac-   DS Group, one of Stakeboat Capi-  its product portfolio and forge strategic                                   considering  introducing  green  certifi -  Europeans Gas Hub to explore gas
       rolide-based treatment  for CABP  in  tal’s LP (Limited Partner). The fund-  partnerships, while boosting its R&D   IGX, a unit of Indian Energy  cates for trading, he said, as the govern-  trading opportunities, including those
       India, after almost 30 years. And the  ing will enable Botanic Healthcare  and clinical research capabilities through   Exchange, currently has intraday, day-  ment  looks to make the usage of 1%  for green gases such as hydrogen and
       short course will help improve patient  to consolidate its group entities and  joint ventures and collaborations.  ahead, daily, and fortnightly contracts.  compressed bio gas (CBG) mandatory  methane.

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