Page 154 - CW E-Magazine (21-1-2025)
P. 154


       ONGC to get BP’s help to enhance production

       at Mumbai High fi eld

          Oil and Natural Gas  Corporation                                   “TSP has indicated a substantial
       (ONGC)  has announced the selec-                                   potential increase of ~ 44% in crude oil
       tion of BP Exploration (Alpha) Ltd., a                             (from baseline production of 45.47-mn
       wholly-owned step-down subsidiary of                               mt to 65.41-mn mt) and ~ 89% increase
       UK’s energy giant BP, as the Technical                             in gas production (from 24.94-bcm to
       Service Provider (TSP) for its Mumbai                              47.22-bcm) for  the ten-year contract
       High (MH) fi eld.                                                   period. The increase is expected to be
                                                                          visible from FY’26 with full scale visi-
          “The TSP will review the fi eld per-  mented various initiatives in MH fi eld  bility expected from FY’28. This incre-
       formance & identify improvements  to boost production and recovery, the  mental production is expected to gene-
       in reservoir, facilities and wells to en-  fi eld  continues  to  experience  produc-  rate additional oil and gas revenue (net
       hance the production from MH fi eld,”  tion  related challenges, necessitating  of levies) of upto $10.30-bn and incre-
       ONGC  said in a press release. MH,  more advanced interventions, it added.  mental contribution to GoI Exchequer
       located  in the Mumbai offshore area,  In  order  to  overcome  these  challenges  by way of royalty, cess and other levies
       was discovered by ONGC in 1974 and  and to realise the full potential of MH,  upto the tune of $5-bn,” ONGC said.
       started production in 1976.       ONGC had issued an International Com-
                                         petitive Bidding (ICB) tender on June   “We look forward to bringing our long
          ONGC  said though it focuses on  2024 to engage a TSP with expertise in  experience of optimising performance and
       unlocking the potential of new hydro-  managing complex mature reservoirs and  recovery from major mature fi elds around
       carbon  resources  through  greenfi eld  implementing advanced recovery tech-  the world to help unlock and enhance
       projects, enhancing recovery from  nologies and best operational practices.  production from Mumbai High, India’s lar-
       mature  fi elds  like  MH  also  remains  a  Shell and BP expressed their interest and  gest oil & gas fi eld (25% of India’s oil pro-
       top priority for increasing  domestic  participated in the pre-bid process and  duction),” commented Mr.  William Lin,
       production. Even as ONGC has imple-  fi nally bid was submitted by BP.  EVP Gas and Low Carbon Energy, BP.

       Govt. may give Rs. 35,000-crore LPG subsidy to

       IOC, BPCL, HPCL

          The  government  is likely  to pro-  resultant drastic fall in their earnings  adding that provision of the subsidy is
       vide a subsidy of Rs. 35,000-crore to  in  the  April-September  (fi rst  half  of  likely to be made in the Union Bud-
       state-owned Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.  current 2024-25 fi scal year). The total  get for 2025-26 that Finance Minister
       (IOC), Bharat Petroleum Corporation  under-recovery  on  LPG sales  for the  Nirmala Sitharaman will present on
       Ltd. (BPCL), and Hindustan Petroleum  industry in the current fi scal is estimated  February  1. Prices of domestic LPG
       Corporation Ltd. (HPCL)  to  make up  at about Rs. 40,500-crore. Against this,  are regulated by government to insulate
       for losses they incurred on selling the  the government  is likely  to provide  domestic households from high market
       fuel this fi scal.                 Rs. 35,000-crore in total,  spread over  rates. Regulated prices are lower than
                                         two fi nancial years, according to media  the Saudi CP – the international bench-
          The three fuel retailers  have kept  reports.                   mark used to price domestic LPG. This
       the price of domestic LPG unchanged                                is because domestic LPG production is
       at Rs.  803 per 14.2-kg cylinder since   IOC, BPCL and HPCL are likely  not suffi cient to meet the local demand
       March 2024 despite a rise in input raw  to get Rs. 10,000-crore during the cur-  and the  fuel  has to be imported. This
       material cost.  This led to under-  rent 2024-25 fi scal and the remaining  leads to  under-recoveries and conse-
       recoveries  on LPG sales,  and the  Rs. 25,000-crore in the next, they said,  quent losses to the fuel retailers.

       154                                                                   Chemical Weekly  January 21, 2025

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